Chapter 1 (introduction)

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Maisie Smith as Jaida Charlize (pronounced Char-leeze)- Self employed hairdresser- fiery, yolo mindset, filterless

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Maisie Smith as Jaida Charlize (pronounced Char-leeze)
- Self employed hairdresser
- fiery, yolo mindset, filterless.
- George Russell's best friend

Lando Norris (my actual man🤌) - 24 - F1 driver for McLaren

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Lando Norris (my actual man🤌) - 24
- F1 driver for McLaren

George Russell - 26- F1 driver for mercedes- Jaida's best friend

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George Russell - 26
- F1 driver for mercedes
- Jaida's best friend

(be prepared for a LOT of george memes in this🥰)

(be prepared for a LOT of george memes in this🥰)

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all drivers as themselves


Never really know what to say in the first chap A/N cuz saying welcome sounds a bit ew imo

anyway hope you enjoy the book! (that sounded ew too stop)

Also pls comment bcuz dry readers are the WORST. (if u don't comment i will start making threats throughout. Readers from my other books know this) xx

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