A Familar Voice

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(Laney's point of view)

The next morning we woke up around 6 am. The hole group looked like zombies as we packed up our sleeping bags and other belongings.

"Fletcher is going to need some clothes" Jenn says looking at the poor boy. He stood next to her, looking at the ground. His clothes where torn and filthy.

"Freddy did over pack" Andrea points out. We all glance at Freddy who was currently stuffing the last of his things in the black back pack. Freddy just rolls his eyes unzipping the backpack once again and digging in it before pulling out a pair of black gym shorts and a black t-shirt. He hands the clothes to Fletcher who thanks him before leaving the room to change. Every one talks amongst them selves as we wait for Fletcher. He eventually joins the group once again looking much cleaner.

"So, what are we doing today?" Fred asked.

"Explore, I mean we didn't have much of a plan for what we were gonna see." Calum cuts in.

Haylie points to a fenced area across the land and say, "What's that over there?" We all fallow my sisters gaze to see an unkept grave yard. A wire fence surrounded the tall grass as some old unkept head stones just barley peaked out.

"My geuss would be grave yard. I doubt it is anything worth looking at." Freddy responds.

We decided to go in to the main building. We make our way to the main building, pushing on the tall heavy door until it finally came open. We hit a light switch and just like the previous building the lights flickered on only to flicker off.

We herd a loud, defending screech fallowed by a haunting female voice.

"Get out, he is giving you one last chance." The words came out as echo's inside of my head. A helpless, powerless, depressed feeling took ever my body as her desperate calls echoed my brain. "He is a horrible man, please children, run" it sounded as if she was in my head, but by the looks on my friends faces I was not alone. I followed every one as we ran for the

The heavy doors become impossible go open. The voice stops and pure silence takes over the room. The light finally stop flickering and we are standing in what I think is a reception area with lots of couches, newspapers and several chandeliers. All the boys are tugging at the doors handles trying hard to open them.

"WE'RE STUCK!" Freddy yells, pushing himself  on the ground.

I pulled out the map "we need to check all the exits." I screamed out to them. With one quick look at the map we all bolt for the diffent ways out of the feared building. None of us have any luck as we find our selves in the reception area in full panic.We all take out are phone but none of us have a signal.

"What now!!!" Andrea says as she pulls at her faded roots with shaky hands.

"We should look around, there has to be some way out lets split up " I screech. My breath was heavy as suddenly I felt clostraphobic in the large building.

"We checked all the exits, there is no way out" Michael groans.

"There has to be something, a window, balcony, something!!" Luke yells as his stress fills the air.

"Its worth a try" Haylie mumbles walking towards the map once again.

"How should we do it?" Luke asks.

"We should split up, I'll go with Haylie, Luke goes with Laney, Fletcher goes with Jenn and Andrea goes with Freddy" Michael says as every one simply shakes there head in response. Every ones faces showed fear, so much fear that we didn't even bother arguing.

We all find are designated partner and make our way to the room we were assigned.

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