Chapter 17

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Y/n's pov

It was already early in the morning and soon it was time to open the casino again. We close the casino at 3 a.m. and reopen it at 10 a.m. So that the employees could get some sleep. According to Tiffany, they all only got half an hour at most to rest and I want to be better than ther old boss. A small signal from the automatic door tore me out of my thoughts. "Ah, Matilda, punctual as always! Would you be so kind and-" I paused as I wanted to turn to my employee and saw Vox standing there. My heart was racing a little but I kept a cool head and didn't want to look weak in front of him. I eyed him with mock annoyance and leaned against the poker table behind me. "Vox... nice to see you." I said coolly and narrowed my eyes a little. "Likewise..." he replied and an uncomfortable silence ensued. I wanted to bridge it but I couldn't think of anything to say. "How are you..." he mumbled, strolling around a little. "What do you want, Vox? Just get straight to the point." I said, feigning annoyance, and turned my gaze away from him. He looked at me in surprise and cleared his throat. "Well. We haven't heard from you for a while and I thought I'd stop by and-" "Vox." I interrupted him and slowly walked towards him. He watched every step I took very closely until I was standing right in front of him. We were only a few inches apart and, smiling, I put my arms around his neck. "Are you kidding me?" I asked him and my smile disappeared. I slapped him and took a few steps back. He held his sore cheek. "What the FUCK Y/N!!!!" he yelled, which made me laugh again. "Now you're the old Vox I remembered." I grinned and walked back to one of the gaming tables. He wanted to answer me but I raised my hand to stop him. "No matter what you say. I don't forgive you, Vox." I clarified, which made him look at the floor, irritated and hurt. "You put me out on the street knowing that I was completely alone." I looked at him angrily. I ran up to him again and angrily tapped him in the chest with my finger. "You arrogant piece of shit, you probably thought you could just throw me away! Well, you could, but look what I got!" I said, pointing across the casino. He looked down at the floor dejectedly and didn't answer. "Now please go. We're opening soon." I murmured firmly, looking him straight in the eyes. I clenched my hands into fists after saying that to his face. "Y/n..." he replied and put his hands on my shoulders. "I made a huge mistake, I know... And it's completely understandable that you don't forgive me. But please accept this gesture." He put his hand on my waist, pulled me close to him and pressed his lips to mine. In shock, my hands landed on his chest and before I could even react in any way, someone cleared their throat next to us. Matilda and Fabio were standing there, each with a stunned and mischievous face. "We're sorry. We didn't mean to disturb you. Are we coming at an inopportune time?" asked Matilda. "Yes, indeed. Now get lost!" answered Vox, which made me growl. He can talk to his souls like that, but not to mine. Matilda was ready to go back out, but Fabio stood there casually with a raised eyebrow. "Sorry Mister, but I only listen to my mistress's orders. If you think you can give us orders here, you're way off the mark." Fabio grinned cheekily and confidently, which Vox didn't like at all. Before he could say anything, I intervened. "Vox, go now. Ordering my employees to do something is my job. If you really need it, go and give your souls something to do." I grinned with my arms folded in front of my chest. Then I pointed to the exit and pushed Vox towards it. I accompanied him out to the door where Tiffiny and Asher were standing. "Who is that handsome guuuyyyyy!!" she gushed, jumping up and down excitedly. "Asher, please take her in with you, OK?" I begged and he nodded, picking her up, whereupon we were alone again. "Y/n, what can I do to make you forgive me?" he asked, turning to me. I ran my hand over my other arm. "I-I don't know, just give me some time..." He thought for a moment. "Let's have a nice evening today. Maybe have something to eat or something..." he suggested, which made me look shocked. "I just said that you should give me more time! You asshole. As if the first thing you think of is fucking me!?" "That's what you're saying. I just wanted to eat something." he grinned at me mischievously, which made me blush a little. "You son of a bitch. I'll be there..."

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