who? > hyunsung? minsung? (pt 2)

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minho had seen sujin mocking jisung and faking his injuries. and when he saw hyunjin being more concerned about sujin over jisung he was pissed and knew jisung might need his comfort. he was going to protect jisung. even if it was risking his life. the boy was whipped for jisung. he loved him.


minho and jisung left the janitor's closet and went for maths lesson. when they reached, a guy threw a paper ball at jisung but thnk god minho caught it. on the paper it said 'go kill yourself whore!' jising felt his eyes once again welling up with tears as they slowly rolled down his cheeks. minho ripped apart the paper and went to the guy. he threw a stinging punch to his face and began to punch him profusely until jisung backhugged him and told him to stop. minsung made their way to the emd of the classroom and jisung felt his heart pounding when he saw minho punching for him. and minho trusted him. he felt loved again, something has been craving for.

is he falling for minho? maybe...

hyunjin ignored jisung as the days past and he noticed that the younger didn't care. today, he walked past the younger who was skipping and he turned his head to see who jisung was skipping to. when he saw the person, his eyes widened. lee minho, his fucking enemy. he saw how jisung was giggling and smiling so much when he hugged minho. he saw how jisung wrapped his arms around his neck while's minho's hands made its way to his waist and held it tightly.

minho looked up and saw hyunjin staring at them he then took this chance and lifted the younger up in a bridal way and saw jisung giggled while telling his hyung to put him down. hyunjin felt his blood boil at the sight of the 2. and minho knew very well that is triggering hyunjin's patience. but what could hyunjin do? he already told jisung he wasn't friends with him. he technically has no rights to stop them but something in him felt empty but just as he was going to go to minsung, sujin grabbed him.

"hyunjinnie~ can go to the movies together!~"

"sure i guess?"


hyunjin had recently started a relationship with sujin. after the incident, sujin confessed his 'love' for hyunjin but he was going to decline but he wanted to avoid jisung as much as possible after what had happened just now.

minho and jisung had spent countless hours with each other and during these moments they had gained a lot of feelings for each other. the sense of belonging is so strong.

jisung kinda forgot about hyunjin and was more focused on minho.

soon, it was time for lunch and jisung had introduced minho to the friend group he was in which consisted of chan, changbin, felix, seungmin and hyunjin. but minho seemed to fit into the group and they have been teasing them lately after noticing how close they were together.

the group were having chatting when chan pulled minho over to chat.

"wassup hyung?"

"minho i know you like jisung- well everybody knows it and i swear to god if you break sung's heart you are going to regret it. well, that is if you guys are in a relationship."

"hyung i will protect sungie with my life. he is my everything."

"well, it is good. we should be going back now."

minho nodded and a little jump. the friend group except hyunjin had agreeded that if jisung and him were to be in a relationship. they had to be happy.

hyunjin already hsd sujin which the group dislikes keeps flirting with each of them.

jisung had ordered a cheesecake and was ready to devour it when he felt a light tap on his shoulder, he turned his head and saw minho holding a plush squirrel. jisung tilted his head and looked at minho.

"han jisung i have loved ever since our first maths lesson together. will you be my boyfriend?"

"YES!" jisung exclaimed.

minho cupped jisung's cheeks and placed a lingering sweet kiss on his lips.

hyunjin was watching them... he felt his whole world sink. his enemy was now dating his crush but he had no right to stop them from loving each other. he felt tears rolled down his cheeks as he smiled, seeing jisung so happy with minho.

suddenly, hyunjun felt a small tug on his shirt it was jeongin. "hyung i know how you feel... i had a crush on minho since i joined this school but seeing him so happy i gave up..." jeongin confessed.

hyunjin hugged jeongin as the 2 embraced each other and became friends

as years past, hyunjin and jisumg made up. hyunjin also got into a relationship with jeongin. so you can say all's well ends well.

HI GUYS‼️ sry the ending was quite rushed😔 but nonetheless i hope y'all enjoyed it. what ship should i do next?

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