Sing it Out

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Meant to update sooner, sorryD: I've been kinda busy with school, and my grades:c Kinda had writer's block for the beginning of this chapter too. Hope you guys like it:P

-unicornkid xo.


I woke up to my alarm buzzing. I incoherently mumble, and roll off of my mattress with an 'oof'. I fucking hate mornings. I slowly pull myself up, off of the floor, and enter my bathroom. I rinse my face, and rim my eyes with eyeliner. I toss on an old v-neck, and my favorite ripped skinnies, and slide out of the house. On my way to school I stop at Mikey and Gerard's place, which is only a few blocks from mine.

I lift my hand to knock on their door, when it flies open, and a coffee-strung Gerard runs into me, knocking me onto my ass.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Frank! Here..-" he offers me his hand, which I swat away.

"What was with you getting so mad, yesterday, and ditch me and Mikey?"

"-ohh..I'm sorry about that, I just.. I don't like talking about my singing..Do you want a ride? I mean, school's still kinda far," he insists, but never lifts his head. He looks so ..distressed.

As much as him blowing his brother and I off pisses me off, though, I do hate walking. "Sure. Just don't get so protective around me, I'm not gonna be rude or anything, okay?" He nods, and gestures me to wait in the car, while he calls for Mikey. As they get in the car, Mikey notices me, "Hey, Frank." I just nod my head to him. My silent way of saying 'Hello'.

When we get to school, I rush my way to hide in the back alley. God, I needed a smoke.

"Can I join you?" I hear Gerard request, making me jump at his occurrence.

I scuff the concrete with my shoe, and grunt an 'okay'. Just because I'm not happy with him, doesn't mean I'll be rude. After finishing off two of my fags, I leave, and get through the school day. That day I walked home, I think I'll just leave the both of them alone, until they invite me back.


*Note* -so I'm gonna try to toggle to Gerard's POV for this next little part. Sorry if I don't do so well:c -unicornkid


Gerard's POV

"Mikey, I'll be in my room!" I yell to my brother, as I start my way down the stairs, to my room.

"Mkay, Gee!" he calls back to me.

I sigh, as I toss my bag to the corner of my room. Maybe I should've been a bit more considerate toward Frank the other day.. But Mikey knows I don't like people knowing much about me. I just, don't. Plus, I'm not even that good of a I?

"The amount of pills I'm taking, counteracts the booze I'm drinking

and this vanity I'm breaking, lets me live my life like this

and well I find it hard to stay, with the words you say." I try. Maybe I am good, I dunno.

"OHMYGODGEEAREYOUSINGING!?" I hear Mikey call, and basically trip over his own feet down the stairs.

"No, Mikey."

"I haven't heard that song yet," he says, "is it new?"

"No, Mikey." I snap at him.

He sighs, and leaves my room, looking sadder than ever. Okay, maybe I should consider not being so shy around my brother.. It's not like he'd make fun of me. I'm just being too protective.


Frank's POV

I pick up my old guitar, Pansy, as I sit on the edge of my bed, and mindlessly pluck through chords. Then, I hear the phone ring. I pull myself up, realizing I'm the only person at my house to answer that goddamn phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Frank, it's Gerard.." I hear a distressed Gerard on the other end.

"Oh, uh, hi?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over. I snapped at Mikey earlier, and I think if you came around he'd be happier..and I feel really bad 'bout it, but I can't see him sad, and-" he rambles into the phone.

"Okay. Gee, I'll come over, seriously, calm down."

"Thanks, Frankie!" and with that he hangs up.

Well, I guess I've been invited over, again..and sooner than I thought. I make my way over to their house and knock on the door, to be greeted by a frantic-looking Gerard. "Frank!"

"Uh. Yeah, it's me..?" I say as he drags me in.

"Mikey! Frank's here to hang out with you!" He calls up to Mikey, and turns to me, "Thanks for coming over..I really couldn't bear confronting him after I snapped..he looked so defeated.." he shuts up, as Mikey stumbles down the stairs.

"Hey, Frank.." he says, and I nod to him.

Gerard sits down on the couch, and begins writing in a notebook as Mikey and I get into an argument over My Little Pony.

"Gerard, please tell Frankie how Rarity is much sassier than Rainbow Dash!"

"Uhm.. Mikey? Frank? Earth to the're acting like five year olds.." he states, raising an accusing brow at us.

"Pfft. MLP is the new X-Men!" I giggle. Yes. Giggle.

"Whatever.." Gerard says, before humming a tune. Mikey and I make our way into the kitchen to fetch poptarts.

"MIKEY! YOU DON'T STICK A FORK IN THE TOASTER!!!" I yell, shocked at how stupid he is.

"I just wanted to see what would-" he pauses, "Wait! Shhh! Do you hear that!?"

"Hear wha- wait. Is he singing?" I inquire poking my head around the corner.

"Yeah.." Mikey says, as we listen to a very saddened Gerard softly sing.

"Singing songs that make you slit your wrists,

It isn't that much fun, staring down a loaded gun,

So I won't stop dying, won't stop lying, (are you there at all?)

If you want I'll keep on crying, (do you care at all?)

Did you get what you deserve? (are you there at all?)

Is this what you always want me for?" we hear him sigh dejectively, and he continues to write in his notebook. Why did he seem so sad when we weren't around?

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