Chapter 11

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-Y/n's POV-

I ran my hand pleasantly through my wet hair. Warm drops of water ran down on me from above and I was able to relax. Not that anything happened. But the job as an assistant is sometimes a bit stressful. I ran my left hand over my right arm, over my cleavage, over my shoulder and back up to my hair. I never have a sense of time in the shower. That's why I didn't know how long I had been showering. I also didn't notice anything around me, so I was startled when the door to my bathroom suddenly opened. Vox stood there and looked at me, unimpressed. A little angry when I look closer, which makes me look confused. I move to the side so he couldn't look at me directly from the front and put my hair down so that it covered my chest. "Y/n how much longer do you plan on being showering? Come on, there's work to do." He said decisively, took my towel and threw it to me. I quickly turned off the water and grabbed the towel which I then wrapped around my body and looked at Vox with narrowed eyes and an annoyed look. "Thanks sir." I poisoned him a bit. Which made him grin. I rolled my eyes and continued to grin and stayed in the bathroom while I got dressed. I noticed his gaze on me, which gave me goosebumps, and I then looked at him slightly from the side. "Sir? You're alright?" I asked, cocking my head, and he looked away from me, caught. "Yes, yes, go ahead, we have to go. I want to get this work finish today." He rolled his eyes and shooed me out of the bathroom after I got dressed. I quickly put on my shoes, stressed by my boss. I blew wet hair that was hanging on my face out of my face and ran after my boss. "Sir, but why do you need me so urgently? I didn't note anything important in your appointments today." I asked looking at him confused. He took my hand and walked a little faster. I stumbled a bit due to the sudden pace and rushed after them. "Vox Sir!! What's this!?" I asked stressed and we arrived in front of his office. "Hello?? Can you answer me??" I asked a little annoyed and Vox gestured for me to sit opposite him. I did this too. "Tell me about your past life." He ordered which only made me more confused. He looked at me with a fixed gaze and I knew there was no other way out of this situation than to tell him about my life. "Well, I was a talented blackjack player. What else was special about that?" "I don't know? Did you had family?? Siblings? Friends? A boyfriend?" He asked precisely which made me freeze. I looked away from him at the table and didn't answer again. "Did you??" he asked me emphatically. "I'll be honest with you.. I can barely remember my parents.. But I had a little sister. We lived in poor circumstances and she was very sick. I played for large sums of money to be able to finance her medicine. I don't remember all the games i played, just my last one, the game was about my sister's life. If I win, there's a chance she could survive and if I lose we would be bankrupt and I wouldn't be able to afford her medicine." I began to tell Vox in detail. I didn't know why I did that, after all he was my boss. Why should I tell him something so private? On the other hand, who else would I tell? Vox looked at me eagerly and folded his hands excitedly over his mouth. "Well I won but as soon as I could look I was shot. I don't know what happened to my sister and whether she survived but I hope so.." I finished talking, whereupon I exhaled sharply. "I'm sorry for you Y/n.. It must be hard to lose a loved one.." "Well, what has to happen happens. Oh and I didn't answer you one question. I had a boyfriend, him helped me look after my sister but when he suddenly got a good job offer he left immediately without ever coming back." I continued talking hurt, my mood completely sank and I had to pull myself together not to cry. "B-But why are you asking me about this..?" I asked frantically looking up at him. He looked at me sadly and nervously tapped a finger on the table. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I just wanted to find out a little more about you. You've been working for me for a while now and I realized that I barely know anything about you." He smiled cautiously and I gave that smile back to him. "Thank you sir.. I didn't think you would be interested in my life." I laughed a bit as he joined in.

Vox's POV

Me neither. I thought to myself and laughed along with her. Y/n's life seemed to have been really hard and it reminds me a lot of an old relationship of mine. "But what about them? Do you also have a sad backstory?" she asked, grinning. "Oh no i don't. I made a lot of money, ripped off people and put on my show. One reason why I'm in hell but it was worth it." I answered her untruthfully. She seemed to buy it though and rolled her eyes slightly. Her eyes then stayed on mine and I dreamed something to myself. "Wow, that sounds pretty tasteless. Haven't you ever had anyone to care about?? Or something?" she asked me with an interested look. I puzzled a bit although the answer was already clear in my head. "Ha.Ha thank you very much indeed." I rolled my eyes at her comment that I had no taste. "Actually, there was someone.. A girl with an difficult background.. She didn't have it easy and I helped her as much as I could, but my money wasn't enough anymore so I accepted a better job offer. My boss always promised me most of my money But apparently that never happened. She thinks I've forgotten her, but I have and never will." I said and let myself go. After my words, I only realized what I had said and Y/n looked at me with huge, shiny eyes. Her sadness clearly reflected in her eyes. "Oh Vox... I'm terribly sorry for you.." she said, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it a little. I cleared my throat briefly before standing up and removing my hand from hers. "Yeah whatever. You know, we should distract ourselves a bit, don't you think??" I asked her with a grin and had Tom bring us a few bottles of wine. She was a little surprised but then agreed with me and we chatted and laughed together for the rest of the evening. One bottle was already gone and I could see her already mumbling something. Y/n was reaching for the next bottle, but even though I was a little drunk myself, I grabbed the bottle before she could get it. "I think you've had enough wine today Y/n." I grinned and she pouted a bit. "But Nox..." she crooned, begging, which gave me goosebumps. "It's called Vox, my dear.." I grinned. "Nox is better. It sounds like a familiar name." She smiled which made me widen my eyes in perplexity. What is she talking about? There was no mention of Nox when we first met. I was so deep in thought that I didn't even notice that Y/n had sat on my lap. "Y/n don't.." "Sh sh." She said putting a finger on my lips. "Last time you just decided. Today I want to." She grinned, placing her lips on mine. I was a little shocked but also not averse to being kissed by Y/n. "You're so hot Vox.."  She pressed her lips to mine again and I picked her up while getting up to place Y/n on the table. I pressed my body against hers and slowly made her lay down on the large office table. Heated kisses arose between us and we spent the rest of the evening lustfully together.

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