Part 2

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"Citizens, tonight I address all of Panem as one

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"Citizens, tonight I address all of Panem as one. Since the dark days, Panem has had an unprecedented era of peace. It is a peace built upon cooperation. And a respect for law and order. In the past weeks, you have heard of sporadic violence following the actions of a few radicals in the Quarter Quell. Those who choose this destructive path, your actions are based on a misunderstanding of how we have survived. Together. It is a contract. Each district supplies the Capitol. Like blood to a heart. In return, the Capitol provides order and security. To refuse work is to put the entire system in danger. The Capitol is the beating heart of Panem. Nothing can survive without a heart. The criminals that kneel before you use symbols for the purpose of sedition. Which is why all images of The mockingjays are now forbidden. Possessing them will be considered treason. Punishable by death. Justice shall be served swiftly. Order shall be restored. To those who ignore the warnings of history. Prepare to pay the ultimate price" Snow announces to all the districts

Kattnis leads me up to her mom and prims room so I could give her the cat.
"It's ok we're ok. We're all here now" Kattnis' mom says while giving her a hug
"Is that a cat?" Prim says when she sees the cat in my bag
"Yeah. It's been living in my house at 12 and Kattnis told me you used to have one, sooo I thought might as well give this cat a good owner" I laugh as I take the cat fully out giving it to her
"Thank you!" Prim says taking the cat from me
"What's his name?" She asks
"How about you name her" I tell her
"Buttercup! Same as my first one" she smiles
"Buttercups a good name" I smile
"They have strict rules. I don't know what they will do if they find him here" her mom says
"We can handle that part" Kattnis tells her
"I also heard you're a really good cook, so I snuck some herbs in from my kitchen. My only deal is when you cook you let me eat some too" I tell her mom
"Thank you really. The food here is really bland" she laughs
"It really really is" I laugh

I sit with Kattnis and gale just staring at my food. Kattnis doing the same.
"You should really eat something" gale tells us but he was mostly talking to Kattnis.
She just looks at her food about to answer when the screen pops up with a message from the Capitol.
"Hello. Good evening. And a big welcome to all in Panem. I'm Cesar flickerman. And whoever you are, and whatever it is you're doing. If you're working, put down your work. If you're having dinner, stop having dinner. Because you are going to want to witness this tonight. There has been rampant speculation about what really happened in the Quarter Quell. And here to share a little light on the subject for us are two very special guests. Please welcome, Mr. Flynn Dawson and Mr. Peeta Mellark" Caesar says and I feel my heart stop

"Peeta, Flynn. A lot of people feel as though they are in the dark" Caesar says as I stand up walking towards the screen wanting to get a better look at Flynn.
"Yeah I know how they feel" Peeta says
"Now, so set the stage for us. Talk us through what really happened on that final and controversial night" Caesar says
"First off you have to understand that when you're in the games, you only get one wish. It's very costly." Peeta says
"You're alive. It cost your life" Caesar says
"I think it cost more than your life" Flynn tells him
"How do you mean? What's more than your life?" Caesar asks
"I mean to murder innocent people, that cost everything that you are" Flynn tells him
"Yes" Caesar says
"So you hold on to that one wish. And that night my wish was to save Kattnis" Peeta tells him
"Yes" Caesar nods
"I should've just run off with her earlier in the day like she wanted" Peeta says
"But you didn't. Why? Were you caught up in Beetee's plan?" Caesar asks him
"No I was caught up trying to play allies. And then they separated us. And that's when I lost her" Peeta says
"And then the lighting hit and the whole force field around the arena just blew out." Flynn says
"Yes but Flynn, Evelyn is the one who blew it out" Caesar tells him
"No" Flynn says
"You saw the footage" Caesar tells him
"No she didn't know what she was doing. Neither of us knew there was a bigger plan going on. We had no idea." Flynn tells him
"You had no idea?" Caesar asks
"No" Flynn answers
"All right. Well, Flynn Peeta, there are many who find this suspicious to say the least. It seems as though they both were apart of a rebel plan." Caesar tells them
"Do you think it was part of their plan to almost get killed by Johanna?" Peeta asks
"Or part of the plan to be paralyzed by lighting?" Flynn asks
"No we were not apart of any rebel plan. We had no idea what was going on" Peeta says as they both started to get worked up
"All right. I believe you both. Thank you" Caesar says
"Yeah" they both nod
"And I was going to ask you to speak about the unrest but I think you might be too upset." Caesar says
"No we can" Peeta says
"Are you sure?" He asks
"Absolutely" Flynn nods
"Thank you" Caesar says as Flynn and Peeta lean up

"I want everyone who's watching to stop and think about what a civil war could mean" Peeta says
"We almost went extinct once before. And now our numbers are even fewer" Flynn says as everyone around me started getting worked up
"Their one of them" I hear people mumble
"Is this really what we wanna do?" Peeta asks
"Their a traitor" people said around the room
"Kill ourselves off? Killing is not the answer" Flynn says
"I cant believe their doing this" Gale mumbles
"Everyone needs to lay down their weapons immediately" Peeta says
"Traitor!! They're not one of us!! This is treason!!" People yell around us
"Are you calling for a ceasefire?" Caesar asks them
"Yeah. We are" Flynn nods
"You're a puppet!! Hang them!!" People yell
"I want everyone to stop the senseless violence. This is not the path to change" Flynn says
But I couldn't stand it anymore. Kattnis and I both start to run out as people keep yelling at the screen. I can't watch Flynn like that.

I sit in the corner of the room as Kattnis sits on the table. Gale walks in and sits down next to Kattnis
"There can't be a ceasefire. Not after everything Snows done." Kattnis says
"He could have done a lot of damage tonight. Most districts, people are still too afraid to join. They need the courage." Gale tells her
"Why do you think he said that?" Kattnis asks
"He didn't look that bad. Maybe he made some kind of deal to protect you" gale suggests
"He's still playing the game" Kattnis says but I just stand up and walk out.

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