The Rules

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Droids head was spinning. He finally had Pezzy back, home safe, but he'd been through so much. When they'd discovered the facility Pezzy and the others had been held in, they'd discovered a lot.

Every person in the world had some kind of ability. 70% were small, mundane things. Things like always knowing the time, even without a clock. Or always able to cook the perfect meal to a person's taste. Or being able to create the perfect representation based off a description.

25% had powerful abilities. Healing, control of elements, mental control, the like. Then there were that 5%, ones who had nearly godlike abilities. Able to create things with their minds, or destroy things, or change them. The abilities of bringing people to life, or making "miracles" happen.

Most of their crew were part of that 25%. Powerful, incredible abilities. Droid himself had the abilities of an android, xray vision, control over electricity, able to hack any computer system he wanted with minimum difficulty.

Pezzy and Puffer were considered part of that 5%, Pezzy more so. Puffer could control the atoms of objects and phase them through anything, but he couldn't change the object. He couldn't create or destroy either.

Pezzy though, he could change, create or destroy anything with a single thought. As Droid had seen when Pezzy had changed the metal of his chains to liquid and evaporated them.

That 5% were highly protected and monitored. So when Pezzy had gone missing three years before, everyone had been stumped. Who the fuck had taken him? Where did he go?

Droid, Grizzy and Puffer had felt his loss the most. Not for his power, but because of who he was. He was loud, he was silly, he always had some kind of joke or insult to fire off. He always kept the moral of their team up, and with him gone, it just felt wrong.

They'd finally managed to find him a week prior. John, Dallas and McNasty had come to them over the last couple years since Pezzy had vanished, all three looking for their friends.

Smiity, Dooo and Matt. The six of them had been good friends and visited often, especially Smiity and John since they'd been Pezzy's and Puffer's first friends in the beginning. When the three vanished, the same way Pezzy had, they'd reached out to Grizzy since he'd known McNasty, Dooo and Soup.

Smiity had vanished about a year after Pezzy, Matt about 6 months later and Dooo about 7 months after Matt. Droid didn't know why that lady, Core, hadn't gone after more 5% people, but he did know the three were powerful.

Droid had managed to hack into the facility's system accidentally. There he'd found files on all four of their missing friends.

He'd discovered that one of the scientists had an ability to cause amnesia, which is how they'd wiped all four of his friends' memories. He'd read about the chips placed in their bodies, daily logs of what they'd forced them to do with their abilities.

Reading what Pezzy had done, had been forced into doing, Droid had been sick. He'd seen several entries in the beginning of Pezzy fighting back, refusing to do something, and the "punishment" for disobedience.

One of Pezzy's last fights had been about a year into his captivity, when the scientists had tried to force him to hurt a child. Reading exactly what Pezzy had done instead made him proud of his friend, knowing he was still somewhere in there.

The fights quit happening about a year and a half before Droid had found them. Though the punishments didn't. He'd read about Pezzy failing to do exactly what the scientist had wanted and getting hurt for it. About him making a sound and getting his lungs attacked. About him moving the wrong way or standing the wrong way or slipping up with his blindfold and being attacked.

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