Part 8

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"No!!!!!" I scream and flip the boy over grabbing his knife and slamming into his chest

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"No!!!!!" I scream and flip the boy over grabbing his knife and slamming into his chest.


I jump up and run full speed at the boy who threw the knife at Camilla
I slide on the ground as I reach him slicing his leg and stomach

He tries to keep his balance and turns around to face me but I was already swinging again. The knife slices across is chest causing him to fall as he lets out a scream
I jump on top of him holding the knife to his throat

"No please please have some humanity!" he cry's
"You killed the last bit of humanity in me when you threw the knife" I growl at him
"I'm sorry I'm-" he starts to say
"It's to late for that" I tell him and slam the knife into his neck


I stand up and run over to Camilla.
"Camilla no no no no please no" I mumble
"Camilla please stay alive" I tell her as she looks up at me
"It's... ok..." she croaks out
"No no it's not ok Camilla please I need you" I cry
"Win....for... me... pl-please" she says then I watch as she takes her last breath. And her body goes limp

"Camilla?" I breathe out
"No! No! Camilla!!!!!" I scream
"You were supposed to win with me! Camila please wake up please!!!" I cry
"Camilla please" I cry putting my head on her chest
I lean backwards and let out an ear screeching scream.

"How sad. Little miss special watches her friend die" a hear a girl say behind me
I stand up and turn around
"Now it will be so much easier for me to win" she laughs
I don't say anything, I twirl the knife in my hand as she runs at me.

I barely have any energy left to fight. But I do everything in my power to keep her from killing me
She slices my arm and my leg as I let out a scream. I manage to knock the knife out of her hand but she pins me down.
"So much easier than I thought" she laughs
She grabs a rock laying next to me and lifts it up
I close my eyes preparing for the pain.

But it never came.

I fill a weight fall on me and I open my eyes. I push the girl off to see a knife through the back of her head.

I look up to see Flynn standing not too far off.
"Flynn?" I ask almost not believing it
"Evelyn" he breaths out as we both run at each other.

We tackle each other in a hug
"Flynn. Camilla all the blood I-" I start to cry into his chest
"I know. I know" he cry's
We stand there for a while before we finally pull apart
I look over at Camilla before I speak up
"I cant leave her like that" I whisper

We both lay her in front of a tree trunk. I close her eyes and pull the knife out. I place her hands on her stomach and wipe the blood off her face.
I turn around to see Flynn there with some flowers, I smile at him as we place some flowers around her.
I take the last one and place it on her hair.

"Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye" I sing quietly to her letting out one last tear

"What now?" Flynn asks me after a moment of silence
"Follow me" I tell him standing up grabbing his hand

We walk out of the tree line over to the building that was filled with weapons.
I find a camera on the side and look directly at it

"We have a message for the Capitol.... let us both win. Or you won't have any winner at all" I say then pull out a small bag of berries
I poor some into Flynn's and my own

I look back at Flynn
"Do you trust me?" I ask him
"Yes" he nods
I lift my hand up him doing the same
We place the berries in our mouths swallowing them.
I grab both of his hands as we place our heads on each other.

Just then we heard a hover craft above us
"Ladies and Gentlemen the winners of the 67th annual hunger games! Evelyn Lily and Flynn Dawson from District 12!!" We hear Seneca Crane say

The plane lands and doctors started running over to us
"They think we're dying" I chuckle to Flynn
"Aren't we?" He asks me confused
"The berries we ate aren't poisonous" I smile and he just looks at me with a proud smile

The doctors reach us with shots in their hands
"Oh we won't be needing that gentleman" I tell them
"The berries weren't poisonous, the capitol is just very globule" I smile before Flynn and I both walk past them towards the hover craft
"You're something else Evelyn Lily" Flynn tells me
"That I am" I smile

I lay on the bed as they shoot something into my arm
I look over at Flynn as my vision starts to blur.
I reach out my hand him doing the same.
But before they could touch my vision goes black.

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