Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV

"Vox Sir, you have to move to the recording studio, the news has to be presented immediately." I said looking at Vox's schedule as we walk up to Valentino's apartment. He rolled his eyes before looking down at me annoyed. "Come down bitch. They have to wait until I get there otherwise they can all suck themselves." He said arrogant which made me frown. I clicked my tongue in annoyance as two women opened the door to Valentino's. "But sir!!" I started but was interrupted by a glass being thrown at me. I easily avoided the glass, but my eyebrow began to twitch at the sight of the pimp. "What the fuck is your little bitch doing here again Vox!!" he hissed in our direction, angrily pushing himself onto his hip. Vox put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me a little in Val's direction. "My little bitch will assist you while I'm on the air." "WHAT!!!!?" Valentino and I said in horror. It's probably not hard to say that we don't really like each other. Whatever the reason, at least I never did anything to him. "That stupid virgin doesn't have a clue about it here." He mocked me which made me grit my teeth. "It's even better. You can show her how it's done." grinned Vox and left the apartment uninterested. "Vox!" Then the door closed and I hung limply. Then, taking a deep breath, I straighten up and, running my hands through my hair, turning back to Val. He was now standing menacingly in front of me and I put on a mock polite smile. "Sir, what can I help you with something ?" I asked but was only grabbed harshly by his hand on my hair and pulled up to his eye level. "You cheap little slut won't do anything here except get fucked!!!" he shouted at me and now my posed smile fell. "I hate to disappoint you, oh sex lord you, but I definitely won't fuck any of your homeless people with a one inch penis!" I hissed at him at the end, grinning slightly. He giggled a bit and let go of my hair. He took a drag from his long-drawn cigarette and blew it into my face, which made me feel a little dizzy. He took my chin lightly in his hand and pushed it up towards him. "You're so lucky that you are sexy. You definitely won't fuck a trucker. You're fucking my best dick! Angel!!" he grinned, completely excited by the idea and a black cat demon looked out from next to Valentino. The pimp threw me towards a black cat, who then began to breathe hornily. Almost like a dog. I pushed him away from me to distance myself in disgust. "piss off." I said to him and was turned into a wardrobe by Valentino. "Angel baby will you please take care of this dirty little slut!" He asked the person in front of us gently before turning to me. I looked at him and growled angrily. "You're going to fuck, so clean her up nicely, my sweet one" He said pushing me into the room and then closing the door. "Dirty little son of a bitch!!" I mumbled, straightening up and then looking up to Angel. I only heard from Angel sometimes when Valentino had a freak out. Angel resembled a spider. He was tall and thin and had pink dots under his eyes. Suddenly he made two more arms appear and supported the two arms on the right against his hip. "What did ya do to make Val so fucking mad ?" he asked quite amused and leaned against the cosmetic table. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I don't know, maybe I stole his little flat-faced sex friend." I said shrugging my shoulders and walking towards Angel. "Ya fucking Vox?" he asked, slightly shocked. "No, I was fooled by him and now he owns my soul." I said, annoyed of myself. He laughed a little while came over and patted my back. "Don't worry, that's how we all got here." He grinned and pushed me on a makeup chair. He started to put some makeup on me while we continued chatting casually. "You only sold half of your soul??" I questioned after a short while and he nodded. "Imagine I gave him my whole soul! What would I had to fuck and suck cocks! Yeah no thanks." He said, pretending to be stressed. "Phew, luckily I only felled for Vox. At least he doesn't want to fuck me." I laughed a little and Angel joined in. The door slammed open and an angry Val looked down at us chatting figures. "You bitches better get out and fuck!!" he hissed but saw that I was still wearing my normal clothes. He came towards me and looked like he wanted to rip my clothes off when suddenly a voice attracted our attention. I looked past Val and breathed in sigh of relief. "Val are you trying to force my little assistant to get fucked?" He asked with an amused grin which made me frown. "Oh yeah!" the pimp drooled over it in front of me, really horny. "Well, as much as I would like to allow you to, Y/n now has to help me in other ways." "If you want someone to suck you, get one of my other sluts." Val grumbled, annoyed at not being able to take advantage of me. Vox shook his head, laughing. "Oh no. I want her to give me a blowjob." I opened my mouth in shock. But I stayed quiet because I'd rather suck my boss's dick than Val's. I fumbled my way out of Valentino's grip to get over to Vox. "Let's go Y/n" Vox said and we left Valentino's sex dungeon. However, I couldn't feel relieved because Vox still wanted me. I jumped a little when he started to speak. "So Y/n-. Huh? Ohh.. Don't worry, I don't want to face fuck you." He said calmly and coolly scrolling through his phone. I now breathed a sigh of relief and continued to run after him. "I'm really relieved, sir..." I began calmly before staring at him a little angrily. "If you would be so kind to not leave me with this dirty sex-hungry pimp next time!" "Don't open your mouth too wide, at least I can order you to fuck him. Be glad I came to get you at all, bitch." i rolled my eyes after what he said and we get into his office. The big sharks swam around and bumped against the glas, trying to eat us. I called some of Vox's other workers to feed his pets and sat next to him on a chair. "I have a new order for you. You have to fuck a rich man named Gaston. A Man who's trying to copy me. That prick is a pain in my ass so fuck an kill him for me." "Sir isn't it enough to just kill him?" i asked narrowing my eyes at my Soul owner. He raised his eyebrows at me wiggling with his Hand. "Yea yea whatever than just kill him ugh." Confused that he was annoyed that I didn't want to fuck Gaston, I stood up. "How should I get in touch with him, sir?" He opened his phone and showed me a flirty chat with Gaston. "I've already taken care of everything. You guys have arranged to meet in the Sextel." "WHAT! Vox, that's way too expensive and heavily monitored!" I hissed at him, slamming my palm against my forehead. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and looked at me angrily. I immediately became quiet and continued to listen to him. "You'll be picked up from the hotel again, don't worry." he complained and snapped once, whereupon many young girls ran in followed by Velvette. "Then let's dress you up nicely." she grinned, looking down at me from the long office table. The girls around me provided a privacy screen so that Vox couldn't cock. They undressed me to make me the perfect outfits. My hair was also twisted and my make-up by Angel was also renewed again. "Believe me Vox. When we're done with her he'll want to fuck her in the lobby." I slowly exhaled, annoyed at the word fuck. Vel and Vox chatted behind the screen. "Velvette we're done." one of the stylists then said before revealing me. Velvette began to squeal happily. "Damn!! Vox I have to borrow she for one of my shows, awesome bitches!!" she marveled and I looked at Vox expectantly. He stared at me in amazement before shaking his head and walking over to me. "Great! Then we'll take you to this motherfucker now!!" He grinned angrily and put his arm around my shoulder to guide me down to the entrance. We both got into a large white limousine before driving to the hotel. "Don't forget. No matter what he says or does. Laugh and join in! Act stupid but not too stupid and be interested!!" Vox explained to me and I nodded with a firm look. The car began to stop. "He'll probably take you out to eat first and then up to the room to fuck you, so enjoy your meal and fuck his brains out!!" he laughed brutally while using his hand to pull my long dress up to my thigh to inspect the weapon that was tied to it. "Grab him bitch!" Vox grinned ambitiously at me and slapped my ass as I got out of the Sedan. "Fuck you!!" I growled at him as I rubbed my bottom and looked back at him. The door was closed again so I was now forced to go to the hotel. On the way up it occurred to me that I didn't know what the guy looked like. I nervously looked around for men who were looking for someone. As I entered the hotel I felt several lust-filled looks but ignored them until suddenly I was grabbed by my hips and neck and a body pressed against me from behind. "You actually look even hotter than i thought!" he moaned in my ear and I joined in. While his hands moved further and further towards my boobies, I tilted my head back to reach the crook of his neck. "Let's go straight to the room, Gaston, my darling." I breathed hornily and grinned mischievously at him. "I can't wait any longer for your hard, stiff cock to fill me and make me feel good." I groaned, turning around to face him and moving my hand from his chest down to his crotch where I began to rub his cock through the material. "Oh ya.. We're leaving now." he grinned, picking me up and storming up the stairs. In the background I saw Vox watching us go, to whom I waved sweetly goodbye. Before I disappeared around the corner I saw Vox start to follow us but was prevented from doing so by fans. Gaston slowly let me down and opened the door for me. I pulled him by his tie to push him onto the couch. Loosening his tie, I pulled it over his eyes with the words. "Do you trust me?" He removed the tie from his eyes. "Oh yeah but I want to see you while I'm doing it with you." he breathed hornily, cupping my ass. I giggled softly and released his grip on me. "Then wait for me here. I'll freshen up quickly." I grinned, running my fingertips down his neck. I quickly got off his lap and walked sexily into the bathroom. I held on to the door and pressed myself against it to make my breasts appear larger. "One moment." I crooned closing the door and stripping my dress down to the last bit of material. I emptied the cartridges in the gun and inserted a foam bullet and a real cartridge. I spread my hair over my shoulders and shook it out once to make it look voluminous. I opened the door and held the gun with the barrel pointing upwards. "I thought maybe it would give us an extra kick." I giggled but he looked at me in shock. "Don't worry, there are only foam balls in there." I grinned, holding the gun to my temple and pulling the trigger. A small, soft ball fell to the ground, causing him to breathe a sigh of relief. "Well if that's what you're into. I'm open to anything and now let me fuck you." he growled hornily and pulled me up on top of him. "Not so fast sweeter." I grinned and held the gun against his forehead. "Oh great, pull the trigger you little slut!!" He grinned hornily which made me giggle. My eyes lit up with amusement and I pulled the trigger. A loud bang now sounded and his brain sprayed all over the room as well as into my face and body. I got off him and the door opened with my boss in it. "So you fucked him after all?" he asked grinning about my naked body but I shook my head. "No, I just took off my clothes." I replied and headed back over to the bathroom. "I'm going to take a quick shower, wait here." I grinned at him and closed the door. "What are you babbling, we have to go!!" he snapped at me, sprinting after me. Vox opened the bathroom door and looked at me angrily while I was in the shower. "Come on Vox Sir! Otherwise the dress will get dirty!" I replied pouting while the water was already running down my body. Despite wearing clothes, Vox got into the shower with me to turn off the water. "That's enough!!" he snapped at me in his demon voice, grabbed my wrist and pulled me harshly out of the shower. "You're allowing yourself too much Y/n! You just dare to make your own decisions huh!? You're going against me?" At the end he grinned threateningly, which made me tremble slightly. He gave me my clothes and walked out of the bathroom. As soon as I was dressed again he made the blue contract chain appear around my neck and pulled me behind him like his dog. Through the door where a few guests looked at us in confusion. "What is there to stare at!" I turned on the tensioners, whereupon Vox pulled me forward so hard that I fell to the ground. "I'm sorry, dear residents. My pet ran away from me. I apologize for her cheeky behavior!" He said hypocritically until he grabbed my cheeks and pulled me close to his face. "You'll never act on your own again, clear!" "It's clear..." I replied, averting my gaze from Vox. "Good girl."

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