Chapter 14

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"Theo, I'm going to make dinner while you shower. After you do take a shower though, can you wake Gracie? We're face timing Italia afterwards." I tell Theo once we reach the trailer.

"Okay, what are you making?" Theo asks me, brown eyes boring into my blue ones, "I'm making," I ponder for a moment,"maybe something simple, like Mac and Cheese" I say scrunching my nose looking up at him. 

"Well, that sounds delightful. I'm going to shower now," he says giving me a quick kiss, we're still outside the trailer door. He heads inside and I follow suit, grabbing my pajamas to change into while he's showering. I lock the front door before I change, you know, safety precautions. I remove my day clothing, leaving me in only my Undergarments. I wiggle on my sleep shorts and t-shirt, putting away my dirty clothes in the hamper. 

Once in the kitchen, I begin getting everything I need. A pot to cook the Mac and Cheese, butter, milk, etc; I pour water into the pot and turn on the heat, awaiting the moment to pour the noodles in with it. 

About the time I pour the noodles in, I feel a pair of strong arms around my waist. Their heat radiating off their chest into my back, breathing into my ear with their chin on my shoulder. They whisper to me, "Ten minutes, and you're only just putting the noodles in?" Theo unwraps his arms from around me, as I turn around, looking up at him i say, " well, I suggest you go wake her up or you won't get any food, you should be happy I'm making this for you anyways" I pat his chest, pushing him out into the small room where Gracie lays. 

I finish the food and divide it onto three plates, a little more on Theo's and a little less on Gracie's. I walk into the room wondering why it's taking so long, but once I peer in toward the bed I see Theo curled around Gracie's small frame as if he's protecting her from the outside world. His arm is draped lazily over her shoulders and his knees up around her, I smile at the sight. Theo begins to stir, looking at me with sleep heavy eyes, "hey gorgeous," he says to me with a raspy voice, "dinner ready?" He flashes a sleepy smile, well more of a smirk.

"I asked you to wake her, not sleep next to her." I say, playfully scowling as he gets up. "I did! Look," he says nudging Gracie's shoulder, "get up, doll face" with that she raises her head, looking at us with a look saying 'you guys are insane, waking me up, seriously' 

"Okay, come on. Gracie your dinner is on the table, on the left side, farthest chair," I say to the sleepy girl walking out of the room, "and you mister, can wait one moment and reward me for making dinner." I say to Theo, putting my left hand on his chest right over his heart. He smiles down at me, grabbing my hand in his and squishing his tall muscular body against my short slim body. I leans down to put his nose on mine, sneakily turning us so he's at the door, "nah, I think I'm good" he says kissing my nose and running out into the kitchen. 


"Gracie! Come here your Mum is on the phone," I yell at the blonde haired blue eyed girl playing dolls with Theo.

"Hi momma!" She yells running to where I'm facetiming Italia, "hi, baby girl. Are you having a good time with Aunt Sky? And Theo of course" Italia says with love to Gracie

I get up, wanting to let Gracie talk with Italia on her own. I lay next to Theo, "when do you have to film?" I ask him. 

"Well, I start at, like, 7 in the morning until- Erm, 5 in the afternoon." He says, his thinking face taking over his features, eyebrows scrunched, eyes narrowed, mouth slightly parted. 

"Okay, do you wanna go do anything with Gracie after? I can stay here with Shai." I ponder my thoughts outloud, "no, no, no, I have better plans" he says, his eyes catching a light, "can I know?" I ask him pouting my bottom lip a bit.

"Nope, you must wait" he says popping the 'p' , "fine, whatever" I say getting up acting saddened. He grabs my wrist, pulling me back down and toward him, "let me kiss away your worries," he says before smashing his lips against my own, he slides his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I kindly accept, opening my mouth a bit more. I pull away before it was taken a bit too far, with Gracie being here, "oh my godddd" I hear a groan, not Theo's. I turn towards where Gracie is and see she's brought the Phone with here so Italia just saw that, "you do know my daughter is in the same room" she says again, I just laugh, "I'm sorry, Italia, it just happens sometimes.. " I say looking to Theo, who is blushing a light pink forcing a light laugh. 

He's kind of embarrassed.


"Gracie, did you brush your teeth yet?" I yell from the bathroom door, Theo said he made plans for us tonight and that Shai will watch Gracie for us.

"Nope, and I'm working on it." She mumbles walking past me and to the sink, "Okay, well, Shai is coming to get you. I expect you to be on your best behavior, do you understa-" 

"Why, she should be crazy. She's only going to Shai's, and besides, Shai is crazy too." Theo interrupts me, gripping my waist. "Okay, fine. Let me go change I'll be ready soon." I push to get out of his embrace.

"Nope, my love. You are going with Gracie for like 2 hours to Shai's, or until I contact you, and you will be wearing sweats." He cups my cheeks in his hands, "but, I thought-" I'm interrupted again, "no buts, I will see you when I see you. " he pulls my face to his, I'm standing on my tippy toes as he presses his plump lips right between my eyebrows.  

"Go on, my dear. I'll see you then." He smiles at me as I call for Gracie, and we begin our journey to Shai's.

Hey guys, I'm getting to some good shit coming up, I'm sorry in advance, no one dies... Yet, at least... I have a really bad headache and like ugh.

Btw my birthday is coming up! On Friday the 4th I'll be 15. 

Oh and I'm sorry for all the page breaks I'm just prepping for all the shit about to go down. Byeeee

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