Chapter 1- 2016: Burning Blood

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The sun blazed brightly over the city of Kshaya, casting its radiant glow upon the bustling streets below. Amidst the hustle and bustle of life, where everyone seemed caught up in their own hurried pace, sleek cars traversed the impeccably smooth roads. Not a beggar was in sight on the pristine sidewalks; instead, well-dressed individuals strolled along lost in their own contemplations.Towering edifices surrounded the area, but amidst the urban landscape stood one building that commanded attention. Its exterior was clad entirely in wood, arranged in horizontal stripes, with the top fashioned into a sharp-edged pyramid reminiscent of a knife's blade. Although devoid of people, the building was surrounded by a flurry of activity, with crowds milling about the neighboring structures.

Suddenly, all the rushing cars came to a halt, their drivers peering out eagerly from their windows. Pedestrians, too, froze in their tracks, their gazes fixed skyward, resembling statues in the midst of the bustling street. A woman clutching her umbrella tightly watched helplessly as it was whisked away by the wind, her dress billowing gracefully in the air. Nearby, a man's hat was lifted from his head and carried off by the breeze. In a matter of moments, every individual seemed drawn out onto the street, their hair swaying in the gentle breeze. Some shielded their eyes from the swirling dust, while others stood transfixed, their attention captured by the sight above. Three helicopters emerged on the horizon, their rotors slicing through the air as they made their approach toward the solitary building.Within the helicopters, police commandos clad in dark blue uniforms and black bulletproof vests, their eyes shielded behind dark sunglasses, prepared for action.

Within the helicopters, police commandos clad in dark blue uniforms and black bulletproof vests, their eyes shielded behind dark sunglasses, prepared for action

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As they arrived, an officer named Ekansh, his badge gleaming in the sunlight, shouted,
"Everyone, get back!"

All the police officers swiftly took their positions in front of the massive door, gripping their AR-15 rifles firmly and pointing them towards the entrance, their focus unwavering. Bullets strapped to their waists and pistols holstered as sidearms, they stood ready for whatever lay beyond.

Ekansh raised the radio on his shoulder and spoke into it with determination, his voice cutting through the tense atmosphere.

"Dispatch, this is CTU Alpha, arrived at Culprit location, codename Shaitan, over."

"Break in, over,"
the officer commanded over the radio.

"Copy, everyone stand by,"
Ekansh shouted in response.

All the officers took a step back, preparing for the imminent breach. Ekansh swiftly lowered his rifle and hurried to the door, where he planted a composition C-4 bomb. With precision, he returned to his position, turning to face away from the door and adopting a defensive stance, one leg firmly planted on the ground, ready to take cover.

"Take cover!"
he bellowed, signaling to his team to brace themselves for the explosion.

As the bomb detonated, the massive door crumbled to the ground, sending clouds of dust and smoke billowing into the air. With rifles at the ready, the officers swiftly advanced into the building, their senses heightened and adrenaline pumping. Inside, they meticulously searched every corner, their rifles trained on any potential threat. However, all they found were black cylinders, seemingly freshly painted, scattered throughout the area. Undeterred, the team regrouped and ascended to the top floor of the building. Before them stood the main door, adorned with a striking 3D tiger design. Curiously, music could be heard emanating from within. With caution, the officers prepared to breach the door, their training and instincts guiding them as they braced for whatever lay on the other side.

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