Part 4

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"Rise and shine honey" London cheers once again coming into my room "How about, no" I groan "No won't work

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"Rise and shine honey" London cheers once again coming into my room
"How about, no" I groan
"No won't work. Gotta get you up and ready for you to show off" she smiles pulling me out of my bed

She hands me the same clothes I wore yesterday for training and starts to braid my hair the same.
"Do you know what you are going to do to impress them?" She asks me
"I have an idea" I nod
"Well good I know you will do amazing" she smiles
"But you can do amazing while looking good so come here I'm going to put some mascara on you" she smiles

"Flynn Dawson" I lift my head once his name is called
"You got this" I mouth before he walks through the doors
After a while a few more got called until I was the last one left
"Evelyn Lily" they call out
Once I'm through the doors close behind me

I look up to see the game makers sitting there, they obviously weren't paying much attention to me.
"Alright time to show off" I mumble to myself walking over to the weapons

I grab a sword and put a few knifes in my side.
I look up at the game makers one last time before pressing the buttons.
One being the targets for me to throw knifes at
The second being a hologram of two men that I will fight with my sword.
A lot at once, but I know I can do it.

I draw my sword and prepare myself.
Just then two holograms of men started to run at me. I dove out of the way and regain my balance.
I take a deep breath as I hear a target pop up behind me
I quickly take a knife and throw it not even looking, hitting directly in the center. I smirk to myself before dropping down dodging the holograms attack.

I start to fight both holograms at the same time while keeping my ears open to hear any target pop up.
Right as I take down the first holograms I quickly turn around throwing yet another knife hitting it straight in the middle.

I feel my pocket seeing how many targets I have left, I felt two knifes, meaning two more targets.

I start to fight the last hologram when I hear the second to last target pop up. I grab my knife and throw it, just as I threw it I dropped down to the ground avoiding the holograms swing. I make a swift movement around the hologram before finishing it off from behind.
I hear the last target pop up behind me. I take my knife and throw it not even glancing at the target.
Once I catch my breath I turn to make sure I hit the middle, and sure enough I did.

I look out of the corner of my eye to see the game makers not even looking. I take the last knife I had in my pocket and throw it at them.
Landing right behind Seneca Cranes head.
They all look at me in horror
"Hope you enjoyed the show you sick basters!" I yell then give them a bow and walk out

I sit with Flynn, Roman, and London waiting for the results.
"What did you do?" Roman asks Flynn
"I did spear and knife throwing. Hit every target" he smiles
"Good job Flynn" I smile
"Thank you" he smiles
"What about you Evelyn? You haven't said much since you got back" London asks me
"Umm well I fought two holograms with a sword..." I say
"Good J-" she starts to say
"And did the knife throwing at the same time" I add cutting her off
"You what- well uh how did you do?" She asks me
"I beat both holograms and I hit every target. I also may or may not have thrown a knife at them and said also told the game makers 'hope you enjoyed the show you sick basters' then bowed and walked out" I say really quickly

Roman spits out his water
"You did what?!" He yells
"I couldn't help myself ok!" I yell back
"You don't talk to the game makers Evelyn! You especially don't throw a knife at them and call them basters!" He yells standing up
"Well it's already done so what do you want me to do about it?!" I yell back standing up 
"Roman stop! Both of you sit down" London tells me
"What's done is done. Let's just pray she gets a good score" London sighs as Roman and I both sit back down. Then the screen turns on as the rating starts

Each tributes name gets said then their score, so far 10 is the highest.

"Flynn Dawson with a score of..." Caesar says
"10!" He cheers
"Good job Flynn!" I smile
"Amazing job!" London tells him
"Good job kid" Roman nods to him
"Thank you guys" he smiles

"And for the last tribute. Evelyn Lily with a score of...." He says and I suck in a breath
"11!!" He cheers
"Highest score of the night!" He adds and I release a big breath
"Evelyn honey great job!" London smiles
"I knew you could do it!" Flynn smiles
"Guess I was wrong, good job kid" Roman nods to me and I give him a slight nod back
"Well someone let Finnick Odair know that he should enjoy his time as the youngest to ever win now, because its not gonna last very long" I laugh

We all head to bed early so we could get a good nights rest before the games tomorrow. But I couldn't sleep a wink
I step out of the balcony looking at the moon
It reminded me of the nights at home so I sang the song my mother would always sing

"It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry
I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never been this way before
All you can do is try to know who your friends are
As you head off to the war

Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say goodbye
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say goodbye

Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye" I finish holding my necklace as I let a single tear fall from my eye

"That was beautiful" I hear someone say and turn to see Flynn standing there
"Thank you" I smile wiping my tear away as he sits down next to me
"My mother would sing it to me all the time when I couldn't sleep. My grandmother also used to sing it to her." I smile at the memory
"You should sing it more often" he smiles
"I should shouldn't I" I laugh
"Can't sleep?" He asks me
"No. Just thinking about tomorrow" I sigh
"Me too. I can't help but feel like this is my last day as a human. Like from now on I will be treated like a animal" he tells me
"I understand....We'll make it out. I'll make sure of it" I tell him grabbing his hand tight
"Yeah. Together" he smiles

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