Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

A grogginess hummed around the edges of sleep, as the light flickered and moved. Last night had started out great, but had some awful things in it to. However the night after the ball was great. One of the best things anyone could have asked for.

His body rolled over to try to snuggle before he was actually awake, when the spot next to him was cold. Ben shot up and looked to where Bailey should be sleeping. She wasn’t there.

“Bailey” Ben called not trying to sound alarmed. He waited  seconds for her to answer, but no answer came. Ben pushed aside the blankets and stepped out. Her dress was in the same spot as she left it.

Bailey would have picked that up, wouldn’t she? God where is that girl.

“Bailey”Yelled Ben as he opened the door. Ben walked into the kitchen and say nothing out of place, it was clean. The coffee wasn’t even on.

“BAILEY” his panic growing, he raced to his room and threw open the door. No one.

Immediately Bens memory lapsed back to the night before with the Prince of the Fey.

“Well, well Ben, I see we have been busy” said Kheelan

“Dont patronize me Ice boy”

“Ice boy? Well I see our imagination is still working” he said as he circled Ben, standing where Bailey had left him. “I so thought we had been past this by now, I mean its been what 180 years?”

“I will never get past it, your kind are murderers” snapped Ben, trying to regain his control.

“Touchy I see. Well” he sighed “Cant blame you, but at the same point, only weak men fall prey to those who over power them, and your brother was weak” he snapped at the end.

“One day ice boy I will have the pleasure of ripping your head off” Ben walked closer to him and looked him in the eye “Soon enough”

“I look forward to it. But I look forward to something more” Kheelan turned his head towards the party “I am really looking forward to that”


“I will do more then touch her my friend, much, much more” he said, his grin turning fierce “She will be begging me for more”

Ben was about to loose it, he tried with all his might not to move. His mind was yelling kill him and his heart was saying he wont get her don’t worry.

“I will see you dead soon enough, she will never fall prey to you, I swear it” Kheelan walked right next to Ben and leaned in to whisper to him.

“You shouldn’t promise what you can't control, you wont know till its done” and with that he turned around and left Ben standing in full blown rage.

Suddenly a knock came at the door, chasing Bens flashback away. Ben rushed to open it. He sighed as Floray'ya stood at his door. His Queen had come to see it through.

“Ben” she said “May I come in” Ben didn’t say anything, he opened the door wider and turned around to walk into the kitchen. Floray'ya walked closer to Ben.

“I am sorry Ben, but you knew this would happen. We can't change the fates” She placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. He shook it off.

“This is Bullshit and you know it. How could you let this happen, in your own realm?” Ben was in so much pain, he felt a slight twinge of guilt for raising his voice to his Queen, but right now he didn’t care, she had allowed this to happen.

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