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Just a neat way to enter this book. No names are given in this. its the ending at the begining so to speak



“Yes, granddaughter?”

“What was it about grandmother that made you fall in love?”

“Well, everything about your grandmother made me fall in love with her, there wasn’t one thing about her that I didn’t love. In fact you" he said tapping her nose "are a lot like she was when I met her.”

“What do you mean, like me?”

“Well for one, she was just as sweet as apple pie with abit of a bite to it.” he msiled to himself

“I’m not like apple pie, grandfather. Mom says I’m like a strawberry, she says that I am soft and squishy with seeds of secrets inside”

“Your mother would say that. And yes I think she is right”

“Right about what, about me being a fruit?”

“Ha ha, no child, about the soft and squishy with seeds of secrets. There are many things about our background that you do not know yet.”

“Will you tell me?”

“Maybe when your older.”

“But why grandfather?”

“Well child, there are things about your past, and yours that are not as splendid as you have been told. There are things that some of us would hope you wont find out.”

“Does mommy know?”

“Yes, your mommy was there for some of the things, some of the events in our past.”

“When will you tell me grandfather?”

“Not tonight granddaughter. Not tonight. Now pull up the covers and sleep. Remember this, even when you dream the truths can reveal themselves. Slumber is peaceful, many things, many years can happen in one sleep, and you would never know it.”

“Why wouldn’t I know it?”

“When we dream, our mind relaxes leaving us in, heres a big word now, a suspended animation.”

“Whats that?”

“You know for seven years old, you ask a lots of questions granddaughter”

“Well I wanna be like grandmother some day, I wanna write stories to, so mommy says I need to ask questions.”

“That is true. Questions are the untold truths of out thoughts. Questions are what allow us to follow our dreams, which is what you should be doing right now, dreaming.”

“Will I be in spuspendid ammination, when I sleep grandfather?”

“Suspended animation, and no, at least not tonight, not ever I hope. Now you need to sleep”

“But I don’t want to grandfather”

“Well this grandfather needs his rest, and plus some of his old injuries are starting to hurt, I think the rain is coming soon, I can feel it. Now I am tucking you in, and you are going to get some sleep. Good night granddaughter”

“I love you grandfather, goodnight!”

“I love you too”


3 years later

“Grandfather? Could you tell me the story now?” she asked, laying curled up on the sofa watching the fire.

“I don’t know if your ready to hear it yet, young lady” he said as he pulled up the blanket across his chest. His rocking chair moved slowly by the movement of his feet.

“Well, I think I am ready. I would like to know now what happened to you and grandmother.”

“Well if I am to tell you there are some things you should know first, and then you can decide if you are ready”

“Crispy says I should know.”

“Who is Crispy?”

“Hes my friend that lives in the basement.”

“And what does Crispy look like?”

“He says I’m not supposed to tell anyone”

“I'm not anyone my dear.”

“Well, hes not very big, he looks like a baby and he wears a green outfit.”

“Does he have pointed ears?”

“Yes, and he says everything twice, hes very funny. He keeps away the dark things, he says, that’s why hes here.”

“The dark things? Did he say what they are?”

“He only told me they come in the night. That they sneak into your dreams and make them scary. He says you know them grandpa”

“Well young lady I have probably met them yes.”

“Why do you know the dark things grandpa”

“That young lady is a story for when your older”


20 years old

Grandpa passed away last week and I will miss him terribly. When I was a young girl I remember him telling me about some story oh his life. Only he never told me what the story was.

Well mom and dad were not able to deal with grandpas stuff, so I decided that I would be the brave granddaughter and do it for them. I loved my grandfather beyond belief, he was the the first person to say that my make believe friend I had wasn’t just in my head and that he was actually a real person, well a real something anyhow. But I never did find out.

Grandpa passed only 3 days before my 20th birthday, and so for my birthday I will be going through all his stuff at the old house.

I had spent hours searching through all the boxes in the attic, getting dust bunnies up my nose and cobwebs in my hair. When I came across a very old trunk with the initials B.R.C. written on it. Inside I looked through the papers; they were old clippings of newsprint and photos. There were clothes inside, a very fancy, now covered with dust, 2 different colors of purple ran the length of this silk gown; it was beautiful.

Along with the dress was a book, hand written from a person with the initials BRC. 

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