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By the time you got back to your house, it was already dark— since you took Hiccup to the forge to make sure he wasn't hurt in any way— you knew that your parents would be worried but you weren't too nervous about going home.
Besides, the two of you made a plan; 'the two of you were at the forge the whole day', which wasn't completely false since there have been times where the two of you were there for hours.

Walking through the front door, you cringed at the sound of the creaking door as you shut it, which alerted your parents and Astrid.

"Y/N!" Your mother, Hilda, cried, getting up from the table and making her way to your side.
Hilda had the same blond hair as Astrid's, her hair stopped around her hips as it was tied in a loose braid. Her eyes were a soft brown, almost a caramel color, which complemented her fair skin.

She grabbed your cheeks and moved your face side to side, checking your face and body for any wounds of the sort. "Where have you been? We've been worried sick!"

You placed your hand on her forearm, gently pulling one of her hands away from your face. "Mom, I'm fine; I was at the forge with Hiccup." You whined, walking away from her and grabbing the extra mug of water off of the table.

"Are you sure about that?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips.

You placed the cup down on the table, looking at your mom. "Yes, mom. You can ask Stoick." You clarified.

The room went quiet as the sound of scraping metal echos throughout the room. Turing to the sound, you saw your father sitting in his chair; sword and stone in hand. He dragged the stone crossed the blade, sparks flying as it grinned away at the metal sword. You also noticed two woven baskets by his chair, which made you swallow thickly. 

You turned your head to Astrid when you heard her snap her fingers, quirking a brow at her. "Dad, you said you have something to tell us?" Astrid reminded, standing at your side and draping an arm around your shoulders.

Sam's face brightened as he remembered what Astrid was talking about. Standing up from his chair, he placed his sword and stone on the floor before he walked over to the two of you. "So...Stoick held a meeting earlier today saying that us adults are going on one final sail to find the Dragon's Nest." Sam leaned on the dinning table, looking at his wife as he spoke.

As soon as 'dragons nest' left his mouth, you felt your stomach drop. All the blood rushed out of your face, causing your face to go pale.

"Your mother and I made the decision that you; Y/N and Astrid, will join Dragon Training." He continued. "You'll be joining your group of friends and...Hiccup."

'Oh, Oden's Ghost.'

You turned to look at your sister and saw a bright smile on her face. You sighed, the two of you still listening to your father as he talked about the training and what it was like for him when he was younger. Soon, your mother butted in the conversation and the two went back and forth with both training and the travel. And before you knew it, your parents were getting ready to set sail.

Astrid went to go get ready for bed which left you alone in the kitchen. You followed your parents out of the house, jogging to keep up with them. "Actually, Mom, Dad, can we talk about the Dragon Training?" You questioned, trying your best not to bump into anyone.

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