An Uknown Building

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   (Laneys point of view)

The bickering continued as we walked into the large building. We all shined are flash lights in front of us taking in every detail.

Despite our scoulding Freddy flipped the light switch by the entance on and off. It truly was a pointless action in our eyes. Finally after a couple try Freddy left the light switch alone. The room made a slight ticking sounds and to our absolute shock, yellowish lights filled the large room. I dropped my flashlight in shock along with a few of my friends.

"How is this possible, this place is old?" Jennifer asks the obvious.

"I have no clue. All the stories said the lights didn't work," Haylie says mainly to herself. She wondered around the dusty room picking at the wallpaper.

"Maybe someone fixed them," Freddy says like this was completely normal.

"No one would have fixed the lights in an old rundown asylum," Micheal states, obviously annoyed.

"Umm, guys? Look up," Andrea says in an uneasy tone.

We all look up at the walls. Plastered on the yellowed peeling wallpaper are severial news paper clippings. The covered the wall like something you would see in a movie. Each heading relating to the asylum from when it was running, the day it shut down, random articles, and oddly enough missing person reports. We all made our way around the room, filming, touching, take pictures of them, etc.

 There were so many headlines, obentouaries, etc. They date back longer than any of us expected, and some of them date in to more recent times, like last month. They were revealed every thing everything. Every death and detail about this asylum. How they died, how old they were, when they were born, how they got here, every last detail. 

It takes us hours to search the walls of the main room, and once we had finally seen enough we decided to move on to the kitchen. The kitchen entrance was located in the corner of room with to swinging doors. Once you walked in it looks of course outdated but besides the dirt and dusk pilled up all over the ancient appliances and wood counter tops it looked like any other kitchen from it's time. This is one of the reason we did not spend to much time here. Before I knew it the group had exited the area and most likely made there way to the rooms.

"Do you guys here that?" I herd Andrea say once I had finally got up with them. We had walked up the first rickety stair case and found ourselves in a hallway with maybe a dozen doors. The walls and floor looked old and dirty like the rest of the building and the dark wooden doors all remained closed.

We all stoped at the entrance of the hallway. A faint noise echoed off the walls. It sounded like two people having a loud conversation. We new it was coming from one of the rooms but it wasn't loud enough for us instinctively decide which one.

With a nod we all split up. Silently checking the rooms with caution. We didn't want to yell or make our presence to clear just in case it could cause us trouble. The rooms where all the same. A some what rusted metal bed frame with a thin mattress which was  neatly made with the same dark blue covers and white sheets. A dark wooden night stand sad beside each bed with a lamp on top of it along with the occasional random item. Across the room sat a tall dresser and next to a desk to match the night stand. The rooms didn't look to old or to new. In fact the almost looked as if they where still in use. As we made our was down the hall the voices got louder. The voices didn't sound angrey but they did sound dramatic. Like an argument was about to break out but had not yet reached that point yet.

"Guys!" I hear Luke yell. We all rush to the very last door on the left of the long hallway. Luke has his hand on the brass door knob and his eyes scanned the room with worry.


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