04 Freedom is a gift, not a right

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It took Y/N an additional Half a year to be where he was, covered in greiver blood, the large stone gates close behind him as he took in his green surroundings and a large metal box ready to take him away.  His body shook and trembled as he gripped his aside that always bothered his sense he got hurt one and a half years ago, though he didn't know it had been that long; he had grown into himself, a tall built boy. He wasn't buff so he could still run quickly but strong enough to kill and fight as he had learned he needed to do. his hair was long overdue reaching the back of his shoulder blades.

He jumped down into the metal box that awaited his arrival feeling it drop as soon as his feet hit the metal grates of it; It had been hours until the box slowly got flooded with an unnatural blue fluid. one that he remembered throwing up when he had first arrived in his maze causing him to panic and shout for help. He was only 15 1/2 and he wasn't sure what to do. sure he could fight but he couldn't swim or hold his breath for too long either; within minutes he was up to his chest in water and soon there was no way out as he ran out of air floating in the water. 

He struggled to hold his breath after a minute. His lungs filled with the liquid that seemed to put him into an odd sort of stasis and he had little to no idea of what was happening around him. All he could hear were the occasional whispers mentioning something of a 'phase two ' and wiping his memory, he didn't want to forget. Not the, not the girl he helped and the people he met along the way. if anything the only thing he wanted to forget was having to kill; he would gladly live without that but he could the muffled ' no ' to wiping his memory. So there he was, waking up in a metal box, heaving to get the liquid out of his lungs like he did when he first woke up in his maze.

 instead of waking up with concrete and a backpack; he woke up with flashing lights, boxes of supplies a print of ' W C K D ' on all of them, and the loud squeak of a pig or two and a dog that laid looking at him curiously.  he sat against the metal of the box shutting his eyes covering his ears; he was scared, he didn't know where he was again and everything was too overwhelming from the blaring horn and the flashing lights that all of a sudden came to a stop. Sunlight shone through as trap doors opened and the grate above him opened an angry voice calling out to him.

" Cmon Greenie, First Day "

- - - - - - - - - -

It had been a year and a half in the glade, and now there were roughly 18 gladers, they had lost someone to the maze already which was a touchy subject for everyone

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It had been a year and a half in the glade, and now there were roughly 18 gladers, they had lost someone to the maze already which was a touchy subject for everyone. As the horn blew signaling for a new greenie to arrive all the boys rushed over some being noticeable as Alby and Newt, and others who had arrived much later like Gally and frypan. Newt and Gally opened the grates to have access to the box; Gally jumped down to help the new boy up grumbling "C'mon greenie, first day; let's go " which the boy, known as Y/N didn't move immediately. instead, he shuffled away standing up weary of the boy he didn't know. 

"I'm fine, I can get out myself " He snarled pulling himself out of the metal box that he had once entered to leave his maze. Blinding light is what met his eyes as he squinted surrounded by boys murdering and a dog licking his hand; he couldn't even hear his thoughts through the boys clamoring at his appearance with his scar down his eye that interrupted his vision and the tanktop he had didn't do much for hiding the scar on his side from the first week he spent alone. 

"Can you leave me alone " He snarled finally his eyes adjusting slowly the boys around him laughing newwts voice appearing the bunch " Leave the poor shank alone, get back to work " he could hear the slightly familiar accsent as the boys left him alone his first view was of a large forest with poorly build buildings and farms. " My names Newt, greenie " Newt introduced "That's Alby, our leader " Newt gestured to a dark-skinned boy which he nodded to. He had finally looked around him immediately noticing the tall stone walls but the matter of that he was outside he also took into account.

His breath hitched as he gritted his teeth his hands forming fists " Is this some kind of joke- " he snarled to himself then faced Newt with wide eyes. Newt held a confused face " Some kind of joke? Greenie you ok? " newt wondered. he grabbed Newt by the shoulders " Where am I " he demanded to the boy in front of him "The glade- " he cut Newt off "What outside those walls " he demanded tightening his grip. " Why don't you calm down, it's not important  " newt tried to brush off " Tell me! Or I swear to god you be added to the list of people I've had to kill " he snarled. 

"It's a maze " He heard the voice of a different boy, the one that had tried to get him out of the box " Gally! " he heard Newt shout as he let go of Newt in disbelief " No, this cant be shucking real, I just got out. Was that all for nothing " he whispered to himself horrified. " Greenie, the shuck are you talking about " the boy who he learned to be Gally asked; " My name isn't Greenie" he quickly snarled taking a step away not trusting either boy. " My Name Is Y/N And I shouldn't be here! " he shouted panicked. " None of us should, but here we are "Newt tried to calm him.

" No, you don't understand! I already Escaped my maze, I shouldn't be here! " 

- AN/ I made it, I can finally say this. i will be creating a new book for each movie! and its a year and a half until Thomas, but an easy timeskip can fix that. Much love! leave a comment and tell me your thoughts!

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