Chapter 5

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Blake's p.o.v

I can't believe he left. He fucking left us after he had caused my mate to be in constant agony fighting off a life threatening disease. The pack doctor had confirmed that my mate had calorem et frigus which in Latin means hot to cold. Every minute i had to sit there helplessly and watch my mate battle with her bipolar temperature. Apparently it didn't look like she was doing very good either. Normaly by now the antibiotics would have caused her temperature to switch every half an hour, but it was still changing every minute.

I have decided to forgive Brad as i now know he was doing it for the benifit of my mate.

I rarely get any sleep anymore because i want to make sure my mate is okay, but every time my eyes decieve me and start to fluttered closed i always smell Ella entering the room and watching over my mate. Ella had grown very attached to her since Charlie went missing four days ago. I wish i knew her name.

--------------------------------------------------------- 2 Weeks later

After i found out this disease would most likely take months for my mate to fight i handed my Alpha role temporarily to Brad. Apparently he is struggling but trying his hard to keep up with the work load. I'm grateful. It means i can spend more time with my mate.

This one is REALLY short because i want to use Ella's p.o.v for the next chapter and i just feel like it should be it's own chapter idk why??

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