Chapter 1

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One quick note... I accidently  changed it from first person to 3rd on page 4 or so, but the rest of the book is 3rd.. just so you know.

Chapter 1

We laid spread across my bed in my faded and out dated dorm room. Ironically the cold air that filtered in the room from under the door wasn't bugging me, of course with his body pressed up against me, I wasn't able to feel anything but him. He let his fingers trace patterns on the palm of my hand, that I had laid across his chest. His bare chest. Good thing about boyfriends and well, guys in general, they don’t “need” to wear shirts. His fingers left a tingly heated feeling as he touched me, it kept sending a flame of heat throughout my body that stirred everything. The best thing about this feeling, is that it's like this every time he touch's me. It's never changed, which is the best way to have it.

“I love you” I said as his face turned to look at me.

“Mmmm, I love it when you say that” he said, sliding his hand over the skin that had broken free from the cover of my shirt. Goosebumps raised as he slid his finger along the skin, sliding them just under the hem of my shirt. Trying not to give too much away I bit my lower lip and looked towards his hand. My face turning a scarlet-red at the images that flashed in my mind, just from one little touch. And of course he noticed and smiled his perfect white smile at me.

“If you keep turning red like that, you may stay that way” he said while he pretended to think “ or is it, if you hang upside down? I can never remember”

“Your such a dork, but your my dork, ya dork!”

“I am impressed, three dorks in one sentence, I think you are trying to say I am a dork”

“That’s funny because I do mean your a d-” but I never got to finish that sentence which was fine by me. I threw my hands around his neck as he moved over top of me. He liked to tease and pull away usually, well today I was having none of that. Today is my day, and I am calling the shots. I gently moved one arm from behind his neck to under his chest and made like I was reaching for his back. I let his arm stretch up above my shoulder and took my opening. I lightly, but forcefully knocked his elbow in and made him fall to his side, and hooked my leg around his and rose above him, his arms cradling my waist as we flipped over, now the table was turned and I stood over him.

“That!” he said with a deep breath “Was hot!”

“Mmmmm, I love it when you say that” I lowered my head and whispered I love you and let my lips touch his. His warm hands reached under my shirt and skimmed my back, in search of my bra. I bent closer and laid my body onto his. Just as he reached to unhook the strap, a gust of wind hit my bare skin, as a door slammed.

“Jesus cri-“ I said but stopped myself, I don’t like to swear at the worst of times. I looked over to see who it was, but knowing even before I looked that it was my roommate.

“What don’t you knock anymore Rachel?” I snapped. Feeling fairly mad, I slid off dean but not before I snagged another kiss. He had managed to unhook my strap so as he was about to get up I motioned for him to put it back together, and as he did the knucklehead with horrid timing decided to talk. Just as Dean went to put his shirt back on.

“I didn’t know I needed to knock. This” she said pointing to the room” as it just so happens, is also MY room, or did you forget that?” she said with a heap of sarcasm. Then looking to us on the bed she continued “Aw, I’m sorry did I interrupt you two lovebirds in the middle of mating season?” she snickered ”Maybe next time you should lock the door miss lady in heat!”

Whoever said roommates would be fun were idiots. My roommate was horrible, and I mean horrible. Most days, well, everyday actually all she does is talk. Talk on her phone, on the computer, out the window anyway she ca be verbal she is. I swear she does not do a single piece of studying, and yet she had a 3.3 Gpa, who knew. If she talked long enough the world would probably collapse in on itself, hasn't happened yet but I am still waiting. I decided that anger was not my best choice so I went with my ever so nice “I wont let you get to me” tone.

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