Part 6

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After about 30 minutes of walking and hearing about 5 more cannons we decided to try and find some food and water

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After about 30 minutes of walking and hearing about 5 more cannons we decided to try and find some food and water.
Somehow we come across a pond of water

"Hallelujah" Camilla sighs going over to drink some
"Camilla wait" I say grabbing her arm
"What?" She asks
I look around where we were. I see some fog on the water. The waters stand still, not a stream. Meaning it's not drinkable

"The waters not drinkable" I tell her
"What how do you know?" She asks me
"The water is stand still with fog around it. Meaning the poison inside of the water is causing a chemical reaction making the fog. If you drink it youll die" I tell her
"Man am I glad to have you with me" she laughs
"Me too" I smile

We walked for a while before finding some edible berries then we decided to go back to the pond.
"This tree will give us enough coverage" I tell her looking up at the tree next to the pond
"Don't have to tell me twice" she says climbing up

We stayed in the tree until night fall. I told Camilla to get some sleep and I would take the first shift.
After some time I heard a twig snap

I lean up looking down trying to see who it was.
I see a boy around 17 walking. He stops at the water and puts his bag and weapons down. He looks around him one last time before drinking some of the water

"Oh God" I mumble knowing what was about to happen
I watch as he starts to crawl at his skin and groan at the pain. I knew he was about to start screaming but I didn't want him to cause anyone else to come over here.
I quickly jump down and cover his mouth as he tries to scream, thankfully only coming out as a muffled one because of my hand.

"Kill me" I hear him mumble
"What?" I ask
"Please kill me. It. Hurts." He cry's
I take my knife out of my pocket
"I'm sorry" I say then stick the knife in his neck killing him instantly
I lay him down and close his eyes


I grab his bag and climb back up the tree. I was going to wake Camilla up but I don't think I would be able to sleep after what I've done today. All the blood. The kids. The kids I killed.

I'm a kid.

I'm trying to survive.

Pretty quickly the sun starts to come up again. I wake Camilla up so we can look for some food.
We jump down and that's when she sees the body
"What happened?" She asks me
"He drank the water" I tell her
"He has a knife wound in his neck Evelyn" she says
"He was about to scream, meaning more people would come to where we were. I jumped down and covered his mouth. He told me to kill him, I did it quickly." I tell her not really wanting to talk about it
"Evelyn-" she starts to say
"I'm not proud of it Camilla" I cut her off
"I was just going to say it's ok. We're all just trying to survive in here" she tells me
I look up at her trying my best to keep my tears down
"Thank you" I nod and she gives me a small smile
"Alright let's find some food" she says
"Yeah. Yeah let's go" I nod as we walk off

We find some more berries and we luckily end up finding a stream of water which was drinkable.
We fill up our bottles and start moving again.
Staying in one place to long is to dangerous.

As we walk I thought I heard a twig snap
"Camilla stop. Did you hear that?" I ask her
"Hear what?" She says but I don't answer
I listen for any movement around when I hear some leaves ruffle

"Get down" I whisper to her
"What?" She asks
"Get down!" I yell and right as we drop two knifes come flying by hitting the tree behind us
We both jump up to see two people running at us.

I pull out my sword as Camilla pulls out her axe.
I block the attack and start to fight back.
She was strong and tall. Meaning attacking from the waist up is no use. Waist down is my best option until I can get her down

She swings her knife at me slicing my arm. As she pulls the knife back it cuts my head right over my eye.
I let out a hiss and attack again, but with more speed and below the waist.
I slice her leg causing her to lose balance, I swing again cutting a deep wound in her side.

She lets out a loud scream and attacks me again.
I block the attempt and sliding behind her and stabbing her through the back.

She lets out a gasp as I pull out my sword. And then she drops to the floor


Just then is when I hear Camilla screams
I spin around to see her on the ground with the boy on top of her.

He rears back his knife, without a second thought I grab my knife and throw it with all the might I have. It hits him straight in the temple, he instantly goes limp on top of Camilla and I run over.


By the time I get there she had shoved him off
"Camilla Camilla look at me" I tell her as I see her start to hyperventilate
She finally looks at me and I see how many cuts and wounds she has
"Camilla you're ok, you're alive" I tell her
Her breathing finally starts to slow down

"Come on we need to go. Anyone could've heard the screams. And I need to get you cleaned up" I tell her
"Yeah" she mumbles out as I help her stand
I grab my knife and her axe before sliding my sword back into its place

I heard yells not to far off then I turn to Camilla
"Can you run?" I ask her
"Huh uhh yeah yeah I can" she says still in shock
"Ok come on we need to go" I tell her
We take off running and don't stop until I know we are in the clear.

"Ok we should be good here. Come on sit I need to clean your wounds" I tell her dropping my bag
She sits down against a tree as I pull out some water and bandages

"This might sting" I tell her as I pour some water. She lets out a small hiss
"I know I'm sorry I'm sorry" I mumble

After a while I'm bandaging up her last deep cut
"Are you ok?" She asks me
"Huh?" I ask not fully hearing her
"Are you ok?" She asks again
"Yeah" I answer short
"I want honest Eve" she tells me
I let out a sigh as I finish cleaning her last cut

I look at the ground before answering
"No, I'm 13 and I'm fighting to stay alive. It's kill or be killed. I've killed people Camilla, I've killed kids. And the capitol is watching it like it's some sport they can bet on" I tell her
"I know....When you're out here, every last bit of humanity you have just...Disappears." She sighs
"Well you still got some humanity" I chuckle
"Maybe, but if I do then that means you do too" she tells me but I don't answer.

I know I don't.

"Well come here it's mine turn to clean your cuts" she tells me
"Fine" I roll my eyes as I switch spots with her.

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