☕Chapter 8 - Hunger☕

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Angelica just stared back at him, if it was anyone else they would have gotten upset or angry but for some reason, it was the opposite for her as she only looked at him with fondness.

"I don't see a pawn, I see a boy who has given me a chance to fly freely without the fear of threat." She looked straight into his eyes as if reading his soul.

"I see a boy who has a chance to touch the light again." Her voice was not of displeasure or pity but of hope and admiration.

Angelica looked down at the carving in her left hand before walking right up to wanderer while clutching her other hand to her heart.

Her wings slightly grazed his shoulders, "You're not perfect, you just say stupid things sometimes, you laugh when you're not supposed to, you have scars left by people who did you wrong, you're a little crazy and probably won't change. Love me or not, I'll be here until your last breath."

Finally, she grabbed his hand and placed the carving back where it belonged walking back to her spot in under the sunlight.


Wanderer watched her leave him, he tilted his head at the carving that just kept coming back in his hand, what is this hot potato?

His gaze gravitated to the back of the one whom he just couldn't shake off no matter how high he built his walls, she would casually phase through it as if it never existed.

Wanderer frowned, and it also wasn't helping that the words she spoke had stirred something in his chest he didn't particularly understand nor did he care to. So like he would eventually be able to do with her, he dismissed it and stepped to stand behind the girl that sat in the place he found her before.

Her back to him as he tucked the ornament into his ascetic garments and opened his mouth to speak before a loud grumble resounded through the air so clear it was hard to ignore.

He folded over the sitting figure whose gaze avoided his and was instead hidden behind slender fingers.

"Oh? You're hungry?"


No reply?

"Well, I guess I'll just go get some food on my own and eat it on my own." He mimed the action of pulling meat off a chicken leg with a blissful look on his face, "Mmm, supreme."

The emerald eyes, previously avoiding his, now peered up at him with an expression he couldn't quite read.

"But don't worry," His eyes glinted, "you can also partake, after all I don't want my mission starving to death."

Indeed, his mission came first and foremost. He had no time to quibble with this thing, he just had to keep her safe until The Dendro Archon figured out what to do with her and once that was out of his hands he could go back to more important matters like pranking those annoying children by stealing their candies and watching them cry.
Oh, how wonderful that sounded.

He snickered to himself, happy with that plan, and with that everything became clear like picking up the fallen bricks and placing them back into his walls as if nothing happened.

Satisfied, he waited for her reply.


Hiding her face behind her hands from embarrassment with her feathers further concealing the shame she felt as her wings curled in. Her cheeks were on fire from the noise that left her stomach.

Why was she so embarrassed about this? It's just a normal bodily reaction, so then why did she feel like she wanted to disappear into thin air?

Angelica was so wrapped up in these thoughts that she didn't notice Wanderer speaking and offering to take her somewhere to eat, that is until she opened her fingers and peeked through the gaps.

Reluctantly, she revealed her blush-covered cheeks and softly answered, "Y-yes I'm a bit hungry." She stammered, looking up innocently at him her body relaxing after noticing he didn't see her previous state.

"My favourite dish is the Selva salad, I-I don't really eat meat since living with nature for 119 years makes one feel sick for doing so. Though, I will eat fish from time to time. Ah, a-and if it's not too much trouble, could you please... Get me some hibiscus tea?" Angelica listed in a rush, tripping over some words, her wings fluttering from nervousness.

Angelica stood up, and brushed off the leaves and grass from her dress before staring intently into Wanderer's eyes.

A burning sensation flooded her cheeks again, "Y-you know, I've never told you this but... your eyes... are beautiful. They remind me of the Rukkhashava mushrooms that grew near my home."


Raising an eyebrow at that comment, he insincerely replied, "Okay?"

He waved the words away, directing his focus on the two orders he had no clue about.

"Selva salad... Hibiscus tea?" Wanderer pondered under his breath.

Opening his palm, he counted the requests on his fingers, folding them as he did. Abruptly, closing all of them into a light fist and shaking his head in frustration, "Too many and what? You think I'm going to let you order me around?"

He scoffed, it was the most funniest thing he's heard in decades.

Tapping his finger against his chin, his eyes in a daze and grumbled, "But I also can't let you die of starvation here..."

Staring intensely into oblivion before continuing, "The only option is you come with me into town but I'm not too sure if we have... S-saliva salad here or this so-called, Hib-is-kiss tea you talk about... Sounds bitter." His unfocused eyes sparkled at that idea before it fell away like the last snowfall.

Then, shook his head, "No, I don't take you for a bitter-liking person, perhaps you'd like Candied Ajilenakh Nut, The Dendro Archon always gushes to me about it, much to my dismay, saying it helps in solving problems... perhaps she'd know more about Hib-is-kiss Tea and Saliva Salad."

He stopped, his throat hoarse from the excessive exercise.

He sighed, upon feeling like another rest was due soon from how exhausting everything was recently and looked back at the person that kept making him act out of character.

He cleared his throat, "Let's go into town."

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