I Promise

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I begin to race out of the science room when the bell rings. As I exit, I hear the teacher call to talk to Mikey. She probably just wants to dote on his latest test score.

I brush it off, and start to walk toward Gerard's locker. I know he goes to his locker between his last two periods.

"Frank! Wait up, man!" I hear Mikey calling out from behind me, and I abruptly stop, causing a kid to run into me, knocking my books from my hands. "Shit." I mutter under my breath.

"Sorry, oh here, let me help you with that.." Mikey leans over, helping me gather up all my stuff. "Anyways, to Gee's locker!" he begins walking again, with me swiftly following behind.

On the way to Gee's locker, Mikey starts to explain why the teacher had called him back after class. He told me that Mrs. Simmons has a daughter, Alicia, that was living with her dad, but she'll be moving here, and living with her mom from now on.

" -and she wants me to show her around, and stuff.. She said she thinks we'll get along.." he finishes.

"Heh, that'll surprise me. A teacher's daughter, I doubt she'll be the type of person we like.. but whatever, I'll give it a chance." I say, offering him a smile, as we arrive at Gerard's locker. "Hey, Gee!" I run up to him, greeting him with a kiss to his cheek.

"Hi, Frankie," he says, still grabbing things from his locker. "How..was science?" he asks, clearly preoccupied.

I look at him, then to Mikey, and he seems to have realized the same thing. Gee never asks about classes, and he never is too preoccupied to pay attention to us. "Uhh, Gee, is everything okay?" I ask, resting my hand on his arm.

"Yeah, Frankie. Everything's fine," he turns to me, raising an eyebrow.

I glance to Mikey, to see him still suspicious, but shaking it off. Gee did seem confused at me asking that.

"Okay," I mumble, and he takes my hand, lacing our fingers together. He uses his other to lift my chin up, so I'm looking in his eyes.

"Frankie," he starts, looking in my eyes, with pure affection, "I promise you, nothing's wrong. Okay? I wouldn't lie to you.." he kissees the tip of my nose, and I smile. He's so sweet. He pulls me into a hug. "Now, we're already gonna be late to class-" he pauses, as the bell rings, "So, let's go." he squeezes my hand, then lets go, starting toward his last period.

Mikey and I look at each other for a brief second, before heading toward our own class.


Okay, I'm so sorry. This chapter is such a filler, I didn't know what to write, however I did want to atleast update today. Yesterday I had a really rough day, and ended up with the WORST sunburn ever.. So, since I won't want to move for awhile, I might try to add a few more updates the next few days - but no promises. Anyways, Happy Forth of July, if you celebrate it._. Uhm, yeah.

Love you guys<3 -xunicornkid.

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