Chapter 4

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Alpha Blake's p.o.v

Beep. Beep. Beep. That machine was annoying me even in my sleep. A firm grip on my shoulder was pulling me out of the light sleep i had finaly managed to slip into. Slowly my eyes fluttered open. A low grunt slipped past my lips as the blinding light forced my eyes closed again. The hand was now lightly shaking my shoulder ushering me to wake up. Once again i open my eyes but this time i had managed to keep them open. My third in command Brad knelt in front on me with a worried look consuming his features.

"Alpha her temperatures rising" he warned me. Instantly i shot up ignoring the sudden rush in my head that was attempting to push me back down. My eyes fixed on my mate. She lay still on the hospital bed while numerous tubes were hocked into her body. It was three days since my beta attacked her and she still hadn't regained consciousness. Her usually cold skin was dangerously high and her breaths were quick and ragged.

"Get the pack doctor" i growled at Brad. He was soon scurrying off in his search.

I turned my attention back to my mate as i felt her temperature drop dramaticly to an abnormaly low state.

"What the fu..." i started but could not finish as her fragile body started shivering in my grasp. Something was wrong.

The hospital doors crashed open to reveal Brad and the pack doctor sprinting towards us. My mate instincts took over as i shielded my twitching mate from their wandering eyes.

"Alpha please you are going to have to let me take a look at the Luna otherwise we may not be able to stop this pain she is experiencing!"

I was about to move aside until he mentioned pain. I swivelled my head to look at my mate sprawled across the bed with a look of agony plastered across her face.

Becore i could refuse Brad stepped in front of the Human pack doctor. It was easier to have human doctors because they learnt new things a lot quicker then we did.

"I'm sorry Alpha please forgive me" he murmed ... He looked ashamed.

I opened my mouth to question him as to why he wants my forgiveness when his fist came into contact with my nose. I stood frozen. He just hit me. My wolf was seething with anger so i gladly let him take over my body. My four legged form charged towards my third in command.

My body sprung into the air, my jaw flexed wide so it could clamp down on Brad's neck. What is it with my good mates and fighting against me? My thoughts were cut short by a small strong hand harshly shoving me backwards and crashing into the wall behind me. Quickly i stood up and shook the rubble from my fur. I glanced up, only to realise that it was not Brad that had pushed me but Ella - Charlie's mate.

I haven't spoken to either of the pair since the 'incident'. I still cant believe he is the reason my mate is in here fighting for her life...... I don't even know her name yet.... Or if she accepts me. I shake the upseting thought of her not accepting me out of my head as my glare locked on Ella. She was trying to look brave but i could see the terrified look under the mask.

"I know this is a bad time for you Alpha" Ella mumbled. I chanced another look at my ever weakening mate. Her pale features were still scrunched in agony. I was appaled that i couldn't help her ease the pain. It was slowly breaking me to see her like this. "But Charlie's gone"

Ella's p.o.v

After Charlie's confrontation with the Alpha two days ago he has been left weak and sickly looking. I have , of course, stayed with him constantly to try to soothe his pain or set his mind at rest. He can't help feeling guilty for seriously harming his Luna but i keep reminding him that it isn't his fault as he didn't know she was the Alpha's mate but he just shrugs me off.

After settling in for the night i felt his muscular arms snake around my waist and pull me closer to his exposed chest.

"I love you so freaking much baby girl and i am so thankful that you stayed with me the last couple of days".

"I love you two babe" i murmered quietly as he started an assualt on my neck. Lets just say i think he was even more tired after what we got up to.

I woke up to find my mates side of the bed stone cold. Franticaly searching the room for any sign of where my wandering mate could have got to. I spotted a note stuck to the door. Scrambling out of bed i noticed Charlie's messy hand writing. It read:

My love, my world. As you can probably tell i am no longer welcome in the eyes of the Alpha. I have left to try and find us another pack to move to. I love you so much and my heart aches to be this far away from you but i am sure i will see you soon.

P.S. ~ last night was one of the best nights of my life and i hope there is much more where that came from.

Love Charlie

A light blush erupted on my cheeks as i stood there astonished. He wants to leave this pack? He wants to run from his troubles? I have to tell Blake. Maybe he could persuade his childhood friend to stay. I feel like i can't leave the girl. I feel the need to protect the Alpha's mate? ....

Tayto ⭐✨✊✊✊

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