Part 11

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I slowly start to blink awake feeling the pain spread throughout my body

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I slowly start to blink awake feeling the pain spread throughout my body. I try to sit up remembering what happened
"Kattnis, prim" I mumble as the doctor pushes me back down
"Hey, I need you to lie down. You're ok. Everything's going to be ok" she tells me as darkness takes over again

After I wake up again I'm finally able to see that the doctor was Kattnis' mom, and Kattnis was in the bed next to me. Haymitch joins not to long after Kattnis wakes up.
"The fight was over after the Capitol dropped though's bombs to defend the palace. The rebels walked right in." Haymitch tells us
Her mom starts to clean a cut when she gasps trying to sit up
"Don't Kattnis. The ointments working." She tells her
"Everybody fouled it, peacekeepers, palace guards, they have kids in there too. It was..... it was over after that." Haymitch says
"Mom" I hear Kattnis say as I stare up at the ceiling. Was the fight really over? Or was it just another start to a different Capitol?

Kattnis Effie and I start to walk up to the mansion  when Effie decides to speak up.
"I remember the first time I brought you hear." She says as we walk through the doors
"And here we are. I brought all your things." She tells Kattnis
"Well I'll leave you to get settled, Evelyn your room is just next door" she tells me as she shows me to my room.
"I brought all of your things as well" she says as I walk in
I start to walk around the room not noticing Effie even walk out.

I start to walk around the building, looking in each room. I make it to a room with a big round table, this is where Snow and the commanders would meet. I walk over to the window looking outside.

I walk through the snow over to the garden house.  When i walk up I see guards standing there.
"Sorry ma'am can't let you pass" he tells me
"Let her in. On my authority. She has a right to anything behind that door." Paylor tells him
I turn to look giving her a grateful nod and smile before walking in.

The entire garden was filled with the white roses.
I reach down and pick one out before someone speaks up behind me
"That's a nice one" snow says and I quickly turn around. As Snow walks from around the color
"The colors are lovely of course nothing is perfection like white. I was hoping you'd find your way here. So many things we should discuss" he tells me as he sits down
I walk towards him standing in front
"But I have a feeling your visit will be brief so. First things first" he smiles as I walk closer
But then he starts to cough, he lifts his napkin up to his mouth wiping away the blood
"I wanted to tell you how very sorry I am about your so called 'sister' prim. So wasteful. So unnecessary. Anyone could see the game was over by that point. In fact I was about to issue a official surrender when they released those parachutes" he tells me
"You released those parachutes" I tell him
"You really think I gave the order? We both know I'm not about killing children. But I'm not wasteful. I take life for specific reason. And there was no reason for me to kill a pen full of Capitol children. None at all." He says before he starts to cough again
"I must concede it was a mystical move in coins part, the idea that I was bombing our own helpless children to hold back the rebels. You turned the last of my guards against me. There was no resistance left inside the Capitol or the mansion. Did you know it aired live? There's a particular savvy in that isn't there? I'm sure she wasn't gunning for your so called 'sister' but these things happen in war. My failure was being so slow to grasp coins plan. She let the Capitol and the districts destroy one another, and she stepped in to take power with 13. Oh, make no mistake. She intends to take my place now, but I've been watching you. And you watching me. I'm afraid we've both been played for fools." He tells me
"I don't believe you" I shake my head
"Oh my dear Miss Lily. I thought we'd agreed never to lie to each other" he smiles

I sit in my room thinking over everything he said when I was called to go see coin. I walk into the room with Kattnis, and once we open the doors everyone turns to look at us
"What's this?" I ask
"The remaining victors, would you join us?" Coin says
Kattnis and I go take a seat as I make eye contact with Flynn
"I have invited you all here for several reasons but first I have an announcement I have taken the burden and the honor of declaring myself interim president" she tells us and haymitch scoffs
"Interim? Exactly how long is that interim?" He asks her
"We have no way of knowing for certain. But it's clear people are far too emotionally right now to make a rational decision. We'll plan an election when the time is right. But I have called you here for a far more important vote. A symbolic vote. This afternoon, we will execute Snow. Hundred of his accomplices also wait their deaths Capitol officials, peacekeepers, torturers, game makers. The danger is once we begin the rebels will not stop calling a retribution. Thrust for blood is a difficult urge to satisfy. So, I offer an alternative plan. Majority of four may approve it, no one may abstain. The proposal is this... in lue of these barbaric executions we hold a symbolic Hunger Games." She tells us
Johanna starts to let out a small chuckle, leaning her head back.
"You wanna have another hunger games with the Capitols children?" Johanna asks
"You're joking?" Peeta asks her
"Not in the slightest" she answers
Haymitch scoffs before speaking up
"Is this one of Plutarchs ideas?" He asks
"It was mine. It balances the need for revenge. At the lest lost of human life. You may cast your votes" she says
"No. No this is crazy." Peeta says
"Absolutely not. My vote is no" Flynn says
"Well I think it's more than fair snows got a granddaughter. I say yes" Johanna says
"This way of thinking is what started the uprises" Peeta tells everyone
"I vote no. With Peeta. So would Finnick if he was here" Annie says and my heart drops
"Well he's not. Because snow killed him." Johanna says quickly
"No. We need to stop viewing each other as enemies" Beetee says
"It's down to Kattnis, Evelyn and haymitch" coin says
I look at Kattnis, keeping eye contact almost as if we were communicating through are eyes, then I look back at coin.
"We get to kill snow" I tell her
"I expected no less of you." She answers
"And I vote yes. For prim" Kattnis says
"Evelyn?" Coin asks
I glance at Flynn who was already looking at me
"Yes, I'm with Kattnis" I tell her
"Haymitch?" She says
He looks at both of us before looking down
"I'm with the mockingjays." He nods
"That carries the vote. Excellent. We'll announce the games tonight, after the execution." She says

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