Going Home

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He stared amazed at his ankle, having never seen it before without the chain on it. "Hey, Pezzy? We need to get going, can you walk?" Not J asked him softly and he looked out the door with a panicked look.

He shook his head rapidly, tucking his legs close to his chest. "Pezzy? What's wrong?" Not P asked confused and he bit his lip, looking around rapidly.

He tapped his face next to his eyes, unsure if he could get up and leave without his blindfold. It had made him panic enough to have his back away from the wall while the door was open.

"Your blindfold? You don't need it man, you're free," Not J said confused but Not P eyed him a moment before nodding. "Just give him the blindfold, Droid, he's been trauma trained to not leave without it," he said softly and Not J sighed.

"Here," he said gently, handing the blindfold to the still curled up man on the floor. He reached out and snatched it quickly, slipping it over his eyes with ease and feeling the tension melt away.

"Hey Grizzy! Are the others free?" Not P called, making him tilt his head curiously. Others? Were there others in the Academy?

"Yeah, Kryoz has Matt and Smiity and Soup has Dooo. They were only four in this whole building from what I can tell," another very familiar voice called. G? Was G here too?

He, Pezzy, felt the urge to take his blindfold off, he wanted to see G with his own eyes. He reached blindly forward, grabbing someone's arm and tugging it lightly.

"Huh?" Not P asked confused and Pezzy tugged his arm a bit more insistently, pointing towards where he knew where the door was, even blinded.

"Oh, hey Grizzy! Come here!" Not P called, footsteps appearing a moment later. "Oh Pezzy," that voice said softly, his hands moving slowly to remove the blindfold.

He blinked, eyes widening at the sight of the other in front of him. It was G, every detail perfect. He reached out curiously, Not G holding a hand out to let him touch his palm.

"You know us, don't you? My illusions reached you?" Not G asked, making him frown confused. Illusions? What illusions?

"I can project images to anyone I've met, I wanted you to know who we were. I couldn't do anything with them until last week, they obeyed your thoughts. But I was able to have Droid tell you we were coming, I think?" Not G explained, his eyes widening in shock.

So he hadn't been losing his mind? His friends from his life before the Academy were able to reach out to him? He squeezed Not G's hand in thanks, pulling back and quickly slipping his blindfold back on with a soundless sigh of relief.

"Come on, Kryoz and Soup managed to get the other three out of their rooms. McNasty managed to find the room they're holding the people these fuckers have been forcing these guys to use their abilities on, they're also free," Not G said, making him frown in confusion.

"What about the guards and scientists? Did you find Core?" Not J asked, further confusing Pezzy. Core? Scientists? Guards? What about the attendants? The woman who spoke to him everyday?

"Guards are no problem anymore, either dead or bound. Scientists have surrendered, being held in the second truck, and no, we haven't found Core," not G answered, Pezzy grabbing his head as his thoughts swirled.

"Okay, we'll find her. I can hack the system and see if she's left any footprints. We need to get these guys to safety first," Not J said, a hand grabbing his and making him jump.

"Just me Pezzy, come on, it's safe now," Not P said softly and he shifted his arm so Not P's hand would grab his elbow instead.

"I'm not going to grab you like a prisoner, Pezzy, I can hold your hand," Not P said confused, letting go but Pezzy shook his head rapidly, holding his elbow out. If he wanted to go against his instincts and follow these guys out, they had to grab his elbows.

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