Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV

I've been under Vox's control for some Months now. I was repeatedly sent on small missions that didn't always have anything to do with killing, which meant I quickly got used to the working atmosphere. "Y/n!" Vox called me via a watch through which he could communicate with me. "Yes, sir?" I asked calmly, waiting for an answer. I was just walking through the halls to stretch my legs when I made my way to his office because Vox didn't answer. I opened the office door but found no one there. Not my boss or his two friends, nobody. Confused, I continued walking until the door was closed behind me. As I watched the sharks behind the glass in confusion, a hand suddenly placed itself on my shoulder. I started slightly but quickly saw that it was only Vox standing behind me. "Y/n.." he breathed in my ear. He was so close that I couldn't turn around and he pushed me against the office table while pushing my upper body onto the table. "Make me feel good whore!" He grinned hornily and rubbed himself against me. "Vox what the hell !?! Fuck off you pervert!!" I roared and was quickly turned so that Vox was now standing between my legs. "But I'm ordering you to satisfy me! And I would say you kneel down and I'll do the rest." he grinned harshly, wrapping his hand around my hair as he pushed me down to his cock level. He put his hand to his fly but just as he opened it I suddenly jumped up from my bed. I was breathing heavily and clutching my breath. "Fuck.." I mumbled, touching my forehead. "Y/N get your lazy ass into my office!! Now!!" Vox yelled at me through a microphone in my room. When the voice sounded I jumped a little, not because I was frightened but because what had just happened in my dream was bothering me. "What if Vox really want me to-.." I gave myself a slap in the face. "Nonsense! Vox wouldn't just fuck me! Or...?" I quickly got out of my bed and got ready to go to Vox. On the way I realized how familiar everything seemed. How I went to the office alone and Vox wants to talk to me. In front of the door I swallowed hard before opening it and going inside. "V-Vox.. S-S-S-Sir." I stuttered looking at my boss's empty seat. Suddenly a hand placed on my shoulder that made me jump violently. "Y/n." He breathed and I turned my head towards him in fear. "Why are you staring like that!" he complained defensively because he was dressed in a gardening apron with a water can. "What the fuck are you wearing?" I asked amused which made him look annoyed at my reaction. "We're both going to take care of all the plants in this building today!" He announced to me which made me groan in annoyance. I let my head hang back and Vox put the apron and water jug in my hand. "Let's get started! Water the plants and tamp the soil." He said and I tied my apron before watering the other office plant. "Why are you taking care of the plants and not one of your henchmen?" I asked confused doing what he told me. "Because I love taking care of plants." He replied, annoyed by my question and got up to walk out to the nearest plants. I was still working on one plant in the office, but somehow all the roots came up and were no longer covered by the earth. "Are you ready soon?" he asked annoyed, peeking his head through the door. He saw my confused figure sitting on the floor and came over to me, exhaling in annoyance. "Look. When the plants turn upwards like this, you have to push the soil from the side like this-" As he spoke he took my hands in his and lifted the earth from below to the roots. "-to cover it again understood???" he asked calmly and let go of my hands again. I nodded at him, perplexed by the sudden closeness. "Okay, now let's go. Make sure I don't need longer because of you." he complained, strutting out of the office in front of me. I ran after him nervously and before I left the office I slapped my cheeks once. "What the hell is wrong with me!!? Get a hold of yourself Y/n!" I said to myself and went to help Vox with the other plants. It went faster and faster until we reached the last room. He began to crack his wrists once and stretch slightly. I looked at this confused and imitated him uncertainly. Vox saw me copying him out of the corner of his eye and he grinned a bit. Then he put on his slightly annoyed face again before turning to me. "So we have to be clever here, make sure Lilo don't gets angry." He said and I raised an amused eyebrow. "Lilo?" I grinned and he slapped me lightly on the back of the head. "Shut up." he said walking towards the plant. I followed him and looked over his shoulder while he was tending to the plant. "Y/n, would you be ready to do something?" he snapped at me and I raised my arms, caught. "Okay, okay, I'm already there." I said laughing and wanted to clean the leaves of the plant with water. Meanwhile, Vox looked at me in shock. "Don't do that-!!" But it was too late. While I held the leaf in my hand, the flower head grew and I looked up at it in fear. Then it went black. "Vox? VOX!!?" I asked into the darkness. Something was tightly wrapped around me so I couldn't move at all, but there was another body next to me. "Stop screaming, I can hear you!" he snapped at me and shook himself a little, but the plant only wrapped itself around us even more. "What kind of plants do you have in this building!!!?" I snapped at him angrily and shook myself, but we were only pressed closer to each other. My feet got a little wet which made me look down in disgust. "Eww what is that!?" I asked disgusted. Vox exhaled in annoyance. "Can ya maybe shut up for a moment!!? I'm trying to figure out a way to get us out of here." He hissed at me which made me pout. "To answer your question, Lilo is currently digesting us." He replied casually which made me look shocked. I opened my mouth to say something but then didn't. "Fuck! I can't find my phone." he swore, fidgeting with his hands. Vox looked to the side in frustration but his gaze was directed at me from the side. He exhaled once in annoyance. "My phone is probably in my pocket. Do you think you can get it out of my pocket?" he asked me, reluctantly. Since we were so squished together it was easy to pull it out of his pocket. I nodded slightly and tried to rummage around in Vox pockets.. "Holding it!!" I said with a broad grin and he also breathed a sigh of relief. "Well can you turn it on??" He asked eagerly and I looked down at the phone. "Yes I can." I replied and noticed how this liquid was already on my knees. "Find Valentino's number and call him." Vox told me and I did what he said. It beeped a few times before it was accepted. "Vox darling, what's up?" Valentino asked a little out of breath and we could hear light clapping in the background. Vox rolled his eyes before answering. "Stop fucking for a moment and listen to me!" He said seriously and the clapping stopped. "You need to come down! Lilos room! Y/n and I are in process of being digested." Vox explained the situation and we waited for his answer. "Ugh it's bad right now Vox darling. Can you hold out a little longer??" He asked which made Vox growl. "NO!!? Get your ass down here and get us out! Then you can keep fucking!" Vox snapped at him lightly, which made me lean against the flower wall, annoyed by the pimp. A mistake because she growled loudly and shortly afterwards the flowers around us became even closer. "Agh!!" we made a painful groan, which now made Valentino react. "Fine, okay, I'm coming. Try not to die in the next 5 minutes, okay?" he said and hung up. I had to move one of my legs around Vox wich made him looked confused. I also felt uncomfortable being closer to him now, but my legs were squeezed in too much and so three legs were able to stay on the ground a little effortlessly. "Sorry but-" "It's fine." He answered, waving it off because he understood. The sap from the plant rose higher and higher which made me panic. "Vox I don't want to be digested by a plant!!" I said frantically which made him raise an eyebrow. "Valentino will come." He said uninterestedly before pointing out my worried look again. "We're not dying okay? Relax, somehow." He tried to cheer me up and I looked up at him intently. The flowers narrowed more and more and our bodies were squeezed tightly together. We were already up to our necks in juice and 5 minutes were definitely already over. "This little son of a bitch, where is he!" Vox hissed strainedly. "VALENTINO!!!" he shouted in my ear. "Can't we just tear the plant apart???" I asked, gasping for air. "No! This plant is sacred to me!! Valentino knows how to pick it up without hurting it." He said bluntly which made me open my mouth indignantly. "You are putting the life of this stupid plant above our lives!!!" I snapped at him and he looked down at me angrily. "Hey!! This plant is more worth than you, you little brat!!" he snapped at me, which now made me grumble angrily. The juice continued to rise and we took another deep breath before we were completely covered in flower juice. I grabbed a bit of Vox's clothes. I slowly lost my consciousness because I was slowly running out of oxygen when I heard a dull bang. Two bangs were enough before Vox and I hit the ground. Above our heads almost into mine a cartridge was shot into the plant and all the juice came out. As soon as I could, I took a deep breath and tried to stand up. The leaves fell down my shoulders and I could finally see light again. "Took you a long time!" I snapped angrily at the pimp. "Fuck you, you stupid bitch! I'm only here because of Vox. I would have happily let you die in it if I could!" He grinned angrily at me and leaned his upper body towards me. "Shut up, both of you!!" someone next to us suddenly shouted, causing Valentino and I to raise an eyebrow in confusion. "You motherfuckers killed my beloved Lilo." Vox growled angrily. He clenched his hands into fists and his screen began to flicker crazily. Vox sat up and I was just as disgusted by the slime that now stuck to me. "I'm going to kill you two for that!!" he shouted at us which made me look indignant. "excuse me!?" Val and I asked at the same time. "I didn't kill him!?" I snapped at my boss. "How many times have I told you to shut the fuck up today!" Vox whined at me, whereupon I immediately shut up. Valentino grinned at Vox complaining to me. But then my boss turned to the pimp. "And you!!" Vox said pointing a gun at Valentino. Now I was the one grinning and before I knew it, Vox was shooting around like a madman. Val and I hid behind a couch. "This is all your fault!!" I snapped at Valentino, whereupon he grabbed me by the shoulders and lifted me up with his long arms to stand right in Vox's field of vision. Vox targeted me and I panicked. "VALENTINO!!" I shouted, scared and before the shot could reach me, Val sat me down next to him again. "Don't blame me again you stupid bitch." he snapped at me and I pushed him out from behind the couch. Before Vox could shoot, I pulled Val back behind the couch. "And you don't insult me!" I warned pressing my index finger against his chest, causing him to wiggle his hand in annoyance. "Yeah, okay." He replied and I saw another gun behind the couch. I picked it up and reloaded it before standing up to aim it at Vox. Suddenly the door opened and Velvette came in. Confused that Vox and I are full of slime and Vox threatened me and Valentino with a gun and vice versa. She quickly snapped a photo and ran to Vox to knock the gun out of his hand. "Take off. Here's your new plant that you wanted." "is that exactly the same?!?" I questioned Vox, who was now eyeing me annoyed again. "Yes, why do you think the old one wanted to eat us? We actually wanted to let her die but apparently she was still alive." He explained which made me grumble. "And why did you want to shoot us!!??" "Because you're annoying me." He replied leaving the room. "Tom! Clean the shit up in here! And Y/n go do something useful." My eyes following him. "As you wish sir."

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