07 Damnit Thomas!

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Alby had dragged him out of bed to show him to the wall to carve his name with him. He had a solidified scown on his face refusing to let Thomas and Alby walk on his left in fear that he couldn't see them, instead keeping them with his dog eye and a hand on his blade just in case. 

"it's peaceful isn't it " Alby questioned " I know it may not seem like it but it wasn't always this way "

"We had dark days " Alby continued "Shut up alby, he doesn't need to know everything " he snarled at the boy but was waved off " We lost a lot of boys too far, panic. but we've come far since than" he scoffed " order and so-called peace isn't much of a development alby. can I leave now? " he grunted. alby nodded as he stormed off to go help Newt in the garden.

- - - - 20 minuets later - - - -

" has anyone tried climbing to the top. " Thomas questioned, "Keep your questions to yourself greenie " he huffed but Newt made a motion for him to stop ;making him shut his mouth. " tried it, the ivy doesn't go all the way to the top " responded newt " and besides where are you gonna go from there? " Thomas pressed onwards " Well what about the box? I know next time it comes up you just jump in " 

Even Newt was getting audibly irritated by now, "No we tried that, the box won't go back down with someone in it "Thomas seemed to wrack his brain instead of doing work " ok well- what if- " No, we tried it alright, twice. All right trust me anything you think of we've already tried " he snapped at Thomas nearly ripping the vine that he was tieing to a pole. " the only way out of here is through the maze " he mumbled.

it made his head fuzzy to even think about going through another maze to escape even though he was a runner. newt took notice of his quieter demeanor" Now look, you wanna be helpful? Go and dig us up some more fertilizer " newt told Thomas tossing him a basket. Thomas walked away upset nearly tripping as he did so.

Y/N was so deeply rooted in his thoughts of his old maze he didn't even hear Newt walking up behind him, newts hand placed upon his shoulder causing him to jolt slapping his hand off of him gritting his teeth his eyes wide in shock. newt put his hands up in defense "Calm yourself " he heart newt muttered; " I'm calm, that boy needs to be less curious, or it will kill him " he breathed.

" you aren't calm youre splintering the poor stick in your hand " Newt pointed out making him release his grip his heartbeat rang in his ears as he took a breath, a blood-curling scream for help echoed from the woods making him snap his head towards the shout. many others followed his gaze seeing Thomas tumbling away from a crazed-looking ben.

" go, now! " newt shouted at him and he took off in a sprint after the two, he tackled Ben to the ground putting his weight on the boy's chest and holding down his arms; Ben was snapping his jaws due to his hands being held down as other boys came sprinting over to help him hold ben down.  His hands trembled standing up his heartbeat racing making his chest feel like rubber. 

Ben was thrashing around begging Alby, pleading saying he didn't mean to; Ben looked sickly his skin a shade of grey and his shirt was pulled up to reveal a bleeding sting with black veins protruding from his skin and abdomen indicating he got stung. " Y/N, take him to the slammer " alby ordered, newt tried to stop alby as he bound bens hands behind him and lead him to the slammer.

ben thrashed sobbing, pleading that he didn't mean to as he there ben into the hand made prison. He walked into the woods, he wanted to be alone for a while he decided. 

- - - - The Following Evening - - - -

" Please, please Y/N you don't understand. he's one of them! i know it! " ben pleaded as he had a face of pitty fr ben and one of stress as he held the trashing boy and brought him to the group of gladers to banish him. " don't make this any harder than it has to be ben. just, trust me on this " he whispered handing ben off to alby and turning n his heel.

He refused to watch a banishing, instead having his back to the scene but still listening just incase. " whats he doing " he could hear thomas whisper to chuck. " Y/Ns known that he doesn't watch banishing. only keepers are allowed to know wny. dudes mysterious " he heard chuck whispered nervously. the screams of ben as he was banished rung in his head as it happened; grass crunched under his feet as he walked away from the banishment, most boys were quiet but he could hear someone jogging behind him and a whispered conversation.

' thomas don't ' ; ' I just want to know chuck, ill be fine ' ; 'tommy, don't not now ' three different voices. each belonging to different boys. " Hey Y/N " he heard thomas' voice call. he turned on his heel crossing his arms " what " he snarled at the boy. " why don't you watch the banishment like the others " he seemed to interested.

" its inhumane, killing for being stung is no better than last time " he said trying to keep his words steady and understandable as he retreatd to the homestead. thomas was left with a confused face and newt limping after him with a worried look plastered on his face.

he was sitting on his bed his knee bouncing his hands pressed offer his eyes as he took shuttering breaths newt quietly opening the door with a pitiful look and closing it. newt removed his knife from his belt putting it away from his grasp before pulling his hands away from his tear stained face. " Ill kill him, that curious fuck I'm kill him like I did the others " he snapped.

" Y/N " newt tried to snap him out of his odd dazed state " who does he think he is, talking about climbing the ivy like that in front of you " he continued, " Y/N! " newt shouted grabbing his face to look at him. his mind gave him a sense of clarity as tears streamed down his face. " go to sleep, rest. we both know you're going out in the maze tomorrow and cant go around threatening to kill someone " newt stated firmly.

" Fine, fine ill go to bed " he grumbled, newt smiled running a finger down the scar across the left side of his face " sometimes I wish I didn't have my old memories, of my maze, of theo " he started to work himself up again " don't, be glad you have memories of someone you loved. someone you cared for " newt said. he nodded slightly as newt pulled away with a smile and began to leave the room. 

" Goodnight newt " 

" Goodnight Y/N "

-AN/ again not my favorite but I think its better than yesterdays/last one 

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