Aw, Sugar..

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"Gee!" I scream my new boyfriends name, as I jump on his back. Trying to gain a piggyback ride to my locker.

"Frankie, get off me! You're heavy!" He whines, and I jump off, pouting my lip at him. He runs his thumb over my bottom lip, and looks into my eyes. It's moments like these I wonder how he can be so upset all of the time. I sigh.

"What's wrong, Frankie?" 

"Nothin', Gee, just thinking." I reply, quickly spotting Mikey at his locker, and running to him. "Hey, Mikes!"

"Hey, Frank," he nods to me, "Gee." he looks past me this time, to his brother walking up to join us. "I wondered why he ditched me at the house to walk, since he's never early for school. But, obviously his new boyfriend is more important.." he smirks and ruffles up my hair, earning a glare from me, and a giggle from Gerard.

"Sorry about that Mikes, I wanted to see my Frankie, though." Gee says, once his giggles die off.

I look up at Gerard, and wrap my arms around him, digging my face into his shoulder when the bell rings. I didn't want to have to deal with teachers today. He slowly lifted my chin up, and pecked my lips, "I'll see you at lunch, okay Sugar?"

I grin at the new pet name, "Okay, Gee." and I tighten my grip on him, before letting go altogether.


Shit. I race into the bathroom, slamming a stall closed, and pulling my feet up. Maybe they won't notice me. Maybe they'll walk right out. I tell myself. I hear the door creak open, and footsteps file in, searching the room for any signs of life. After a few minutes, the sounds die down, and I hear the door close. Thinking it's safe, I slip out of the stall, and I'm met with judging eyes. Fuck. They tricked me.

"Well, if it isn't the little cutter bitch.." the blonde one sneers at me.

"Quinn, Quinn baby, let's not act so rude.. Now, Frankenstein," Bert turns to me, "I saw you and the goth kid this morning.."

"Don't talk about Gerard," I growl through my teeth.

The blonde one - Quinn, smiles at my reaction. "Oooh, touchy, are we?" he purrs, leaning forward.

 After that all I can remember is a blow to the head - and waking up.

"Fuuuckk," I draw out, looking around, still bringing myself back to consciousness. Well, atleast they're gone, now.. Wait. Holy shit, that happened at the start of lunch! How long have I been out for, I was supposed to be with Gee! He's gonna be so worried.. I pull out my phone to check the time - it's almost the end of gym.. Fuck.

I get up, checking myself in the mirror. Only some mild bruising on my face, no blood. Okay, good. I run down the hall, entering the locker room, right about the time they should be coming back out to get dressed. I lean against the wall to catch my breath, and people start filing in. I can barely make out Mikey and Gerard walking through the door.

"Gee, Mikes!" I squeal, moving over to them.

"Oh my god, Frankie! We were so worried, we couldn't find you during lunch-," Gee pauses, noticing the bruises on my face, "who did this you?"

My breath catches in my throat, "Nobody Gee, I slipped on piss in the bathroom, hit my head on the sink, and got knocked out.. It's really nothing.." I notice Mikey raises an eyebrow to my explanation, clearly not buying it. But Gerard seemed to.

Slightly nodding his head, he replies, "Okay Frankie, but you had us worried sick. I thought they got to you again, Sugar.."

After they got dressed, the bell rang, and Gerard walked Mikey and I to our class, kissing me as we parted. "I'll see you guys after school, okay?" Gee says, and begins to sarcastically add, "Mikey, make sure Frank doesn't hurt himself.." Okay, so maybe he didn't buy my story as much as I thought..

When Mikey and I sat down, he began to question what really happened, and I spilled. " -I really just don't want him to know, cuz he'll get mad and try to start something, and-" I break off from my rant and sigh, "..and I just worry about him."

Mikey nods, understanding what I'm talking about, and the bell rings. Now I get to sit here for an hour, listening to a teacher drone on about chemicals, and trying to ignore the throbbing starting up in the left side of my face..


Meant to update sooner, sorry! I did start writing it earlier, but my computer loves to crash randomly throughout the day, (I've tried to get it fixed, but the guy had no clue how to actually do his job.. -__-) and half of it got deleted, and I had to rewrite it. Usually I use my laptop, but my mom's been using it lately. So, that, and I've been busy or asleep a lot. SorryD: Anyways, love you guys. Keep reading!<3

-xunicornkid. (btw, if I have time, I might try to upload a picture with the next update.. no promises, though!.)

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