Chapter 4

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Just as the words were about to spill out of my mouth I stopped myself. What if I really do fall for Derek hard. I can't just move on as soon as we break up.

- You choose who, he asked.

- I need a day to think about this, I said and I could see the disappointment on Derek's face but he nodded his head.

- Take all the time you need, he said and walked to the door.

- Derek, wait, I said and walked up to him. He stopped and looked at me. Since he was much taller than me, I got on my toes and kissed his cheek.

- What was that for, he asked.

- My way of thanking you for the food, I said and smiled. He blushed and smiled.

- Goodnight Lea, he said and left my room.

Last night Derek basically asked me to choose between my boyfriend or him but to be honest making a choice wasn't going to be easy. I had to think about everything before I could decide my choice. Because one wrong move can lead to so many unnecessary problems. Every time I was around Derek I felt butterflies. Even when we kissed I felt something that I haven't felt before but he was going to be my step brother, and if we started something and developed a lot of feelings for each other. The ending would be the hardest thing to do but I like him and I want it to be more. What if I missed my perfect chance and regret it in the future?

- Lea, someone said. I looked up and found my boyfriend there. I actually invited him just to see if I still felt something for him. Maybe after this late date, it could help me with my decision. Will I stay with my boyfriend or go to Derek?

A date with my boyfriend gave me the answer I needed. We walked slowly to my door and looked at each other. This was it. I knew what I had to do. Just as I was about to talk, my boyfriend cut me off.

- Babe. I have been a bad boyfriend around you but that's because my mother has been in the hospital, Nick said and looked at me. My heart dropped when I heard those words from him. Here I am about to break his poor heart. He already has enough to deal with. Am I really going to hurt him now?.

- It's okay, I said. He pulls me into a hug wrapping his arms around my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls away and looks at me. He slowly started to lean in but stopped when he heard a voice.

- I thought I heard noises out here, Derek suddenly said as he stood in the doorway. I looked up and saw Derek looking at us. Well this is just what I needed.

- Oh hi Derek, I said awkwardly.

- Hello Lea and Lea's boyfriend, Derek said. I glanced at Derek.

- Hey Derek. How's your day going, Nick asked.

- It's going great now. Have you told him the news, he asked while looking at me.

- News, I asked.

- I'll take that as a no, Derek said and stepped in between me and Nick.

- What Lea hasn't told you yet is that she and I, he said before I covered his mouth because I knew what he was going to do.

- I was going to ask you if you wanted to come to us on saturday for our dinner. I guess Derek wanted to be the one to ask, I said fast and I could feel Derek glaring at me and not being happy with what I just said.

- I would love to, Nick said and smiled. Before I could say anything else, Nick's phone started to ring.

- I have to take this, he said.

- Of course, I said and smiled. Nick stepped away and went to take his call. I let go of Derek's mouth and looked at him.

- What are you trying to do here, I asked with a mad voice.

- Something you should have done at this moment, Derek said.

- First of all I can do it myself. Second of all I can't, I said and looked down.

- Why can't you, he asked. But before I could answer Nick came back and looked at me.

- Sorry. I have to go to my mother now, he said and kissed me and smiled at Derek before walking away. I glanced at Derek who was clenching his fist by his side. I knew that this night was going to be long.

I stepped into the living room and waited for Derek to talk to me. Instead he comes in and sits down on the couch in complete silence. I looked at him but he just stared at the wall.

- You're not going to ask anything, I asked.

- Is that what you want me to do, He asked back. I just sighed and looked forward.

- Why didn't you do it, he asked and looked at me.

- Do what, I asked.

- Break up with him, he said.

- I can't, I said quietly and was about to walk away to avoid this conversation. But Derek got up and grabbed my hand to stop me from walking away.

- You are going to answer me sooner or later, he said and looked me in the eyes.

- I told you I can't, I said.

- You are not explaining to me why, he said.

- I can't break his heart. He is going through something right now, I said and looked at him.

- Is that what's stopping you, he asked.

- You know that we wouldn't be able to work anyways. I said and looked down.

- Do you like me, he asked. I stayed quiet and looked down.

- Lea, look at me, he said and lifted my chin up and made me look at him.

- Let me ask you again. Do you like me, he asked again.

- Yes, I answered.

- Then that's all that matters. You are making this harder than what it should be, he said.

- How can I make this easier for me then, I asked.

- Leave him, he said.

- I already told you that I can't, I said.

- You're with him because you feel bad for him, he said trying to make me understand.

- That's not true, I said.

- Then why are you still with him, he asked.

- That's not fair, I said and looked away.

- What's not fair, he asked. I could just stay quiet. I was going to break up with my boyfriend but as soon as I found out about his situation that stopped me. I was only with him because I felt sorry for him.

- Look. I'm saying all this because I like you and I know you like me too. Here I'm thinking that nothing can stop us but there is one person who holds you back, he said.

- So what am I supposed to do. Just break his heart, I asked.

- If I were you I would break up with him now. He might be going through a ruff time but if you break up with him now once it blows over. He'll realize you only stayed because you felt bad, he said with true words. I didn't know what to say or do. I just stayed quiet.

- I'll give you until Saturday to break up with him, he said.

- What if I break up with him, I asked.

- Then we can be together and you won't feel guilty when I kiss you, he said and looked at me.

- And if I don't, I asked, already knowing the answer.

- Then I leave you alone forreal this time, he said and walked away but stopped. He walked back to me and surprisingly gave me a kiss. The same feelings came back like the last time we kissed. He pulled away and smiled.

- I want to be the only one who can do that, he said and walked away. I could feel my cheek heat up as I watched Derek walk away.

What am I going to do? Everything was left for me to decide and I think I know what I need to do.

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