06 Working Under the Sun

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Y/N groaned at being shaken awake by Newt in the morning; the sun wasn't even up when he was being pulled out of bed and down the stairs and outside to a wall of the maze to carve his name in the wall. He slammed down the knife to messily etch his name in the wall a bit farther than others as he wasn't quite sure where to put his.  That same day Minho had decided he would Be a runner to help him, and he only agreed on the terms that he would be allowed days in the glade. He didn't want to spend his whole time in a maze again instead finding peace in being with the track-hoes and builders.

- - - - - - - 1 1/2 years later - - - - - ( This is a needed time skip ) 

He was a designated runner who would stay for greenies in case they decided to run; and good that he was. Even with his blurry vision, he could make a boy sprinting away and zarts voice shouting 'We got a runner ' and a look from newt in his clear eye made him stand and dart after the boy. his lanky legs toom his across the glade in moments slowing down as the boy tripped and fell on his own feet; he slowed down looking at his through his good eye motioning for him to stand up.

He grasped the boy by his arm throwing him into the slammer immediately ignoring the weaker boy's struggle.  walking away with a glare, he never trusted greenies; he didn't like Chuck too much even though he was just a little kid. newt pulled him aside with a smile " Hey, Thanks for the help back there " the boy patted him on the back making him jolt forward with a fake angry smile " Yeah. Im not doing it again if a greenie bolts Newt" he grumbled

Newt made an exaggerated sigh dragging him by the ear to Alby and the greenie made him grumble in annoyance. " You alright alby " Newt asked as Alby chuckled " Greenbean,  meet Newt when I'm not around he's in charge "Alby smiled "Good thing you're always around then "Newt beamed back the sun getting in his eyes. " And this is Y/N our resident grump " Alby joked making him flick the dark-skinned boy hard. 

: listen that was some run you made earlier. for a second I thought you had the chops to be a runner. til you face planted " newts accent laid heavily on his words as he shook the new kid's hand. Alby and Newt chuckled with each other and the greenie looked confused out of his made which made him giggle.  " Wha- wha, Runner? " the boy questioned; he rolled his eyes attempting to sneak away and Newton grabbed his arm pulling him back. 

" Newt, do me a favor and go find Chuck? " alby asked which Newt agreed to as he was left behind with Alby and the greenie. " Look I'm sorry to rush this, but you came up late and there's a lot to do. " Alby said "Got something special planned night " he rolled his eyes "We always have something every month. It's not special " he returned. he turned his back to the two boys walking away not wanting to be a part of the greenies introduction to the glade. 

He was waiting by the doors of the maze to see if Minho wanted to switch with him for the next day, he took notice of the greenie and chuck nearing the walls making him sit up.  Minho and Ben rounded the corner minho gave him a thumbs down meaning he didn't have to run the next day wich he gave a nod; Ben said something too much which made Chuck nervously giggle. " they know more about the maze than anyone " chuck cut himself off the greenie questioning him about it; he stepped up putting a hand on chucks shoulder.

" slim it greenie, you're not allowed out of here. especially with already being put in the slammer on day one. " he solidified what Alby had told him. The greenie continued to walk to the doors which made him turn to go find Gally, he didn't want to touch the greenie and Gally shoure would love a fight. He jogged over to Gally whispering the situation to him watching the boy storm away and shoving the new kid hard to the ground.

"We really gotta stop meeting like this greenie "Gally huffed "Get off me " the greenie snapped defensively which made Gally swap moods telling the boy to calm down quickly. He walked over keeping his distance and glaring at the boy; he was less than a few hours in and already trying to leave.  newt came running over even with a limp telling the new kid to calm down which just made him question things more. " why won't you tell me what's out there " the boy panicked "We're just trying to protect you "Alby promised. 

the doors rumbled slowly closing after a back and forth between the three boys. a gust of wind hit them as he turned his back retreating to the place where the bonfire would be held for the day, so much ruckus made him want to sit down and sleep. The sun had set and all the boys lit torches to throw into the fire. He sat the closest playing with embers that hit the floor two jars at his side empty of gally secret recipe. 

the one thing he enjoyed about new people was that he could get drunk and play with fire which was hard to come by in his maze.  he had a soft smile looking at the fire deciding to put his glasses away, everyone was partying which he didn't join into instead sat down resting his head on minho's leg; he was drunk and warm and he could forget his problems one night a month. he could feel Minhos fingers play with his hair. it was the most public or even private affection besides hugs that Minho would give people which was fine for him.

He saw Newt pointing to different groups which made him pat Minhos leg telling him he was getting up for the time being. He walked over to Newt humming and resting his head on the standing boy's shoulder, " greenie got in a lot of trouble today " he glared at the greenie in front of them. " he's new, let him calm down. he's not you N/N " Newt reminded. " he's childish and reckless. look, he's fighting Gally" he snorted. 

After a good moment of the two fighting the greenie banged his head on the floor and stood up like a maniac afterward " Thomas. Im Thomas! " everyone cheered for the greenie, though Gally looked pissed off.

" To Thomas! " 

- AN/ its not the best but I like it and its just the start of everything now :D, I had to rent the movie so hopefully more frequent chapters  /wc\ 1214

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