Chapter 9

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-Y/n's POV-

I looked back at Vox again before going into a small cubicle with this perverted man. As soon as we were in this there was a brief moment where everything was pitch black. Then I noticed how his hands found space on my waist. "Come here baby.." he growled horny, which gave me goosebumps. "Oh please take me." I purred in his ear but at the same time released his hands from me. "But with pleasure.." He replied and grabbed me tightly again, whereupon I placed my hands on his. "But before we have some fun, would you do me a favor?" "Anything you want, hot girl.." he whispered in my ear and agreed to our contract. I grinned, which he couldn't see through the darkness when the door suddenly burst open. "So the fun is over." Vox interrupted us, causing me to breathe a sigh of relief. "Please, my dear. Would you be so willing to sell your soul to my boss?" I asked breaking away from the man and standing next to my boss. He looked at me angrily and wanted to grab me when Vox stood in front of me protectively. This caused the man to grab Vox's arm which made my boss growl. "Did you just dirty my coat?" Vox asked in a menacing voice that even sent shivers down my spine. "What are you going to do about it, you flat-faced -." The man could hardly finish before Vox hit him in the face. The blow was so hard that the sinner immediately fell to the ground, unconscious. Vox straightened his sleeves before turning calmly to face me. "Everything okay?" he asked, albeit uninterestedly. I nodded slightly, which was enough for him and he looked past me briefly before pulling me close to him and kissing me. "And I was so worried about that cock groping you even more." Vox hissed, looking at the man in the cabin. "Well look who we have here." Teddy made his presence felt behind me. He looked into the cabin with amusement while Vox tapped on his watch, whereupon two of his employees took the man away. "You made a deal??" He asked me again just to be on the safe side, whereupon I nodded, which made him kiss my cheek with a smile. "Good girl, looks like you deserve a treat." grinned Vox mischievously. "Uhh, I'm looking forward to it." I crooned along, before we turned our attention back to the couple in front of us. "And did you get some big booty?" Ted asked, to which Vox just groaned in frustration. "One soul.. And how did it go for you???" Vox asked back. Matilda scratched the back of her neck sheepishly. "We don't have a single one... I was a little too careless." Matilda said ashamed and looked down. "Sweetheart, don't worry, you did very well." her husband cheered her up. The four of us talked to each other for a bit before everyone got up and went home. "Finally peace." Vox said, leaning relaxed against the inside door of the car. Next to him, I looked at him with a slight grin before turning my head back towards the road. "Oh, and by the way, I were serious about your tread." Vox said out of nowhere which made me look shocked. "S-Sir?? But that's not necessary." I said a little nervously, refusing the reward. I'm not that keen on sleeping with my boss again at the moment. "Oh yes, don't worry, I'll be very gentle with you." He purred, wrapping his hands around my head before pulling me close to his face. "Oh yes... I'll be very gentle with you.. At least I'll try." he laughed at the end and let go of me again. A little nervous, I leaned my head against the window glass and looked out of it to distract myself from Vox. After a while we arrived at the building where Vox went straight down to his recording studio. I wanted to follow him but he stopped me. "Velvette wanted to see you. Be so kind and please help her with what she's trying to do, okay?" He grinned at me before the elevator door ended our conversation and I headed to Velvette's apartment. When I got to the top there was a huge mess which left me perplexed. I was about to take a step out of the elevator when an arm flew past me. "VALENTINO YOU DISABLED SON OF A BITCH!!! STOP SMEARING MY MODELS!!" Velvette's sweet voice sounded in my ear, followed by Valentino's. "FUCK YOU I JUST HAVE BIGGER PROBLEMS THAN YOUR SHITTY MODELS!!!" he yelled back and then saw me which made him grumble in annoyance. "Not you again." he groaned annoyed, which made Velvette look confused. When she recognized me, she breathed a sigh of relief, gave Valentino another nasty look and ran over to me. "Y/n darling, you've come at just right on time! These good-for-nothings are sucking the last spark of creativity out of my fingers." she said, pulling me along with her. Valentino followed us and sat up his couch that was in front of us. "Vox said you needed my help with something. What can I do for you?" I asked confused. She exhaled slightly, unrelaxed. "That pissant over there ripped up my models because one of his whores got missing again." "NOT JUST ANYONE!!! ANGEL DUST! That damn SLUT!!!!" Valentino shouted angrily and destroyed a table that was next to him. "Can you just serve as my model, sweetie?" Vel asked distracting me from Valentino to which I nodded with a smile. She snapped once and suddenly I was standing there in a red dress. But she didn't like this and clothes after clothes followed. "THAT'S IT!!" she rejoiced once, clapping her hands. I woke up from my half-sleep and looked at her in surprise. I was now wearing a long black dress with a slit on one side. I looked at myself in a large mirror and really liked this dress. "You look sexy Y/n." grinned Valentino as soon as he had calmed down. "You know who this dress would totally freak out right now." he laughed amused as Vox entered the room. "Well him." Velvette laughed with the pimp which made me raise an eyebrow. I didn't fully understand but didn't pay any attention to it either and followed my boss with my eyes as he sat down on the couch next to Val. "You look good." He complimented me, whereupon I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, grinning nervously. "Oh man." Vel said as she watched me and continued to mess around. At some point she had almost made a work of art out of me and was cinching my waist ever tighter. "I... can't... breathe..." I squeezed out strainedly, whereupon she loosened the material on my hips a little again. I nodded at her gratefully when Vox suddenly looked up from his phone. "Are you ready now? Me and Y/n still have a matter to sort out.." Vox grinned mischievously at me while licking his lips slightly. I swallowed slightly nervously and looked away from my boss to Velvette. "Gross Vox!" Vel said indignantly while Val laughed. "I think it's hot. Velvette darling, should I give you one of my bitches so that Y/n and Vox can disappear for a moment?" Valentino suggested which I nervously said no. "Nonsense, don't stress, we can just wait." I said quickly. "What are you talking about Y/n. No no, you can go with Vox, I'll get a replacement for you." Val grinned meanly at me, knowing that I actually don't want to go with Vox. I looked at Val angrily but as soon as I could look, I was standing in front of the three Vees again in normal clothes. "Well then come on now Y/n." Vox crooned around and I followed him cautiously. We walked over to the elevators where Vox selected a floor that I've only been in once so far. After pressing the button he turned to me and gently pushed me towards the elevator door. His hands traced the contours of my face, making me swallow deeply. "V-Vox Sir.." "Shh... Don't worry, you'll like this a lot, I swear." he grinned extremely close to my face. Because of the proximity I thought he was kissing me so I closed my eyes. But nothing came. "What are you doing?" Vox asked confused, putting distance to me. Confused, I opened one eye. "How? I thought you wanted me to-" "Y/n.. first of not in an elevator. And seconds, that's not the kind of reward I had in mind." he laughed at my oversight which made me blush slightly. How embarrassing... I thought to myself as the elevator door suddenly opened. "Let's play a game of blackjack sweetie." Vox said while walking to one of the gaming tables. My eyes began to shine and I sprinted to Vox to jump around his neck. "Thanks!!!" I rejoiced before letting go of him and moving to the other side of the table. "With pleasure, dear. Oh, and I wouldn't be averse to your idea in the elevator either."

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