Part 1

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"Okay" the doctor says as she starts to touch my head I jump back at the tenderness "I know it's a little tender

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"Okay" the doctor says as she starts to touch my head
I jump back at the tenderness
"I know it's a little tender.... Ok try to move your head in a circle please" she tells me
I slowly start to move my head around and I start to feel a little sick, I close my eyes trying to focus
"Alright that's good, movement will be the hardest, just take it slow. You're lucky you're alive Miss Lily." The doctor tells me

Then I turn to Plutarch
"I want to talk to him" I tell him
"He needs time Evelyn. But we're trying something new today. He's been calmer with the doctors but they're strangers to him. So we're going to test his response to someone he remembers from home. Someone he trusts." Plutarch tells me

Before they tested Flynn they were testing Peeta first. I stand with Kattnis behind the door watching.
"Send her in" Plutarch says
Kattnis and my eyes widen when we see its prim going in. Prim has become like a little sister to me, I couldn't live with myself if I let someone else I consider family get hurt.
"Hey" she smiles
"Prim" Peeta mumbles as she sits on the bed
"How you feeling?" She asks him
"She's too close" Haymitch says as we all look at Plutarch
"It's ok" he nods

"We live in district 13 now. It's a real place, the story's are true. You were rescued." Prim tells him
"My family hasn't come to see me..... there was an attack on 12." Peeta says
"Yes" prim nods
"My family?" Peeta asks tearing up
"The bakery didn't survive" prim says with tears in her eyes

Peetas eyes were filled with sadness and pain, but in a split second it changed to angry and hatred
"It's Kattnis. It's because of Kattnis." He says
"It's not because of her" prim tells him
"She told you to say that" he says
"She didn't tell me anything" she tells him
"She's a lair prim. It's a trick." He tells her
"Peeta what you're saying isn't real." She says
"She sent you in here to talk to me. She knows you're here now" he says
"It's ok-" prim tries to tell him
"She knows- you can't trust her!!" Peeta yells and prim quickly stands up
"She's a monster!! She's a mutt the Capitol created to destroy us!!" Peeta yells
"Get her out of there" I tell the guard not wanting prim to get hurt
"Do you understand me!! You have to kill her prim!! You have to kill her! She's a mutt!!" He yells
"Kattnis" Plutarch says to Kattnis who hasn't taken her eyes off of him
"This is just a condition response, it's not him" he tells her
"No it's not him." She mumbles still keeping her eyes on Peeta as he yells

We all started walking to Flynn's room next.
"Who are you sending in?" I ask him as we walk up to the glass
"Finnick" Plutarch tell me
"Send him in" he says to the guard

I watch as Finnick slowly walks in glancing our way knowing we were there.
"Hey Flynn how are you doing?" Finnick asks him
"Finnick. You're alive" he says
"Yeah I am" he smiles
"Where are we?" He asks
"We're in district 13, all those story's we were told are true. Plutarch and Coin got you out" Finnick tells him
"London or Roman haven't come talked to me" Flynn says looking down
"Flynn, the Capitol sent them to 12" Finnick says
"They sent them to 12, there was an attack on 12, they didn't survive, did they?" He asks
"No" Finnick responds
Flynn looks down before looking straight forward at us, knowing there was a one way mirror.
"It's Evelyn's fault" he says then turns to Finnick
"Evelyn did this. Evelyn did all of this! She's the reason everyone is dead!! She's the reason we're all going to die!!" Flynn yells at Finnick
"You have to let me out Finnick! I need to kill her! I need to kill her!" He screams at Finnick

I felt my entire body want to give out at that moment. He didn't just want me dead, he wanted to kill me.
"Flynn, Evelyn didn't do this" he tells her
"She fired that arrow, she left us all to die. She is a murderer!!!" He yells
"Get Finnick out" I mumble but no one moves
"Now!" I raise my voice turning to look at Plutarch

I watch as Finnick walks out the door and Flynn starts to move around screaming and crying.
"Evelyn it's the same thing I told Kattnis. It's not him" he tells me
"No, it's not. It's snow" I mumble

"Please, come in" coin says as Kattnis and I walk through the door
"Will you excuse us?" She asks the people sitting at the table
"Of course" they nod, after they stand up and walk out Kattnis and I walk over
"Have a seat" she says as we both sit across from her
"I'm glad you're both feeling better" she smiles as I nod
"Snow has to pay for what he's done. We want to help the rebels in anyway we can" Kattnis tells her
"I know it's hard to see them this way-" she starts to say
"That's not them. Send us to the Capitol, we'll do anything" i tell her
"I can't...I can't send you there. We can't get into the Capitol until we control district 2" she tells us
"Send us to 2" Kattnis says
"You want us to fire up our troops, call out to the loyalist you've seen what we can do." I tell her
"Yes I have." She nods

Kattnis and I start to get ready to leave as prim walks through the door.
"Please be careful" prim says
"We will prim" Kattnis says as she gives her a hug kissing the top of her head
"I love you" she tells her
"I love you too" prim says as they break apart

Prim walks over to me and I give her a hug
"Take care of buttercup for me ok?" I ask her
"I will" she smiles
"I love you" prim tells me. I take a breath not expecting that from her.
"I love you too" I finally smile back as we let go

After prim walks out the door Kattnis looks at me
"She thinks of you as a sister. But I can't say she's the only one who thinks that" she tells me 
I turn to look at her
"I'm glad I'm not the only one" I smile back

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