Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Bailey tried to ignore him as he worked his way under the covers, she moved her hand back ready to swing, if anything she was going to hit him, and hit him good.

“Kitty want to play?” he repeated inching forward, as he got closer about a foot away he lifted the covers, exposing her head and body and she sprang. Throwing her whole body into the punch, landing it right smack on his nose. Kheelan was unprepared for the attack and flew off the bed, Bailey took her shot and bolted to the door behind him. She stretched her hand for the knob when a hand clamped over her foot causing her to smack her face into the frozen door. Blood began to seep through her nasal passage. She could hear Kheelan chuckling as he got up.

“Nice, I have to say I didn’t see that coming, I was desperately hoping you would make this easy for me but apparently you are not going to.” His frigid hands fastened around her arm hauling her to a stand. Bailey tried to swing again as her other hand held her broken nose. Kheelan dodged and grabbed her waist, hoisting her back on the bed. Legs kicking and arms flailing as the blood from her nose ran. She tried all in her power to hit him as many times as she could, she wasn’t going down without a fight. But Kheelan just laughed at her.

Baileys composer was hitting an all time high, she was working so hard not to show her emotions, when the cold began to slither up her leg, the ripping skin sensation faltered her composer. She began to sob. Not know what else to do Bailey stopped struggeling, she knew what this felt like and didn’t want it to happen again, his hand was so cold as the fost moved to her knee.

“Stop please” she cried

“Will you stop trying to hit me?” he remarked in a bitter amused tone.

“Yes, I'll stop”Kheelan let go of her and the ice faded from her leg. Thankful for the decrease in pain she moved herself to a sitting position on the bed.

“What do you want with me, why are you keeping me here?”fusteration and fear engraved plainly on her face, she knew he could see it.

“Well now, is that anyway to talk to your future husband?”

“WHAT” she yelled slamming her blood soaked fists into the bed covers.

“Aww now look, you ruined my favorite quilt.”he said pointing to the bed.

He can't be serious can he? I mean of all the loaded horse shit, come on!

“You can't be serious, I wont marry you”

“Well you have no choice, this is the way of the fates and you will be my wife” Kheelan began to creep towards the bed, placing one hand on the bed, then another hand, as Bailey began to slide backwards. He raised his knees to the bed in a cat like crawl, inching his way towards Bailey.

“we will have children” he continued, being unphased by Bailey sliding backwards “and a honeymoon, and lots and lots of, well I suppose you can guess. I mean you are one delicious looking woman, I can't wait to try you on for size”His smile ad lust filled eyes replaced the stone cold anger and humour. Now, crawling in front of Bailey was an even more dangerous creature, it was a man who wanted something from her, something she would never give him, sex.

“You need to get away from me” Baileys heart was racing she didn’t know what to do, she didn’t know where to run, and if anything when she ran she would no doubt slip on the ice and fall. Bailey stared as her enemy and captor approached his unwilling victim, a very very unwilling victim, Bailey needed to come up with something, something fast.

Ben had been flying for hours now, they had crossed over the Veratanic Sea, which held countless amounts of extremely dangerous creatures. Ones in which you would rather avoid, if you think a dragon is big, the Moulkio's are twice the size, they have a whale type mouth, a long fat spindly body covered in spikes and they are never happy. Besides giant fish, there are even more, depending on who tell you, dangerous creatures, like the mermaids. Mermaids are able to lure you from your consciousness, they make you feel things, see a beauty you would die for, and that’s exactly what happens, you die.

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