Chapter 3

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songs: btw I think the song that best fits this book is save my life by sidewalk prophets:) it fits this chapter too.
let me in -GroupLove
Photograph- Ed Sheeran
I need you- M83

Let's say two months later and she's somewhat over being raped and she doesn't like any intimate touching or anyone touching her at all:) (I have major writers block)

"so I suppose you are leaving soon huh?" I ask Theo, we are currently at my place just hanging out.

"I don't know about that... I may stick around for a bit" he smiles, and I return it.

Ruth and Theo Broke up not long after me being raped because I'm a girl, in his house, with him alot.. Yea you get the gest of it. I feel bad about it but deep in my heart I'm quite happy.. my depression sucks ass, and Theo is there to make sure nothing happens.

as I grab the pizza out of the fridge, "want to walk or something around town that is?." Theo asks me

"sure, but I'm bringing my food." he starts laughing at what I said but I'm being serious. okay im serious about the food part, just not the being serious thing, so I begin laughing too.

after a while of walking and talking, Theo stops in front of a carnival.

"want to?" he asks

"I don't know Theo what if someone sees you, and me, and ask questions, and -" I start rambling and Theo cuts me off

"well then you are my girlfriend." he smiles to himself

"what?" I'm shocked to be completely honest

he looks up and comes closer making me a bit uncomfortable, I turn my face away and step back,"oh sorry Ryker, I- I uh well uhm would you uh like to me my girlfriend?" he chuckles a bit and looks into my eyes.

I stand there for a moment taking this all in.. Theo James, THE Theo James wants me, ME, TO be his girlfriend. what kind of heavenly world is this?!

"Yes, I would love that." I say stepping back towards him and give him a kiss on his cheek. he picks me up by my waist and twirls me around, I'm laughing. by doing this we draw attention to ourselves.. he sets me down an  takes my hand.

"let's go Darling" he says proudly, and we walk into the carnival.


After a few hours of us being there we decide to head back to his place, I place the stuffed animals Theo won me in the back, an  get into the front.

"that was fun.." He states while starting the car.

"mmhmm.."I mumble while leaning against the window, I find myself falling asleep, and I allow myself too.


hiii sorry for the whole no update thing but here is a short but eventful chapter:)

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