Chapter 8

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Hearing those words out of my ex's mouth made my heart drop. Should I deny it or play it cool?

- What are you talking about, I asked.

- Oh you know. The fact that you two are having a secret relationship, he said.

- You are delusional, I said.

- Am I really, he asked and pulled out his phone and he began to smile.

- Well do you mind explaining this then, he asked as he showed a picture of me and Derek kissing in the hallway in school.

- Where did you get that, I asked.

- well I followed you. Then I saw my perfect chance to blackmail you, he said and laughed. I tried to grab his phone but he raised his arm up.

- Now now. In order to save this secret. well, he said and smiled.

- Well what, I raised my voice.

- You have to get back with me and break up with Derek or should I say your brother, he said and smiled. I was completely disgusted with his actions.

- Why are you doing this, I asked.

- Well I love you. I want what's best for you, he said. This guy is sick but I knew what I had to do.

As the two of us walked back in. All eyes were on me.

- We have exciting news to tell you all, I said and faked a smile.

- What's the news, Luna asked. I felt Nick looking at me, waiting for me to tell everyone. I really didn't want to do this but I didn't have a choice.

- We are back together, I said slowly. Those words slowly escaped my mouth. I was scared to even look at Derek. I still looked up and I could see how hurt he got.

- Officially, Derek asked and looked at me.

- Yes, I whispered. Derek looked away from me and looked at Nick.

- Congratulations, Derek said. I wanted to tell him that Nick was blackmailing me but how.

- Mom, if you need me I will be out with some friends, Derek said and left without saying anything else.

Later in my room

Why did this have to happen? Why was things getting harder for me to be with Derek? I sat down on the bed and placed my hand on my head and closed my eyes. So this is it? Derek probably hates me right now but who can blame him. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sigh. No text or call from Derek. Should I call him? I continued to stare at my phone and I couldn't stop myself from pressing on his name. As I clicked on his name, I put my phone to my ear but he didn't answer. I threw my phone next to me and sighed. Derek was probably never going to speak to me. I laid back down and just as I was about to close my eyes. A knock appeared on the door and I quickly sat up.

- Come in, I said. I looked at the door and hoped it was Derek. However it wasn't him. It was his mother.

- Hey, sorry to bother you but we have a dress fitting today, Luna said

- Right. I'll be down in a minute, I said and smiled.

- Great. Derek will be meeting us there, she said and walked out of my room. This should be one interesting dress fitting.

As I stepped in, I was nervous to face Derek again. Was he going to talk to me? Was he going to look at me? Questions continued to play through my head until. I saw Derek standing there looking down at his phone and not at me.

- Derek. When did you get here, Luna asked him.

- Not too long ago, he answered without even looking at me. I glanced at him.

- Hello. How may I help you today, the owner asked us. Just in time maybe I can get a chance to talk to him. I slowly walked over to him.

- Can we talk, I asked. Derek tried to pretend as if he didn't hear me but he did.

- Derek please, I asked him again. He looked at me but before he could say anything he got caught off by his mother.

- I'm going to try the wedding dress first, she said. I quickly faced Luna and nodded. I watched Luna walk away. Now I was alone with Derek.

- Derek, I said.

- Why are you with him, he asked.

- I had no choice, I said and looked at him.

- You always have a choice. What are you talking about, he said as his voice got a bit higher and I looked down. I didn't have a choice. It was either my happiness against my dad's.

- I really didn't, I whispered.

- Why. What made you go back to him, he asked and looked at me.

- He knows about us, I said.

- What are you talking about, he asked.

- He knew about our secret relationship, I said and looked at him.

- So, he said. I looked at him surprised and just stared at him.

- What do you mean, I asked.

- If you truly cared about me you would have defended yourself to be with me, he explained. Of course I cared about him but also dad's happiness.

- He had a picture of us kissing. He could show our parents, I said.

- And, he asked.

- How selfish can you be, I asked.

- What are you talking about, he asked.

- I did it for our parents sake, I said with a loud voice.

- And y, before he could say anything I cut him off.

- I care about you but I also care about my father and his happiness, I said and looked away.

- Lea, Derek started. Without saying anything I started to walk away but stopped and turned around.

- If your mom wonders where I am. Tell her I wasn't feeling good, I said and walked away.

On the way home

I wanted to talk with Derek hoping he would understand, but clearly he didn't and began thinking about himself and his feelings. So much for trying to stay on good terms with my brother. I continued to walk down the path and sighed. Guess now I got to stay with my crazy ex and watch my father be happy with his new wife. Everyone seems to get a happy ending but not me.. Guess that's life right?

Derek's perspective

- Derek. What's up buddy, Nick said.

- Cut the crap, I said, a bit pissed.

- What are you talking about, Nick asked.

- You know why I called you here, I said and looked at him.

- Nope I have no clue, he said and smirked. The more Nick started to act stupid, the more anger began to build up. I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him closer to my face.

- You better leave her alone, I said.

- And if I don't, he asked.

- Then we will have some problems, I said and I continued to look at him and a huge smile spread across his face.

- Bring it on boy, he said.

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