thank you💕💔> minsung

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so minho and jisung were currently living in england for their college and universities. they were dating and have been dating for 3 years now. but now... minho and jisung were rushing to catch a flight.


well, minho's mother had gotten into an accident and was now in critical condition. and this happened 3 days ago but she didn't tell minho because she didnt want to worry him while he is studying with the love of his life and he was just so happy. she couldn't bear to him worry about her. well to start things off right now, minho and jisung received a call from his (minho) father and he ws crying saying his mother was in an accident in critical moments and needed immediate help.

without any hesitation, minho and jisung booked their flight and were now in the plane on their way to visit mrs lee. but the whole ride was terror to minho, he was shaking so much. he kept crying, he loved his mother so very much and just couldn't see her on a hospital bed with all the machinery on her.

jisung was trying his best to comfort his boyfriend and well it is working but not effectively. minho was still shaking so jisung pulled up the arm rest separating them and told him to come closer. when minho did, he pulled him into his embrace, hugging so tight with so much love and he feels tears drop dripping down his neck but he didn't care. his boyfriend needs him and he is willing to help him.

the whole flight was jisung holding onto minho while whispering sweet things in his ear and minho was very greatful for jisung as the whole flight he has been comforting him and he seemed tired but still continued.

minho looked up and smiled at his cute boyfriend who was letting out soft snores, he couldn't help but wonder

'what did i ever do to have jisung as my boyfriend?'

even though jisung told him many times that it was because he liked his unique habits and personality. minho chuckled to himself.

he took out a small camera and snapped a picture of jisung. oh boy is he whipped and so in love with jisung.

minho felt his eyelids become droppy and leaned onto jisung's warmth and closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around jisung and fell asleep.

the next time they woke up they have reached korea. they scurried out of the airport and called for a grab and rushed to the hospital, eager to see mrs lee and how her condition was doing.


once the couple reached the hospital, they ran to the room minho's mother was assigned to. when they arrived they saw minho's father siting outside. his lit as he saw his son, he got up and was tackled into a hug by minho.

the father and son embraced each other as jisung watched them, he smiled. but then his attention was shifted to mrs lee who had machines all around her. it looked tiring and he felt bad she had to go through all this. he tapped minho's shoulder and signaled him how his mother was.

minho took the hint and turned.

he saw his mother had these machines and he was worried for her. he felt like was going to have a break down again seeing her like that. he started fiddling with his fingers as tears slowly welled up in his eyes.

jisung took notice of minho's actions and said,"min, hon come here."

minho came closer to jisung as he opened his arms to let the poor boy cry in his arms. minho wrapped his arms around jisung's waist as he cried onto the crook of his neck, sobbing silently.

jisung played his hair a little to calm him down as he slowly kissed his cheek. when they separated, jisung held minho's hand in his as they walked into the room. there minho's mother saw them as she smiled softly.

minho rushed to her side.

"mother are you ok? how is your condition? when are you going to be dis-"

"minho dear, i am fine, the doctors said my condition is stable and that i can be discharged soon." his mother reassures.

this causes minho to heaven a sigh of relief as he smiled at his mother. jisung went to stand by his side as he caressed minho's back gently. minho looked back and smiled at him leaning onto him.


minho and jisung were now in their hotel room which they booked for a few nights so they check up on mrs lee.

they laid on the bed as they realeased a exhausted sigh. minho pulled jisung closer to him.

"thank you so much for today, sungie."

"of course, min. now lets go and rest."

minho nodded and closed his eyes as they both fell asleep in each other's arms.


sry for the superduper late update. i had a writers block😞 but thought of a random idea at 1 am😻😱. anyways always feel free to request any ideas🌷🎀 ( im vv coquette🎀) BABBAGAHAHAHA  also i js realised yhere are so many minsung chapters but the next one is minsung then hyunsung then chansung.

ANYWAYS I AM SO EXCITED SO SKZ NEW COMEBACK IN JUNE‼️😻😻😻 yall i need to start MANIFEASTING and SAVING for this comeback cuz ik im gna need it😞🤓👆 so hope yall enjoyed it tho it kinda rushed😞💔


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