☼☀ Chapter 3 - Found ☀☼

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Wanderer POV:

Wanderer shrugged off the contact with the green-eyed stranger who held that hovering in the air in surprise. Her green incessant eyes shone with inquisitiveness but the flittering unrest of her snow-white wings trembled with every look he gave her as if ready to fly away at the slightest indication of danger and with that observation the energy of wind he conserved at the ready - invisible to the one before him - was released to the blowing particles around them after surmising she was a fly not even worth wasting his energy for.

The toucan had wafted away, and as if coordinated by the bird family, a finch had replaced it which was on his kasa making it tilt slightly like a lopsided tower before fluttering over to the stranger. It perched on her shoulder and nuzzled the crook of her neck securing his previous assumption further as it too knew nothing was threatening about this stranger.

Suddenly it dawned on Wanderer that the feathers he found scattered on the ground belonged to this creature, was she an Adeptus? Or perhaps a new Archon? She was too odd not to be one, "odd anomaly". A wide smirk spread across his face like a conniving cat.

As if reading his thoughts the familiar child voice rang in his head.

"Did you find what we're looking for?" She questioned.

He ignored her question as he leaned against a tree all the while the girl peered inquisitively at him like a lost puppy. His mind raced as he tried to figure out a way to convince this being to come with him but who was he to convince or think? He wasn't one to do that, he chuckled the thought of that made him laugh at how unconceivable it was after it was either come or death, no in between.

"Umm," she spoke her voice soothing like honey, her pupils looking around aimlessly, "I think this is the correct language..."

Wanderer blinked, without saying anything which made her hastily speak words in a language he wasn't familiar with and she was obviously not used to but he also didn't care.

"The previous one," Wanderer directed, his expression monotonous, crossing his arms as he casually settled into his position.

"This one?" She asked, biting her fingers shyly, the finch that cuddled her neck suddenly flittered over to Wanderer which he sneered at but it didn't flinch as it landed on his shoulder and wriggled in the crook of his nape, he belittled the thing before sighing, relenting his anger.

The girl as if still unsure of him as a person, beckoned it back but it stayed cuddled in the warmth of his attire. He regarded it with benign interest before paying his attention back at her then back down at the bird perhaps he could use this creature as an incentive to come with, he thought and opened his mouth.

"Come with me," he flatly commanded.

Turning away from the anomaly, his half-coat flapped against the wind that finally found its breath as it blew itself freely around them while summoning petals of flower that were somehow unharmed from the commotion before and the sun that was blanketed by clouds now beamed its rays over the land.

Not bothering to look back at whether she followed or not but the slight disturbance of grass confirmed it to him.

Angelica POV:

Come with him? Come with him? Was that all he could say to me? Angelica hesitated for a minute before deciding to follow him.

However, as the grass shifted under her feet she stopped halfway in thought.

Angelica may have no experience with other people but she's not one to leave behind something she cares about most. Glancing back at the young boy in blue and turned her head to look back at the once silent forest that was now bursting with noises it had once been vacant of.

Her voice stuttered, "I-I'm sorry but I can't go with you, believe me when I say I'm grateful you took out The Fatui but..."

She eyed the shelter of the trees, wanting every inch of her body to be covered by the safety of those shadows, "This is my home and I d-don't know who you are or what you intend to do with me."

She bit her lips nervously and let out a long breath not realising she was holding it in, "Also if you haven't noticed I'm injured."

Angelica indicated with her eyes to the wound on her arm, "So, unless you tell me who you are and why you want me to follow you, I'm staying here." She stated firmly, her eyes falling to the ground.

Wanderer POV:


What a Miscalculation, alas he should have expected it, bugs usually are pretty stubborn and unpredictable. He glared pointedly at her before he cradled his head feeling a headache coming along.

He didn't want to waste his time here although his mission was to find the anomaly, but now that he thought about it The Dendro Archon never mentioned whether to bring said anomaly back, did she? It was only to find out what the anomaly was but then again this species... he judged the creature up and down before him it surely wasn't anything he'd seen before.

She was right in a sense, who would follow a strange person who might be an accomplice with the attackers? Wanderer groaned, he also didn't feel like giving his name out either. He pressed his fingers against his temples in thought although thinking this much wasn't like him and it spurred an earthquake that tore through his head.

He murmured under his breath making the girl perk up and cock her head as if to say 'What?'.

Wanderer clenched his jaw, he didn't like repeating himself, "Wanderer is my name."

She observed him in silence and opened her mouth partially before closing them again.

Was that not enough?

"Your wound," he pointed with his chin to her scarred wound, "I know someone who can fix it... if you come."

He carefully scanned her expressions waiting for her response this time.

Angelica POV:

Angelica looked into the boy's eyes, Wanderer, what an interesting name she thought.

Glancing back in the direction of her home she sighed.

She's been in this part of Sumeru for a long time now and to leave this place was kind of nerve-racking to her.

Looking back at Wanderer she looked into his eyes for any malicious intent but found none.

It was the opposite, she could tell that this boy had been through a lot in the past from the tired look in his eyes.

She smiled softly at him, "Very well, I'm trusting you to keep me safe if anything goes wrong. However, I will be returning here in the future, I can't abandon this place. It's too dear to me."

Angelica explained with a soft voice. "Also, my name is Angelica."

She walked up beside him, pulling a long cloak from her bag that hung around her waist and pulled it over her shoulders concealing her wings from view.

"I can't go with these out for everyone to see, it'll cause a lot of gossip around that I don't need. Plus, I still don't know why The Fatui are after me." Angelica said, frowning at the thought before tilting her head to the boy. "So.... where are we going, Wanderer?"

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