Chapter 7

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Y/n's POV

More weeks have passed while I was living with the Vee's and I still don't know if I'm pregnant. Tired, I opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I yawned a little and stretched when I felt a kick in my stomach. Panic spread through me. I've been feeling something like this a lot lately, so I jumped out of my bed in a panic and ran to Valentino. Up to his sex dungeon where I simply ran in to sprint towards the pimp who was making himself comfortable on his couch. "Val!!! I think the kid kicked." I said frantically clutching my stomach. Val tilted his head back and took a long drag from his cigarette stick. He breathed the red vapor on me which made me cough a little and close my eyes. I fanned the steam away from me and when I opened my eyes again, Valentino was standing upright in front of me, looking down at me. "Y/n sweetie don't panic you're just imagining it." Val said walking past me. I shook my head quickly. "No it kicked, I swear!" Val exhaled angrily and turned back to me with a jerk. "Sweetheart, you're not pregnant." "How do you know that?" He came up to me grinning, put his four arms around me and played with my hair. I felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to move backwards but his grip remained firm. "Sweet, if you were pregnant your breasts would be bigger, they still look the same as before." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Besides, you're neither sick nor have you spit. Your tests are negative, I've had them checked." "What!!? I thought you broke those." "You thought." he grinned down at me. His one hand went up to my cheek and he grabbed it tightly to pull me even closer to him. "You owe me something for that.." he murmured and my eyes widened in shock. "Wohoho! Wait, you never mentioned that!" I grumbled. Which made him smile. "Oh, darling... You're Vox's little stray dog, not my friend who i like to help. I don't help a servant like you without reason." Such a bastard. I thought to myself after he said that. I folded my arms over my chest before looking up at the pimp invitingly. "What do you want?" I asked annoyed and he laughed. "Your autograph." Val said licking his lips, which gave me uncomfortable goosebumps. I immediately shook my head. "Nope, I'll never do that again. Besides, Vox owns my entire soul, so fuck you." I replied with a mischievous, teasing grin, which made him touch his chin in mock deliberation. "Then you're my little bitch from today on and you'll be with me all the time if Vox doesn't ask for you. You'll have a lot of fun, I assure you.." Val suggested, ruffling my hair, which only made me feel even more uncomfortable. "So you want a new Angel?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Nonsense. I want another Angel! It will be you, my love." "I'm not going to be one of your sluts!" I contradicted angrily. At that moment Vox and Velvette entered the room. They looked at us confused because I was still in my sleeping clothes and so close to Valentino. "Vox! Tell your little bitch she owes me a favor!" Valentino complained, sprinting straight over to Vox. "Shut up!!" I insulted the moth and Vox clicked his tongue in annoyance at our bickering. "It's too early for this shit." Vox murmured, rubbing his eyes. My gaze stopped on Val who looked at me sneakily before turning his attention to my boss. I knew what he wanted to say. "Vox, are you actually aware that Y/n almost got pregnant from you?" "VAL!!" I snapped at him but immediately became quiet and went over to Vox. Velvette, who was sitting on the couch, spat out her coffee in shock and coughed convulsively. "WHAT!!?" she said indignantly, looking at Vox who was still standing with his back to me. "Vox Sir.. I.. I'm sorry I didn't already-" "Quiet!" Vox interrupted in an angry voice. "Hah now she's finally getting killed." Val crooned behind me. "QUIET I SAID!" Vox shouted, with a slight flaw in his voice that worried me. The only time he spoke so choppily was when he was really angry. "Y/n!" he said in a commanding manner. He immediately looked to the back of his head and he turned around to face me. "Val!" he also called Valentino. He stood next to me and Vox looked at the two of us angrily. "Do you think I'm stupid?" he asked us in a serious voice. I immediately shook my head no. "No." Valentino replied for both of us. Vox nodded. "Mhm..And why do you think I have no idea what's going on here?!" he raged angrily, causing me to raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Did you know about my concern?" I asked confused. "Of course. Y/n there are cameras in this whole Building I have access to all of them. Do you think I'm missing out on the fact that you two often hanging out together? I've become suspicious." Vox replied, shrugging his shoulders, but then he looked up at Val angrily. "And why the FUCK aren't you telling me!!?" he complained to his partner, which made me grin triumphantly. "You don't have to grin so stupidly. Even though I should have been more careful in that case, you hid such important information and even lied to me!" Vox growled down at me and made our contract chain appear. He wrapped the chain that was wrapped around my neck around his hand and pulled me "I've thought of a nice punishment for you," he laughed dirtyly, which made me swallow nervously.

"And that you feed Lilo well!!" Vox laughed from the side while I was supposed to take care of his monster plant, which had almost digested me and Vox the last time. With a bit of luck I managed to do this and came back to my boss in a huff. He looked at me amused. "Good job Y/n." He grinned down at me, calming himself down a bit from laughing, and put his hand on my shoulder. Perplexed by this gesture, I looked at his hand, which he quickly removed when he noticed it. He cleared his throat and held the door open for me. "Go get changed again. You still have to take my coat to the tailor." Vox said a little embarrassed and quickly chased me into town after I had changed. It wasn't the first time I was alone in the city, but I still couldn't really find my way around. I didn't want to ask the people because, well, they're all assholes. A slight hissing sound became noticeable in my ears as a large, grinning shadow suddenly loomed over me. Shocked, I turned around to see a grinning man with red clothes, hair and black tips standing in front of me. He leaned forward slightly on his cane so he could look down at me with amusement. "You look a little distracted, little one." He remarked which made me grin nervously. "Yes.. I'm supposed to take my boss's coat to the tailor's shop but I don't really know where it is." I giggled, a little embarrassed, scratching the back of my neck. "Ahh what a coincidence! I'm also on the way to the tailor shop, come with me little one, I'll show you the way." He smiled politely and walked forward. I ran after him until I was at the same height as him. There was a slightly uncomfortable silence between us. "Would my beloved Navi tell me his name?" I grinned slightly teasingly which made him laugh in amusement. Then he looked down at me, slightly annoyed. "How about the scattered girl start?" He said which made me roll my eyes but my grin remained through his. Somehow it's contagious. "My name is Y/n I'm glad...?" I said my name and asked him to tell me his. "Alastor. It's an honor to meet you Y/n and to take you to the tailor shop." he grinned, introducing himself and stopping. Confused, I looked around and noticed that we were standing in front of the tailor shop. Alastor held the door open for me and I ran through it to hand over Vox's coat. "Dear, you just said that you should bring your boss's coat here. May I know the name?" He asked politely, grinning, to which I nodded slightly. "I guess so. I work for the Vee's my boss is Vox." I answered calmly, which made Alastor grin. His grin got bigger and scarier which made me take a few steps away from him. "Ehh.. A-Alastor..?" I stopped him and he shook his head slightly. "I'm sorry, dear, I was a bit absent at the moment. So Vox is your boss huh? Must be tiring." He said, giggling sympathetically. I tilted my head a little before answering. "Yes, but it's doable." I answered shortly. "Well then.. It was nice to meet you. We'll definitely see each other again." Alastor smiled waving and walked towards the exit with his coat. "Oh yeah, sure," I giggled and waved goodbye to him too. " he was a friendly young man." The seamstress grinned at me which made me nod in agreement. "So if I were you I would ask him out again.." she purred, making me raise an eyebrow. "Oh no! The young gentleman forgot his change here! Would you get this to him quickly? He certainly hasn't gone far yet." The seamstress asked me, to which I quickly nodded and ran after Alastor. Without looking, I walked in the direction Alastor was running and then bumped into someone. The collision caused me to fall slightly out of balance and I was stopped shortly before I fell. Alastor stood with a worried grin and leaned slightly over me. He had stopped me from falling by grabbing my hand and so he let me stand up again. "I'm terribly sorry Y/n. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, are you okay?" "Yes, everything is fine, I wasn't paying attention, I'm sorry." I giggled, slightly embarrassed, and handed him his change. "You forgot that." I smiled sweetly. "Oh thank you! That's why I came back. And because of a pretty young lady who was here in the shop." He grinned down at me and my cheeks heated up a little. "And did you find the lady?" I asked softly which made Alastor giggle. He nodded and took my hands in his. "Mhm, I did. She's standing right in front of me.." I was flattered but quickly pulled my hands out of his and shook my head frantically. "I'm sorry Alastor but this won't work.." "This?" He asked grinning with a raised eyebrow which only made my face redder. "So you think I want something from you?" He asked slightly teasingly, which made me look at the floor in shame, whereupon Alastor laughed and pushed my chin up a little. "I'm sorry, that was mean. I would be interested in .This. Too But if it doesn't work, then it doesn't work." He admitted understandingly, which made me nod slightly gratefully. "Thank you Alastor. see you." I staggered again before I went back to the tailor shop.

Alastor's POV

I watched her go back into the tailor shop and close the door behind her. My grin grew a little wider. She's an interesting and naive girl. I thought to myself. "So she works for Vox... Well then I'll come up with something nice.." I laughed cockily before sinking into the ground.

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