Bit of Backstory

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I wanted to add a bit of a backstory to my work.


We know that WCKD created the mazes and all of that. But if it's all the same wouldn't they get the same results? Sure people handle stress differently and all that pizzazz but it would probably be the same result so the idea came to mind, what happens if there was an opposite maze.

One where you don't wake up in a box, no. you wake up on the ground in one of the four corners of a maze ( If it was square or had edges ) with just a backpack and a note telling you " the center "with no context. You are alone there are others. no day or night it's always dark minus safe havens scattered around that would have fake sun lights, food, and water for a day and a place to sleep. always restocked but you can't go back to the one from the day before.

There could be different backpacks around carrying supplies for whoever finds them. If there were others in the maze it was a choice of Partnering up or killing for supplies. along with there would still be grievers or griever-like creatures always wandering but locked to different sectors just so you can't be ganged up on.

The center would just be an open plain, like the center of the normal mazes with trees and a box. but if you down said box it takes you to the facility from the end of the first movie and you get taken to where they hold the kids.

I feel like this would hold a different better result as you're put under more stress and would be super interesting to write about.

That's that, the book starts at the view of the reader getting started in his maze, and will eventually join the glade in later chapters. Please Enjoy! 


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