03 Blatant Favoritism

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                He quickly learned that Theo's note telling him to go to the center didn't have a map, which theo called blatant favoritism. Though over the few days, he spent with them he noticed things about the man that unsettled him, was just the way he didn't care for killing or the idea of it; and the obsession with finding a way out that led them to have little rest over the time they spent together and how theo didn't care to steal; though that might just be him not used to it.

Over the few months, he spent in the maze he had to do unspeakable things, he stole from other people; including children who looked no older than 10 for survival. Though the main thing that made him wake up screaming was the fact that he had to kill; a boy was attacking him after being stung and he wasn't in sight to help as they had finally split up looking for supplies, he remembered it too well stabbing his knife that he got in the beginning through the poor boy's chest and watching the poor boy sputter and choke on his blood.

By the time he had found theo it wasn't truly theo, it was half of the poor boy. his left leg was nowhere to be seen and he had a sting mark through his abdomen his hands grasped around another note that wasn't one they had started with; ' Get out of here, be our savior my friend ' in messy handwriting labeled with Theo's name. He spent the next hour sitting beside Theo's corpse unable to cry by the half-hour mark and holding onto the note that theo had written. he laid out the small map he and theo had made over the months they spent together.

"I'll find a way out, for us, for you... Theo"

- - - - - - - - - - -

The glade was well developed; within the year that Alby had spent in it there was a place for the twelve boys to sleep and for more to come, they had created a community of people to help cook, garden, run, and have order within the glade. They created a basic set of rules ' Don't go in the maze, don't create fights, and don't slack off. ' Newt and Minho were the most common people to go into the maze as over the last year they had spent their time running it and mapping small parts over time creating a room to map out what they had found.

Newt sat by the bonfire that the 12 boys had created in remembrance of the new 'greenie' as they had called them ass everyone seemed to be sick when they first arrived and to a year of the glade. Newt thought of the paper he held in his hands and the only memory that he had of his outside life as a young boy and himself; he wondered if he had a sibling of sorts or a close friend who could still be alive. Minho sat beside Newt handing him a drink that one of the newer kids named 'Gally' would create, it wasn't the best tasting but it grew on him and always let him relax over time.

"we're making progress " Minho broke the silence that fell over the two boys " We should be done with the map by next year at this pace " he looked happy but the tone of his voice spoke that he was upset that they had been there for a while year. "Don't be a shank about it minho, well get better at running, faster. and well get new greenies to help out "Newt accent hung in the air as the two boys spoke together.

" Yeah. Thats true "

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

It seemed luck was on his side; after a year he was still alive though not without bumps in the road, After he lost theo he had found one of the safe rooms that had a pistol in it with a note ' for luck ' it read; which did come in handy as he had to shoot a griever dead a week later. Though he did get a bad gash on his face that blurred his vision in his left eye slightly, he continued to not talk to anyone he met in the maze as he mapped it. staying away from what he could immediately tell was the corner theo warned him about 'Canibal corner ' which he marked down to not go to anymore.

He did end up going in a full loop, meeting someone where he had first woken up, a young girl wich he gave supplies to and left alone after a half hour of explaining what was happening.  He was sure he had mapped out the entire outer rim of the maze pulling out the paper from when he first awoke trying to line up the original map and the map he had maze with theo; who was still a touchy subject to him. Teir always seemed to be a missing piece of the maze that he couldn't follow, every time he tried to follow the maze he was given he couldn't understand where he was so trying to watch it to the map he made proved a challenge.

He had to be getting close right? he wouldn't be stuck forever he had to get out eventually.

 He didn't.

-AN/'m so sorry for the shorter chapter but I'm excited for the next one. for context the Gladers have been in there for a year and so has y? n and theo was there for longer than a year before he died. and YES Y/N and Newt do know each other from beforehand. 

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