05 Not a new kid?

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" What do you mean "Newt pried his hands off as he looked around his attitude changing from an angered state to one of a frightened boy all over again. " I just escaped a maze, except it. it wasn't like this; this is all different " he began to spin around to take in the doors that let into the maze and the glade around him. 

 " Ok, ok first let's get you to the homestead and well talk to Alby " Newt dragged him along to a three-story building that looked poorly built with the ' gally ' boy trailing behind.

He was forced to sit down, but he stood right back up pacing around and biting his nails trying to think. he couldn't trust the boys around him in this maze was anything like his but he wasn't given supplies when he first arrived like last time. 

his thoughts were interrupted by the door closing the dark-skinned boy named Alby and a boy he didn't know. He kept a good distance from them all just in case; though didn't see any weapons on any of them minus Newt who was covered in grass and not used against people.

- - - - 10 minutes later - - - -

" Alright, one more time " the boy who he learned was named Minho requested; "I- Jeez fine " he groaned pacing around.

" My Name, Is Y/N. I'm from a different maze, though nothing like this one. we didn't live in the center like you all. we wake up on the outskirts of a covered maze with these bags with instructions and supplies.  our mission; to find the center of the maze before anyone else. only one person could escape from what I could tell. There was a group of cannibals though I don't know a lot I stayed away from them. "

The mentions of the cannibals made him shutter but continued on 

" We too have these griever creatures, though we also had to kill each other. there weren't enough supplies to survive on just what they gave us and we had safe spaces to sleep for a night. otherwise, you would be dead. doors closed right as I hit the center and I woke up here after "

He had decided to leave theo out of the conversation, he couldn't trust these boys yet; or ever for that. The boys seemed to be deep in thought at the idea that there are others like them, the boy named Gally seemed to believe him the most surprisingly even though he gave him weird vibes. " I mean, as much as the story seemed stupid the shank came from somewhere "Gally spoke. "  jeez, some of y'all are less trusting than some of the pathfinders" he grumbled.

" Alright, let's just. continue the tradition and we can deal with this in the morning. alright? " alby decided after a long moment; the other boys seemed to agree as Newt pulled him aside to get some supplies which was a lot more than what he had beforehand.  He was led to what Newt called ' the last open room for the moment' and had put his stuff in there checking his pickets just in case after he had settled down.

he found the map of his maze, the note from theo, and the knife that he had when he first entered his maze; He had been told there would be a bonfire once the sun set which the doors of the maze closed and grinding stone would notice. Boy did he hear it. it was loud scraping rock for about a minute and he headed down the stairs of the homestead not ready to deal with so many boys.

A fire was lit right as he arrived with boys cheering around it and getting food; the whole situation made him uncomfortable. He didn't get a lot of food, just some bread and what seemed to be pork though he couldn't be sure anymore, He had sat down far away from the boys but close enough to enjoy the fire.

 Newt sat beside him the crunch of the dry grass telling him that he did so. Minho was off talking to other ' runners ' as he learned they were called and Gally was fighting and alby nowhere to be seen. " Here " Newt had handed him a drink which he turned down just by the smell of it it could have been dangerous. 

he did enjoy the idea of gooding around with boys his age but the last person he trusted died and his whole focus had been escaping not making friends; maybe this could be a break for him, that would be nice. " What you thinking about greenie " Newt broke hs train of thought, " That I might finally get a break from all of this stress " he leaned back on his palms " I can sleep without worry and wake and relax "

He was softly smiling at the fire at the idea that he created for himself, Newt looked at him with a chuckle shaking his head " I don't know what you went through but shuck from what I can tell you need that break greenie " he hummed in acknowledgment when a pressing question came to mind, " What am i going to do now that I'm here " he sat up realizing that he wasn't sure what to do now.

" Oh- Shuck you're right- " the boys laughed at the fact they didn't know what he would do now.

-AN/yikes man this do be rough its been a bit. my bad. but hey next chapter Thomas finally gets here bro. i think i said that last chapter. nope 1 more :P 

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