Chapter 6

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Ella's p.o.v


Time can be your worst ememy.


Time can be your best friend.


But when the time has come, you cannot turn back the clock.

How long can one person keep such a large secret from such a large amount of people? For as long as they want their secret to remain hidden.

For months now i have managed to keep my intriging secret hidden from the hungry ears of my pack. Although i may now have to reveal myself if i wish to save the chosen one. But how do i tell them? Do i just waltz up to the Alpha and expect him to understand or do i drop suttle hints until someone figures it out on their own? No. I can't take the last option. By then it may already be too late for the chosen.

I have no solid proof that i have found the chosen one but their are many things leading me towards that conclusion. Firstly, she has developed the deadly disease that all of us conceive before our powers really start to show and lastly she is mated to an Alpha, when all the others before her have been mated to Beta's (for example me).

I have been keeping an eye on her whenever Alpha Blake unconciously drifts into a light sleep because no-one can tell when she will awake, but when she does she will be confused and scared and someone will have to be there for her. I haven't even been introduced to her yet but i can already feel the bond between us strengthen with every day she is suffering.

I do feel for the Alpha though. He looks so shattered and heartbroken at the fact he never got to know his mates name before she was brutaly ripped away from him. Also in his eyes she could never wake from this and he may never get to know if she accepts him or not. I wish i could just tell him that this coma is the body's way of it preparing itself for when she discovers her powers but i can't.

When she wakes i must explain the situation at hand to the Alpha and Luna. She will not be able to control ber powers so i will have to teach her that first. She will be the saviour of our race along with me and the rest of the Elementals.

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