Walmart Adventures

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Thursday, July 11, 2015

The next day started around 9am, of course the guys complained about the early hour, but there urge for the alarm clock to stop finally got them out of bed. Still in pajamas we searched the internet for about half an hour. Everyone crowded around my laptop, snatching it from me when I did something wrong. A couple of light arguments and ghost hunting sights later we had finally found a map off of the internet. This building was highly talked about, which is the only reason it was drawn up. I simply prayed it waa accurate before printing it. I printed out direction from google in order to avoid the argument that was sure to happen with using one of our phones. Haylie handed me the supply list that she made.

Things to bring
A change of clothes
Portable phone chargers
Sleeping Bags
First aid kit

"How about ouija boards?" Andrea says. She was looking over at the list. Her eyes squinting at the messy Cursive.

"No way in hell” I through my head back with a laugh.

"Oh come on, ouija boards can be totally safe if your not dumb about it" Andrea Defends.

"Not like the shit it real any way" Freddy buts in with his usual pessimistic opinion. The rest of the guys soon walked back into the room. I had sent them all to go get breakfast for themselves but the task was clearly not enough to distract them for my desired amount of time.

"We are not bringing a fucking ouija board" Luke exclaims.

"Agreed" Jenn adds

"We don't wanna piss anything off"Luke says adding to his previous claim.

"So its settled..."I start

"Yeah that you guys our all wusses" Fred laughs.I shook my head beginning to regret my friend choices.

"You know in horror movies your type is the first to die" Michael comments stuffing his face with yet another Dorito. The rest laugh it his comment.  This comment of course opens the conversation right back up leading to even more bickering.

"We need to plan on what to bring clothes wise" I screeched interrupting the groups pointless argument.I grab yet another piece of paper and begin to write the groups suggestions down.

2 shirts
Tenis shoes

About an hour later we find ourselves in Walmart. First we go to the pharmacy section of the large supermarket. Originally premade first aid kits filled our cart, but after further investigation we had decided to put most of them back and make our own. We collect Bandaids, rubbing alcohol, surgical tape, tissue, ointment,gaws. The guys made fun of use the hole time as we went through several situation we might face.

Fed up, I look over at the small group of guys. “Go get batteries and flashlights and we will meet at checkout” I order. The guys all roll their eyes but do ass told.

We left the pharmacy with a partially full cart. Jenn counted each item and added up our current total. We of course were on a strict budget. We sorted through and put back what we could along with replacing some current items with cheaper versions. We soon found ourselves at a comfortable place under our budget. We made our way to a check out to see the guys waiting impatiently. I was honestly shocked that they even did as we asked much less met us at check out.

By 8am we found ourselves sitting around Laney and I's Living room. The guys prepared the small cameras we would use to film the trip. Jenn and I put the first aid kits together while Andrea took position as the groups personal DJ. By 10 everyone had left to get clothes or anything else they needed. I packed my bag as small as possible. Throwing in band shirts from middle school along with either cheap or stained pants and hoodies. I walked to the living room, my backpack in hand. I threw a first aid kit along with some batteries, a backup charger and anything else I needed into the front pocket. I zipped the black backpack before throwing it next to Haylies by the door.

I walked through the dimly lit home and into the kitchen. I searched through the junk drawer by the stainless steel fridge. I pulled out a small notepad along with a black ink pen. Going into this we understood that we don't know what we will find. So since my parents were out of town for the whole week, I left a note.

Hey mom, if you're reading this chances are we are probably in some kind of trouble. I am sureSo if you're reading this chances are we are probably in some kind of trouble. I am sure you must have a lot of questions for all of us but for now all you need to know is that we are in the old asylum downtown. Yes I know it was dumb, but I left directions along with the address and everything you need to know with this note. I love you. -Laney, and Haylie. You must have a lot of questions and your probably really worried, but for now all you need to know is that we are in the old asylum downtown. Yes I know it was dumb, but I left directions along with the address and everything you need to know with this note. I love you. -Laney, and Haylie.

P.S. I prey to god you never see this

Thank you hopeful2003 for editing the original for me.

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