Chapter 12

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Alpha Blake's p.o.v

"I have a preposition."

My wrecked body turned to face the blank face of my Beta. He was using the door to support his weight as he glared at me.

"Spit it out then"

"I will take you to your mat...."

My beast growled at the mention of my mate. I used my last bit of energy to force my feeble body up and out of my chair and tumbling towards Charlie. Within seconds i had him pinned up against the wall as my eyes plumeted into darkness as my wolf took over.

"... But you must leave if she asks you to."

"Why would i leave? She is my mate i should be there with her!" I growled in my Alpha tone, making Charlie flinch.

"Because she doesn't want to see you. We are hoping that if she sees how broken you are then maybe, just maybe she will come back to you. To us."

My heart shattered yet again at the thought of my mate not wanting to see me but i perked up at the thought of seeing her again. But one thought pulsed through my head...

"You just called me broken. Am i really that bad?"

"Yes Alpha." He murmered before walking out of the room, leaving me with my own thoughts.

I am coming little mate.

Charlie's p.o.v

Tomorrow by the waterfall?

My beautiful mate questioned through the mind link. We had been talking for a while now - planning how we were going to get her to meet without her blowing Ella's head off. I hope this works.

The rogues have already caught onto our pack weakness at the moment, it won't be much longer until the other pack's do as well.

Sure babe sounds perfect. See you there.

Bye love you!

Love you too baby.

Ever since i started talking to Ella again i have been in a much better mood. I have been eating more and sleeping more.

Unfortunately i can't say the same thing for Blake but .... only time can tell with him.

Marcus' p.o.v (the vampire king)

My loyals have caught the rumour drifting in the wind claimimg that the fire elemental has learned of her strength. If so i have a minimal amount of time before they attack.

I need to be prepared.

Ella's p.o.v

I watched her aimlessly flail around attempting to train again, when a plan of attack begin to piece itself together in my brain.

If i tell her i am going to take her to the waterfall to help her stamina training by swimming against the water, then maybe she would go? It will also camoflauge his scent from her until be was extremely close.

You never know. This may work after all.

I drifted my gaze over to where Taylor had been previously training only to find out she wasn't there any more.

I instictively shot up and started to scan the area for my Luna. Almost immediently i found her hunched over, leaming on a tree for support.

I ran over.

"What happened?" I asked. Blake would not be happy if i let her get hurt while i was sat day-dreaming.

"I just ate something that i found. Think it might not have agreed with me though?"

"What did you eat? I haven't collected anything for dinner yet?"

Taylor's p.o.v

When she mentioned that she hadn't collected anything for dinner i think i stopped breathing. I thought it was her that left the berries next to me while i was training. That make explain the blackbdots starting to swarm my vision.

"You didn't?" I murmed before i fanally lost the battle with my mind and i slipped unconcious.

Sorry for such a short chapter guys but i just have really bad writers block so i have absolutely no idea of what to write xx

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