Greenie 2.0

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Newt, Minho, And Thomas made their way into the med hut. Alby's labored breaths were heard as he tossed and turned in the bed. Y/N sat beside Alby a cold cloth in his hands as he dabbed it on the boy's forehead to try and calm his burning body down " Jeff, what's goin' on "Newt asked carefully. "What the matter with her why won't she wake up? newt was asking about the new girl they had brought in hours ago. " Hey man, I got my job the same way you did " Jeff shrugged. He glared at the tree who were worried about some random girl and not Alby, whom they had known for years and deemed their big brother.

" Well, You recognize her " He finally spoke up spitting out his words in hate for the girl, he didn't truly know why but she unsettled him even unconsciously. " No " Thomas shook his head carefully. " Really? 'cause she seemed to recognize you " he spat standing up leaving the cloth he held on Alby's head. " Cool it. sit back with Alby " Minho growled at him. he scoffed sitting back down and holding his friend's hand.

" Yeah, well what about the note "Thomas asked Newt " We'll worry about the note later " he brushed it off.  " I think you should worry about it now " he muttered to himself glaring at Thomas. " we've got enough to deal with at the moment " Newt reminded. " he's right newt " Jeff whispered under his breath. " the box isn't coming back up how long do you think we can last? " jeff pressed further. newt licked his lips nervously " No one said that " he replied trying to defend himself. "let's not jump to any conclusions we just.... we wait til she wakes up and see what she knows" he shrugged, but he could see his shoulders were tense. 

" somebody's got to have some answers around here " he decided thomas mumbled under his breath turning around and beginning to jog outside " And where are you going? " He quickly asked "Back to the maze " he heard Thomas reply. minho looked to Newt his head gesturing his way as Minho ran outside. " Y/N " Newt sighed " Newt we both know this isn't a good thing. In my maze girls were common. but yours? Your maze in what three years you said " he paused for conformation "Yes three years " Newt sighed sitting down covering his face with his hands." in three years no girls, not one. and suddenly a girl who says the greenies name who may I remind you WENT INTO THE MAZE AT NIGHT AND KILLED A GREIVER IS HERE? NEWT SHE'LL KILL US ALL " he shouted kicking his chair away.

the chair broke apart from poor craftsmanship and with a strong kick his hands reached up to his hair tugging at the roots in stress as he paced around. " or she'll be our way out, Y/n you never know "Newt seemed to be on the verge of tears his head limp on the edge of the chair his palms pressed to his eyes tightly. " Our way out? " he hiccuped a sob Jeff scurried out of the room quickly leaving them alone. " NEWT THERE IS NO WAY OUT, I'VE BEEN THERE WE ARE FUCKING STUCK HERE " he sobbed his arms leaving his head and wrapping around his own torso for comfort.

" YOU DONT KNOW THAT! " newt shouted back standing up and slamming his arms down to his sides " LOOK ME IN MY FUCKING EYES AND TELL ME THEO DIDNT DIE SO I COULD BE PUT IN ANOTHER MAZE NEWT " he grabbed the boy's tan shirt his knuckles white through the force of his grip. His labored breaths and heaving chest left him with little oxygen making him dizzy. newt put his hands up in defense. he let go rubbing his knuckles storming out of the room and back to his room in the main building wiping his face of his tears and gritting his teeth. He threw himself on his bed with a shout lying on his back.

that didn't last long as his hands found their way to his dresser shoving it to the floor " Stupid fucking greenie, stupid fucking maze, stupid fucking grievers. were all just stuck here to die " he sat in the corner of his room curled up his knees tucked to his chest his head resting on his knees.

- - - - - - - - - - - 

soft murmurs were heard downstairs of the homestead "Yeah we ---- inside ---- griever " it was Thomas' voice. he uncurled from himself his head dizzy from crying and he wiped his face again.  " same --- as we ---- supplies " newts confused voice rang out. he mentally caused at himself for not apologizing to Newt for lashing out at him "Yeah, whoever put us here obviously made the grievers "Thomas' voice was clear "No shit, they also made the maze. Never see the large print in sector seven? " he scoffed from the balcony above. 

thomas glared continuing his words "This is the first real clue, the first anything in over three years, right Minho? " it seemed to run in the blood to forget how long they had been trapped.  " right " Minho mumbled "Newt we gotta go back out there. who knows where this might lead us " Thomas begged. Gally clearly had words to say, waiting for the boy to shut up so he could speak "You see what he's trying to do right? First he breaks our rules then tries to convince us to abandon them totally? " gally pointed out the obvious. " the rules are the only thing that held us together why now are we questioning that? If Alby was here you know he agreed with me " Gally argued "Alby isn't here though is he gally? " he scoffed "This shank needs to be punished " Gally argued back at him.

" you're right, Thomas broke the rules "Newt handed the odd device back to Minho. " one night in the pit and no food " " Oh come on newt! One night no food? You think that's going to stop him from going into the maze? " gally was flabbergasted at the idea of such a light punishment. " No, and we can't just have non-runners running into the maze whenever they feel like it "An uncomfortable silence fell over the group "So let's just make it official " Gally crossed his arms waiting.

"Starting from tomorrow, you a runner " Newt declared to Thomas "Wow" Gally sighed storming out " Gally " Frypan called out going after him " nah fry " he shoved him off. " thanks newt " Thomas sighed. Newt gestured where he sat.

" don't thank me. Thank Him "

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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