Floor One

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(Luke's point of view)

The first floor was so much bigger than it looked. The main floor did not have much in it besides couches, book shelves, tables, some magazines, a reseption desk that read mens work, and a piano. Along with a few tables and desks with games on them. On the sides of the rooms there were a lot of offices but they were all locked laney tried to pick the locks but failed. I suggested that we should break the glass in the small window in the door.

"We should wait for the rest of the group to do that. "Laney says.

We find ourselves in the cafeteria, witch has a bunch of all tables and window for serving food.

Then Laney says, "Why don't we go in the kitchen to look at the food supply now telling how long we will be in here?"

We look through the kitchen to find several cans of expired food

Next we went to the library witch is what you would expect it to look like. It was wall to wall with book shells. Lots of tables and chairs and couches.

We were done way earlier than planed by 12:00 pm but we new the others would not be back till 6:00 like planed.

Then Laney said, "Hey, wait a second. Isn't there a basement?"

" We probably should just wait four the others no telling what is in the basement," I say

" Well we could look or at least find an entance," she says.

We look every were and we can't find the entrance.when I see Laney start to pull books out of the library shelves.

What are you doing?

Laney: I don't know

Laney: Wait a second look behind this shelf

I pull the shelf down and reviel a door with a staircase going down in to a dark basement we walk down the steps to find beds food water blankets and many other supplise

Laney: Why would this be hidden.

I dont know why don't we get some beds set up for when the others come back so we can all stay on the main floor

"ok sounds good"

We begin to set up beds by 5:00pm were done

"as we go in to the basement one last time to have final look around we here a loud slam we run back up the steps to find a shut door.

We search for a way out and scream at the Same time but after an hour or two we begin to lose hope and we finally calm down.

" You know what this reminds me of," Laney says. "When Micheal and Haylie locked us in your room when we were in 10th grade because they thought we liked each other."

" Yeah it kind of does except we could die here." I say

" The sad thing is Haylie was kinda right. I did like you"

"I liked you to" I say.

"What about now?" she asks

I lean into kiss her and right when I do Andrea knocks down the door along with everyone else by her side.

As soon as we realized what happened, witch took longer than it needed to but right when we finally did, we jump up and and Laney runs to the group giving them a big hug.

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