Chapter 15 ~ Give Me Your Hand (Best Song Ever)

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Regionals time!



Ryley walked down the hallway to her first class of the day. Tomorrow was Regionals and she couldn't wait. She walked past some popular kids including Katie Fitzgerald. They laughed as Ryley passed them. Ryley had to stop herself from turning around the beating the crap out of them but she stopped herself. She ignored them and continued walking to class.

"Hey Crack Baby! When's the baby due?" Katie shouts.

Ryley turns on her heel, "What?"

"Well, it looks like you're fatter than before and everyone knows that you've slept with both Ryder and that Warbler dude." One of the jocks, Phil Lipoff shouts. The popular kids laugh again.

Ryley turns around to walk down the hall. This was the day her life turned into a living hell. This was the day Katie and the other popular kids began to bully her.


The New Directions arrive at their venue for Regionals the next day in the afternoon. Finn and Rachel came with them as chaperones. Will and Emma are also with them.

Ryley's got the solo first then Michael, Abraham and Ryder are leading the group number.

They're the first club up so they get ready. Ryley gets a good luck kiss from Ryder then good luck hugs from Marley and Jake. She still hasn't told her boyfriend and her best friends that Katie and the popular kids have began to make her life a living hell. She's not going to tell them here since right now, they need to focus on making it to Nationals. Ryley steps out from the side of the stage when the band begin.


This is more than the typical kinda thing

Felt the jones in my bones when you were touching me, uh oh

Didn't wanna take it slow

In a daze, going crazy, I can barely think

You're replaying in my brain, find it hard to sleep, uh oh

Waiting for my phone to blow

Uh oh yep

Now I'm here in a sticky situation

Got a little trouble, yep and now I'm pacing

Five minutes, ten minutes, now it's been an hour

Uh don't wanna think too hard, but I'm sour

Uh oh, I can't seem to let you go

The New Direction girls walk out to help with the back up vocals.

[Ryley with the ND Girls:]

See, I've been waiting all day

For you to call me baby

So let's get up, let's get on it

Don't you leave me brokenhearted tonight

Come on, that's right

Honest baby, I'll do anything you want to

So can we finish what we started

Don't you leave me brokenhearted tonight

Come on, that's right, cheerio

They all dance around as if it's a party but it's choreographed.

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