Tentative Trust

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⚠️minor panic attack⚠️

Early update cos I've got an appointment that will probably run over the usual update time. Anyway, enjoy!!


He couldn't get the image of what was in Not- Droid's bowl out of his head. He knew it wasn't blood, he knew there were hundreds of things in the world that were red, but the only true experience he'd ever had with red was watching his victims bleed.

The only reason why he continued eating the broth in front of him was because he was told to. He remembered Not- Puffer telling them to sit and eat their food, and he didn't want to disobey.

He didn't have much of an appetite, but with the order and the different flavor flooding his mouth, he soon found his bowl emptied quick. He finished off his water before carefully setting his spoon down exactly where he'd picked it up, his bowl back in place and his cup where he'd found it.

Once he was done, he sat back, head down and his hands on his lap. He wanted to put his blindfold on, but he'd been told to take it off and he didn't know what they wanted.

Droid had said something about sitting him, 2, 3 and 4 down and explaining their rules. He hoped they were simple, he didn't want to disappoint his rescuers. He also wondered if breaking a rule would bring pain.

"Is everyone done eating?" John's voice came calmly, everyone but him and the other three voicing their answers. He didn't know if he should talk. From the questions Droid asked, he seemed to want more than yes or no answers, unlike the woman who gave him orders before, but he didn't even know if he could talk.

"Pezzy, Smiity, Dooo, Matt, are you done? Yes or no," John asked, his voice still as calm as ever. He nodded once, looking up hesitantly and meeting those multicolored grey eyes.

As soon as their eyes met, he quickly looked back down. "Okay, now I know I told Smiity this, but did Droid, McNasty and Soup tell you three that we were going to talk with you?" John asked and he nodded, seeing the other three nod with him.

"Dooo, Pezzy, I know you two are still expecting punishment from what happened earlier. But you're not getting a punishment, because you didn't break any of our rules, understand?" John asked and he and Dooo looked up surprised.

John smiled faintly at them, nodding. "Our rules are simple, okay? One, You will eat at least three times a day. If you don't think you can stomach a full meal, you tell any of us and we'll find you a small snack, but you must eat something.

"Two, no hurting yourselves if you think you need a punishment. Once again, you come get us, and we'll decide if you need a punishment or not.

"Three, you go where you need to. If you need to leave your rooms, you leave. If you want to go outside, you come to us and we'll go outside. You're allowed to use the doorknobs, you're allowed to go where you please, okay?

"Four, you will get adequate amount of sleep, in your beds. If you absolutely can't get comfortable in your bed, let one of us know and we'll help you set up a pallet on the floor, but you never should make yourself uncomfortable.

"Five, you don't need to wear your blindfolds or sit against the wall unless you think you need to be centered. We'll never ask you to put them on or sit against the wall. You aren't prisoners here, you're our friends. We want you as safe and comfortable as possible.

"And finally, six. Whatever rules you had before, they don't exist. You can talk if you want, you can go as you please, you can even argue back if you don't want to do something. Like I said, we don't control you, you aren't prisoners, you're our friends.

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