Part 3

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I gasp awake when Johanna opens my curtains "Well there she is, the mockingjay

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I gasp awake when Johanna opens my curtains
"Well there she is, the mockingjay. That speech you gave ugh man feels. I mean I still have goosebumps." She says grabbing my arm then takes out my IV
"You don't mind do you? They cut off my supply of morpling" She says sticking it into hers
"There's this head doctor that comes in everything to see me, trying to help me adjust to reality. Like some guy from this rabbits warren actually knows anything about my reality.... Well I least 20 times a season he tells me that I'm safe. Safe from the Capitol. Safe from Snow. What about you mockingjay feeling totally safe?" She asks me
"Until I got shot" I answer
"Oh please those bullets didn't even touch you. Of course your costume would be bulletproof. So what are your injuries?" She asks me looking at my band
"Bruised ribs, bruised lung." I tell her
"I'm surprised they haven't found you a new lung. I got two do you want one of mine? I mean it's everybody's job to keep you alive" she tells me
"Is that why you hate me now?" I ask her
"Partly, but you've also come a little bit harder to swallow. The whole weird romance bit no romance stuff you have and the defender of the hopeless act. Even though it's not an act. Which makes it even more unbearable. Feel free to take any of this personally" she tells me
"You should've been the mockingjay, nobody has to tell you what to say" I tell her
"But nobody likes me" she tells me
"They are just afraid of you" I tell her
"Maybe here but the Capitol you and Kattnis are the only thing they're scared of." She tells me as she starts to look at all the little things on the side table
"It's just stuff Kattnis and prim brought" I tell her
"They messed up pretty good didn't they." She says looking at me
"Yeah.... They did." I answer

The doctors start to wrap me up as haymitch talks to Kattnis and I.
"They showed them each footage of you two. They both had real memories" Haymitch tells us
"That still doesn't mean I'm going in there" Kattnis says
"He's strapped down he can't hurt you" Haymitch says
"No. This is different, haymitch. I really don't want to" Kattnis tells him
"It doesn't matter what you want it's for Peeta." He tells her
"Evelyn do you agree?" He asks me
"What's the harm in trying right?" I answer

I slowly walk into the room seeing him strapped down
"I watched you die. You look terrible" he tells me
"We've both looked better" I answer
"You're not as remotely nice to me now than I remember" he says
"I was never really the nice one, you were." I tell him
"When I watched you die I remember something. About the song." He tells me
"I remember the rain, the woods, the walk. I remember my father hitting me for getting back late because I walked you home" he tells me
"That's the first time I let anyone else hear the song" I tell him
"Why would I take a beating like that for you?" He asks me
"Because you were kind, and generous. And people said you loved me" I tell him
"Did people say you love me?" He asks
"Yes. And they said that's why Snow tortured you. To hurt me" I tell him
"Snow says everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie. All I know is I would've saved myself a lot of suffering if I just have cared less and left you to walk home yourself." He tells me
I stare at him with tears in my eyes. I couldn't bring myself to even speak so I just turned and walked out.

"I think the only thing left to say is thank you" coin says to Kattnis and I
"We need to be in the capitol" Kattnis says
"No you have done your job. You've been very successful of the mockingjay, you unified the  districts. And now we want you both to rest. And to heal." Coin tells us
"The last the rebels saw me I was lying on the ground with Kattnis kneeling over me" I tell her
"Evelyn Kattnis we won't let this momentum do to waste. We'll shoot more propos right here in 13. Showing them that you're alive" Plutarch says
"We should be with the troops" I tell them
"It will be like being on the front line" Plutarch says
"As far as the soldiers know you survived a bullet to the heart. I think they'll understand why you're not with them. When we win this war, we'll fly you in for the surrender. You'll need you for the saramony. You're both very valuable to us." Coin tells us
"We'll do whatever you need us to do" Kattnis nods keeping her tears down as well I me.

"From this day forward in sickness and in health for richer or poorer, I promise to love and cherish you each day." Annie says
"And I Finnick Odair take you Annie cresta as my wife from this day forward. Together or apart we will always be united. One life, one purpose, one destiny." Finnick says
"You may kiss the bride" the man smiles
Finnick lets a big smile form on his face before kissing Annie.

I stand with Kattnis as we watch Finnick and Annie dance. The Johanna comes to join us
"You saw them didn't you? Did you tell them hi for me? We're old friends you know. We had joining cells in the capitol so we're all very familiar with each others screams." She says
"We're going to kill snow" Kattnis says
"Nothing good is safe while he's alive. And we can't make another speech about it." I tell her
"No more cameras, no more propos, no more games. He needs to see our eyes when we kill him." Kattnis tells her and she laughs a bit
"Now you're talking." She smiles
"We'll find a way to the capitol while everyone's looking the other way." I tell her
"I hear the medics talking. They're shipping supplies to the front lines from hanger to at midnight. Meds, painkillers. I was going to go steal some for myself but I guess I could stay here and cover for you both. Anybody can kill anybody. Even a president. You just have to be willing to sacrifice yourself." She tells us
"Go on. Don't you want Snow to see yall dance?" She says pushing us forward

Kattnis and I both join the circle with prim as we all dance. I actually felt a small smile form on my face, i look over at Kattnis who's giving prim a hug and I look over at Finnick smiling with Annie. My smile slowly fades when I realize Flynn isn't here to see it. He isn't here to see Finnick get married, to join in on the dancing. Instead he's stuck in a white room strapped to a bed everyday. I quickly wipe a tear that made its way down my face and walked out.

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